
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

ashenlight · その他
17 Chs

Chapter 15: New survivor

After traveling through the destroyed road of the university, they finally reached their destination. The restaurant and the logistic team were quick to move and raided the place, first going to the food storage where preserved-long long-lasting food was stored finding dozens of bags of rice, fresh vegetables, and much more.

While the logistics were scavenging for food, the Soul Evolvers were on the lookout, constantly covering the grounds outside and inside the building.

Bai Zemin who was staying near the logistic team heard a sound on the other side of the building, the side where his team hadn't gone near or checked.

Expecting a stray zombie Bai Zemin unsheathed his sword and walked towards the source of the sound, turning to the corner and brandishing his sword he found two survivors scared out of their wits and raising their hands.

"We mean no harm!" "Please don't kill us!" After assessing that the two didn't have any weapons Bai Zemin lowered his sword.

"Did you two come here before us?" Bai Zemin was sure every entry to this place was guarded by the rest leaving to suspect they were here before them.

"Y-Yes, we were just scavenging for food but after hearing many footsteps we decided to hide in the hope you would not find us" A man with glasses explained.

"I see, are you in a group?" Bai Zemin continued to ask

"We were, but after our leader, the only one who can fight disappeared, the base had no protector so everyone went into panic, some rose to fight and managed to keep the zombies at bay but barely"

"Some like us separated from the group because we were scared what killed the King was going to the camp and killed the rest of us" The guy who said king unconsciously swore beneath his breath.

"King?" Bai's confused voice was apparent.

"Yeah, the guy who protected our camp was an asshole who forced everyone to call him king if not they would be thrown in a horde of zombies and watched being eaten" The guy explained, Bai Zemin heard footsteps and saw Hu Zhu appear around the corner

"Someone reported they heard a noise here and You went to check it out but didn't go back for a short time" Hu Zhu turned her gaze to the two men who were looking at her in a daze.

They thought they were in the afterlife after seeing a goddess like her appear in their eyes, but they snapped out of their daze and returned to explain.

"Anyway, The King also forced female students and teachers who were beautiful to be in his harem, even if they didn't like it they were dragged into his bedroom, but were treated the best getting decent food and sleeping on actual beds" All the people present were disgusted by such thing.

"Trash.. who is this 'King' you talk about," Hu Zhu said with cold eyes but a hint of disgust was in her voice.

"Qiao Long is his name" The guy who was quiet said.

Hu Zhu's eyes of disgust quickly dissipated and changed to normal, Bai Zemin noticed the change and asked

"You know him?"

"We stumbled upon each other and he invited me to his camp with lecherous eyes, so I killed him" This revelation surprised the three people, The two survivors were stuck between whether they should thank killing Qiao Long or resent her because she was the indirect cause of their camp being in the more sorry state than it already is

"Thanks for killing him, he was an ass to even talk to" The two survivors chose to thank her instead.

Remembering the prideful aura and disgusting eyes of Qiao Long, Hu Zhu can hardly imagine keeping up with such a person daily without decapitating him.

"Can you lead us to the camp?" Bai Zemin wanted to recruit everyone in that camp, having more survivors was no problem now since they had an abundance of food that would last a couple of months.

"Sure, but can we join your group?" Both assets that rather than working like a 'monarchy' system, this group seemed to be working more like a community, and probably is giving out food on a daily rather than Qiao Long's group giving out food inconsistently.

"More hands are welcomed in this group, but we do not tolerate leeches who laze around" Bai Zemin warned.

"We promise we'll be helpful in anything within our capability"

"Good" All of them returned to the group along with the two survivors.

The two survivors surprised the group but welcomed the surprise their names were He Yuhan, a tall and fit young man in his twenties, and Xu Fen, a skinny young man wearing glasses.

After completely raiding the restaurant they moved on to the camp of He Yuhan and Xu Fen, thankfully it was only a short walk away. Arriving at the camp was based inside a multi-floor building, He Yuhan knocked on the front double door and a voice came from the other side.

"Who's there!"

"Shen Ling! it's me" He Yuhan replied, recognizing the voice a young man opened the door with a shocked look.

"Yuhan, Xu Fen, you returned? I thought you two decided to go nomad" He hugged both of them but turned his sight to the new survivor group.

"Who are you guys?" Shen Ling cautiously asked.

"Shen, they are the new survivor group we joined, they wanted your group to join theirs" Hearing He Yuhan's statement his caution went up, remembering the last time Qiao Long went into power.

Seeing Shen Ling's expression, Hu Yuhan reassured him "Don't worry this group operates on a communal system rather than the Qiao Long's system, the harder you work the better food you get"