
Chapter 07

The brilliant light that had been there before started to fade away. Particles of bright light and a thundering sound of thunder accompany each other in space. Ensuring that everyone who comes within a certain distance receives a jolt, as well as cardiac workouts Eardrum-damaging buzzing for anybody who is susceptible. There were no clouds when we woke up, but they're there now. Butterflies and bees stayed away from the storm to avoid being struck by lightning. In fact, a bolt of lightning tore through the earth, creating a gaping crater in the surface. Four individuals, all of whom seemed to be unconscious, suddenly emerged. The specks of light in the room started to dim gradually.

Everyone except Allen, Rina, Yumi, and Hiro's eyes slowly fanned open. They sensed the four of them were exhausted after a lengthy trip. The dark-haired boy wiped his eyes as he saw the weather had returned to being sunny after being overcast earlier. Rina slowly blinked, followed by Yumi. Soft moans may be heard. Hands and feet are also being tested for their ability to be manipulated. When adjusting to a new environment, the lights flash rapidly. Hiro and his companions were treated to a breathtaking sight.

One after another, the sounds of birds chirping can be heard. Feel the wind blowing through your hair as you watch a flock of birds soars across the sky. Hiro was startled awake by the rustling of the grass in his ear canal. After that, he got to his feet and stood up. The young man with dark hair came up behind the trio. Hiro offered a helping hand, and Allen gladly took it. Rina and Yumi are next in line. Remove any filth that has accumulated on the limbs or clothing that has been worn.

It dawned on the four of them that the world they had just entered was a very different one. A palace could be seen from a distance, standing strong. The wood-framed wall extends over three kilometers.

"Are we in Isekai now?" Hiro asked himself. "I take back what I said. This is a completely different universe from the one I had in mind."

When compared to the short-haired female, who seemed surprised, the long-haired girl appeared perplexed. She massaged her brows as she looked at the boy with brown hair. Her irises glowed. This isn't a fantasy. Rina held her gaze on Hiro for a longer period of time than was customary for her. As a result, the brown-haired teen was startled by the stare.

In any case, Rina said, "How do you see our world?"

"What do you think? We've all seen movies when a wall appears around the whole area or anything like that. If you look at the landscape from this distance, you'll often see a vast ocean. Not to mention that we're discussing historical periods like the Middle Ages. Nevertheless, the design of this building seems... totally unique. Weapons like cannons and basilisks replace the lack of guardians. In addition, the fortifications of the castle rise to great heights. In the meanwhile, all that's left in the distance is the ocean," Hiro went on to explain.

"In other words, Hiro-san, you're quite knowledgeable about architecture," Allen said.

Hiro shifted his gaze to the gray-haired old man. Make a scowling expression yours. It sounded mocking to him. Hiro spends his free time reading architecture publications. His knowledge of form and design has grown as a result.

"However, he goes by the name Isekai. Architecture has a quirkiness about it that's quite natural. Take it easy if one aspect develops unreasonably. To put it another way, that's what I believe."

Hiro was referring to a combination of their current reality and things that will come later and smell like magic. The global map, as an illustration, will grow in size as time passes. It's possible that the structure represents just 3% of what they really know.

Allen and Rina would recall Hiro's remark. They'd just learned something new, and now they were sharing it with each other. Especially at his current age, which has not altered from his former existence. For Allen, the concept of reincarnation is purely conceptual. Metempsychosis is the simple transfer of soul and body into their own realm.

Yumi, on the other hand, was shaking her head in amazement. She had no idea she was wearing the skirt from his high school's pep rally. In striking contrast to Hiro, Yumi, and Allen's clothes, this one is all black. A set of gray armor with a sword slung over his right wrist adorned Hiro's body. Rina was dressed in a long skirt suit that exposed her thighs' cleavage, as well as brown leather shoes. Allen, on the other hand, was decked up in a western shirt and a pair of scuffed boots. When put to use, the size is perfect and nimble. In addition to his belt, his waist is swathed in two revolver handguns.

Allen's brows furrowed as he said this. His brows are furrowed and he has a gaping mouthful of saliva. Was stunned by what the elderly gentleman had described. A group of people was heaving sighs, and Allen could hear them. It turns out that Yumi had gotten her hands on some clothing that had been deemed to be too basic by the other party. Unlike Rina, who is still stunned by this look. The long-haired girl bent her knees and wore a gold brace on her legs. She rubbed her thighs in frustration as she fumbled with her outfit decision. The two main characters, Hiro and Allen, both looked away from her face. They have no desire to look at her any longer. Feels embarrassed about her looks. Yumi walked up to a stunned Rina and try to praise her by using her thumb finger.

"What in the world are you talking about? My clothing didn't come out the way I expected them to!" Screaming, she held her head up and ruffled her hair.

"Ricchan, simply accept the 'gift' from the Goddess and stop fighting it. You look nice in your clothing, "Yumi couldn't help but chuckle out loud.

"It's not something I want to do! This kind of clothing does not appeal to me at all! Later, I'll be the object of lustful gaze from males. At the end of the day, I shall be repeatedly raped. Does it matter if something bad occurs to me?" Rina's voice became louder and louder.

"Is that it?" said Hiro and Yumi.

Allen was taken aback and shook his head. The large, robust tree may be seen while gazing left. After a few taps, the grey-haired elderly guy reached out and touched it. His skin was rough, and he could feel the life force that pulsated through it. Allen's mouth was open in a crooked grin. After he was done knocking, he went up to the three troublemakers. He was going to walk up to them when he caught a whiff of something acrid. The long-haired teen does not like the way her nose smells.

"Dear Allen-san, please. Put an end to your creepy glances, "Rina had a scowl on her face.

"Not at all. I think you walked on something, didn't you? "Allen shook his head and pointed his index finger to the spot where Rina had trod.

The laces on Rina's shoes had been unbuckled. There seems to be a thin layer of new, bright yellow dirt on the surface. The odor is strong and resembles that of animals who have defecated recklessly. Rina's displeasure was evident as she scraped her shoes on the pavement.

'What happened to tell me there was dirt beneath my shoes?' he said. Allen was startled by Rina's yell.

"The reason for this is because you have a low sense of awareness of your surroundings. Make a big deal out of what you're wearing. You've lost track of time "Hiro scoffed.

Rina was enraged by Hiro's remarks. The knuckles on my fist were more brittle. The brown-haired teen's face was punched. He also struck her hard, and she was hurt as a result. Hiro's screams of agony could be heard throughout the room. A huge tree has fallen. Wood chips, porous as may be, are present as well. Allen's astonishment was evident.

"You otaku irritate me," She growls into Hiro.

Rina's cheeks swelled with pride. Don't forget to hold Yumi's hand. There was a look of befuddlement on the pony-haired girl's face as she pondered the emotions and behaviors of her best friend.

"Ricchan, you've reached the end of the line. As I mentioned before, Hiro-san was just kidding."

Rina knelt down before her, a wistful expression on her face.

"Neither Rina nor Yumi need to consider it since it's already decided. Man needs amusement from time to time due to his dark background," Allen shrugged as he nodded in agreement with Rina's statement.

"O-ojouchan you said?" Rina said, her eyes wide open. For the time being, she set it aside. "Greetings from Japan, by the way. Have you ever previously lived in that area?" said Rina with a puzzled look on her face.

Allen nodded slowly, hearing Rina. As a result, he made an effort to resume his usual persona. The gray-haired elderly guy cast a sideways look at Yumi, who was busy shielding Hiro from the blow that had just struck him.

As if on cue, a buzzing sound sent shockwaves across the four brain's neurons. Hiro, Allen, Rina, and Yumi all clenched their teeth and groaned in agony together. It's like trying to knead a piece of plastic so hard that the surface cracks.

Rina greeted them with a cheery "Good morning," as Hiro and Yumi gritted their teeth through the agony.

Allen smiled and said, "Good morning."

A Goddess appeared on the pavilion's stairs. Wearing a headpiece, long blonde hair wrapped in thick white linen, and holding a gold-carved eagle stick. Five bands wrap around the top of the head. There are circular light beams emanating both from pupils in the eyes, which have a dark red color. His body is invisible to the naked eye when seen from a distance. Additionally, you can communicate telepathically.

"It's amazing how much everyone knows, isn't it?"

"Naturally, I say. Ultimately, we're all just humans..." Hiro's stillness was broken by Rina's hasty head slap. The guy rubbed the back of his neck.

"We, the four of us, are grateful to you for landing and reawakening us. In order for us to be able to come together here. It's for our own good that you and the gods brought us here," Allen addressed the Goddess's concerns, saying it.

Despite this, Rina mused to Hiro, "Even if our previous discussion seemed a little forced."

Infuriated by Rina's remarks, Hiro walked away from the table. "What are you talking about, exactly? Grandma, stop being such a pain in the neck."

"What just happened? Please don't say that to Granny again, or the shoes will fly at you."

Relax, Ricchan, and Hiro-san! Using her best high-pitched voice, Yumi made an attempt to mediate between the two conflicting sides.

"Okay," Rina and Hiro both said at the same time.

Allen let out a sigh of relief. After then, the gray-haired elder closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. After clearing her throat and adjusting her vocal cords, the blonde-haired beauty spoke clearly.

"Okay. I know what you're thinking. It's true that the world you will inhabit is going to be different from the one we inhabit. Now that's a tall order for four people on our planet. Your role in the story is irrelevant whether you're the main character or the antagonist. go on with your regular routine. As long as we are not interfering with your life, we shall refrain from doing so "denoted by Goddess.

As long as we are not interfering with your life, we shall refrain from doing so," denoted by Goddess.

"Even if the old world was different here,"

It's okay if you people are having fun in this new world, even though the old one was quite different from this one," Goddess smiled.

"How long is it between this planet and the last one?" Allen was perplexed and inquired.

"Here, a day lasts for exactly ten minutes. If 300 minutes in a month equals a month," she opined.

It's just been five hours? The four of them murmured to each other about the speed of time. Allen, on the other hand, pondered the world they could live in now. Knowing the truth made Yumi and Rina cry. The difference in time zones means it's impossible to communicate.

"Assuming this is the case, Rina Shirasaki and Yumi Hitomachi should be able to keep tabs on one another's whereabouts. Powers appear at random "said the Goddess who showered them with light.

Both Rina and Yumi gave a hesitant nod in agreement. The blonde-haired Goddess suggested it, so I did. Hiro and Allen took a look at the two of them as a whole. Make sure they don't make incorrect choices in the future.

Nama: Rina Shirasaki

Umur: 17 Tahun

Ras: Otherworlder

Level: 1

Ability: [Summon Monster Lv S+] [Book of Creator]

Skill: [Thunder Resistance]

"Do you want to call a monster? Is she a summoner, then? Having the ability to summon monsters is a huge advantage "Hiro added something to the conversation.

"There is some truth to what Hiro-san says. When I see your status, I'm torn between happiness and confusion. What if we give T-Rex a call?" As recommended by Yumi.

"Keep T-Rex away from me, please! Alternatively, if you're so desperate to die, then do it yourself!" Hiro and Rina, in unison, flatly declined, saying nothing more.

The ponytail-haired girl laughed. When Allen saw Rina Shirasaki's [Thunder resistance] ability, he took notice. It implies that the woman with long hair is impervious to the effects of lightning. He was also keeping tabs on Yumi's whereabouts at the same time.

Nama: Yumi Hitomachi

Umur: 17 Tahun

Ras: Otherworlder

Level: 1

Ability: [Resurrection Spell] [Healing Magic]

Skill: [Monk's Aura]

In addition, what's the [Monk's aura] talent like? Allen was perplexed and inquired.

"I'm stumped... I'm unsure about that. When I went to check on my status, it said as follows," Yumi's reply was sweet and innocent.

When Allen rubbed the hair off the back of his neck, it came out sounding like a low-pitched grumble. In search of the significance hidden underneath all of that authority. The term monk, he asserts, has the meaning of a monk. But why did the monk have such a strong aura? Is it possible that the skill's power may boost your abilities to their absolute limit? Or do those words have any additional significance? Allen was eager to put their abilities to the test. Yumi's throat tightened as she swallowed due to the glare from both of his eyes. Well-prepared in terms of mental fortitude to deal with the grizzled elder.

"In any case, your talents and skills will most certainly improve with time. In other words, do not stop honing your abilities " Goddess raised her index finger and stated.

The blonde-haired Goddess' telepathy slowly faded away. While Hiro and Rina both wanted to shout 'wait!', the lines of communication were instantly closed. There was no more debate about what would happen to the two young ladies.

Yumi and Rina exhaled a sigh of relief a little time later. They fell into a passionate hug right away. Not inquiring about their destiny after Rina prayed for Yumi.

When Hiro saw what the two females were doing, he nodded incomprehension. The brown-haired boy's smile was returned coldly by Rina, who answered the brown-haired youth's look coldly. Hiro's stomach dropped as he realized what had happened. A powerful wind blew over the four of them, creating an uncomfortable environment. Until Allen abruptly ended the conversation.

"Rina, just so you know. Something has been nagging at me recently," Allen had something to say about it.

'What's that?' I inquired curiously. Rina gave a straightforward response.

The question cut Hiro to the chase: "Are you... a fan of Yuri?"

Allen yelled out with astonishment, "Hiro!"

Yumi and Rina exchanged a grimace. Particularly Rina, who is tweezing her ears furiously. Making sure Hiro's remarks weren't misheard by the long-haired girl.

"Wait, what were you saying?"

If you're a lesbian or a Yuri fan, I inquired if you were. Hiro inquired in a nonchalant manner.

Hiro was brutally struck in the face by Rina, who had heard it twice. He slammed into him repeatedly, his face contorted in anger. Hiro's temple was grazed by the second blow. This blow was louder and had more participants than the previous one. Yumi exhaled heavily. I didn't consider the question to be that rude when I asked it. Allen, on the other hand, smacked himself in the forehead in frustration. There were certain inferences that the gray-haired elderly guy might make, though. The friendship between people from the west and east has a particular allure. According to Allen, this is the first amicable relationship he's ever witnessed on the globe. Nevertheless, his grandson's account claims that he came into a similar situation. People from the east, to be more precise. Up until Rina said anything.

"Neither of us nor Yuri, Hiro, identify as lesbians. For most of us, having a partner is just part of life."

There is truth in the statements made by Ricchan! In agreement with Rina's assertion, Yumi stated the same.

After that, they formed a tight circle around the guy. Looking attentively at the young man with dark hair. Don't ask the same question again. Yumi and Rina both turned to look at Allen, who was frowning slightly. Strictly avoiding any reference of their past connection with the gray-haired elderly guy After that, both of the females turned their backs on Hiro, glaring at him.

"When did I start enjoying the same kind of sex again? What the heck are you talking about? I guess I watch far too much yuri anime! "Rina chimed in, and Yumi followed suit, hurrying up to meet Hiro.

"That's OK. Yes, I see what you mean. You people have no business approaching me in that manner. You should know that I'm uneasy."

Hiro made a surrender motion with his hands to the females' admiring gazes. Allen, on the other hand, burst out laughing. Patted Yumi on the shoulder twice as soon as he could. To the ponytail-wearing girl, I whispered. As soon as Yumi nodded, the three of them came to the conclusion that they should put a stop to this pointless discussion. What Hiro and Allen accomplished was perfect. Rina and Hiro's attentions were drawn to his social standing.

Nama: Yumi Hitomachi

Umur: 17 Tahun

Ras: Otherworlder

Level: 1

Ability: [Resurrection Spell] [Healing Magic] [Holy Spell]

Skill: [Monk's Aura] [Speed Boost]

Yumi Hitomachi's newfound ability astounded Allen. A combination of [Holy Spell] and [Speed Boost] makes up this ability. Allen nodded to show his comprehension. He mumbled something about wanting to play around with Yumi and Rina's abilities from time to time.

"Excuse me," Allen replied, taking ten steps back.

A handgun appeared in Allen's hands at that point. Pointing the gun towards Yumi with the other end of the magazine. The shot from the pistol was audible. Allen's actions came as a complete surprise to Rina and Hiro, who were left with buzzing ears. Yumi's two eyes were glued on the stray bullet in front of them. With her knees slightly bent, the ponytail girl's legs erupted with white magic runes. Thunder poured from his soles as he stood there.

"[Speed Boost]!" exclaimed Yumi.

By shifting her body to the side as Yumi said it, she effortlessly avoided the attack. After that, he began to stamp his feet and move even faster. Allen was hit in the face with a punch. He, on the other hand, refused to budge. The chin of the gray-haired elderly guy was lifted, but his eyes were blazing with rage instead. Yumi was taken completely off guard. I made the conscious decision to tone down the force with which I punch. Breathe in and out slowly.

"So? Has Allen-san's request been met to your satisfaction?" Yumi put on a happy face as she spoke.

"Very satisfying," was Allen's unequivocal response.

Yumi's shoulders dipped as she took in Allen's compliments. I appreciate your kind words. While this was going on, Rina frowned as the gray-haired elderly guy complimented her on her acting skills. In addition to Hiro, there was a long-haired female there as well. However, Rina snatched her clothing from her grasp. 'It's been a long time since I've had the opportunity to be challenged by someone like you, Allen.'

"What if I do what your best buddy does?"

"That is the way things are. Was that still possible?" Rina said, her shoulders slumped and her right eye flinching in confusion.

"Also, me! I Want to win against Rina!" said Hiro, his voice filled with excitement.

He adjusted his shabby clothing as he reloaded the gun's magazine. Keeping a wary eye on Rina and Hiro, he said. Rina and Yumi are, as one would imagine, longtime friends who also happen to be fierce competitors. And it wouldn't be so terrible if they could communicate with one another, Allen mused aloud. Hiro, on the other hand, needs further investigation. Still haven't found the perfect one. In the end, Allen started talking.

"That's all I have time for now. Let's be kind with Rina and Yumi for the time being, okay? We don't want to attract the attention of the opposition, do we? Particularly Hiro Sakaki-san," Allen drew his index finger toward the brown-haired boy.


"Yes, you read it correctly. I'll confess that your numbers beat out mine and the other two's combined. But bear in mind that your magic and physical prowess will not be enough on a battlefield. Attacking with both your intellect and instinct may be effective at times. he was killed in action. And that's something I don't want to happen again," Allen made the statement.


Allen acknowledges that the pain of losing a soldier remains with him to this day. His blood rushed through his veins at a breakneck pace. His fingers started moving on their own. For Allen, this was his first encounter with what he now knew as death. The white-haired elderly guy closed his eyes. Slowly take in and expel air from the chest cavity.

"Are we clear?" Allen pressed for clarification a second time.

"Okay, let's get this over with! And I will, regardless of whether or not you say anything!" Hiro let out a frustrated groan. He dislikes it when a new person, such as Allen, gives him advice.

Rina was once again the focus of the admirer's attention. A displeased expression appeared on the face of the long-haired teen.

"Rina Shirasaki-san is the next character you'll encounter. You're displaying an excessive amount of emotion. It's alright, Hiro's remarks have already inflamed you. You must let go of Yumi for both of you to flourish! You should know that this is for you."

"Hey, you, old geezer. Do you have the authority to give me advice like that because you're my father?" Rina immediately began speaking in a high-pitched tone of voice.

She pleaded with: 'Stop, Ricchan!' Yumi gently begged her not to engage in combat.

Yumi attempts to serve as a go-between between Rina and Allen, as well as Yumi and Yumi. Hiro came to my aid. Regrettably, both sides are heating up. There was no way Rina or Allen were going to compromise.

"In the absence of doing so, though, what are your options for survival?" Nothing about it suggests it's in the Amazon or—" Yumi cut off Allen.

"Stop it, you three!"

The three of them fell silent at Yumi's cry. Hiro, who was supposed to be assisting Yumi, was instead fiddling with his fingers and looking terrified. Rina's brow furrowed as she bowed her head. While Allen was straightening his clothing. The man's gaze was drawn elsewhere.

"Please, don't get into a fight amongst you three! Keep in mind: what are we doing here for? Do not be hard on the three of us, Allen-san. Your motives are honorable, to be sure. However, we're still in our adolescent years. And we need it to survive."

"Allen, Yumi is quite correct. You're neither my father nor my grandpa, and that's a distinction that doesn't matter. But at least you have us as allies. In addition to races from other planets. Hey Allen, don't forget about it.

To Allen's astonishment, Hiro's comments caught him off guard. He'd forgotten that he'd made three new pals in the form of these three. Not a successor or colleague while he was a merc. Geez! They made fun of me and called me names. Allen sighed and thought to himself, "How pitiful."

"Sorry. I'm running a little behind schedule and can't contribute right now. I had forgotten that the three of you are my new companions. I apologize for this oversight. At least for the time being, "Allen made the comment. After then, the gray-haired elder man's throat was cleared. "All right... let's go into town." As long as you're not looking for essential information, who knows what you'll find?"

The three young people nodded in agreement with Allen's assertions. Yumi's assertiveness serves as a harsh lash to Hiro's will to keep going. Unknown to the young man with dark hair, his parents had perished and he'd never seen them again. Meanwhile, Rina made the conscious decision to avoid provoking the ponytail-clad female.

Hey guys! I'm Back. Sorry to make a fuss today. Usually, I'm totally confused at the same time. Maybe because too busy to make my own project until I forget.

No matter for me. At least, I tried to read more until felt satisfied in Webnovel. What the hell am I talking about? Lmao.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Dimas_Pratamacreators' thoughts