
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · アニメ·コミックス
94 Chs

Short Sparring

"Do you know where we are going, Ageas-kun?" Tione asked me after both of us walked outside of the room. "Of course not. This is the first time I come here." I said without any remark to where we're walking.

"Before that, Where's your room again?" I asked her which she quickly became angry. "I just reserve my body for captain!!" She said while her face became somewhat mad.

"Who said that? I asked about Tiona. She's there isn't she?" I said which her berserk seems to die down. "Oh, this way then." She said showing the way. 'isn't that too fast?' I thought while looking at her.

We walked to the girl dorm and got attention from many girls around but with Tione here, no one dared to approach. We stopped at some random door and Tione looked at me.

"Tiona-san, it's me." I said at the door but no response whatsoever. "I won't fall from your trick anymore. Stop imitating his voice. *sob* *sob*." Tiona said while crying.

I looked at Tione in confusion but she only smiled wryly toward me. "Open up, or I won't make any food for you ever again." I said toward the door which I could hear something fall to the floor followed by footsteps toward the door.

"Prove it." I could hear someone said right at the door. I sighed and pulled out one of the food. The door quickly opened and she looked at me intensively "Are you... are you really Ageas-kun?" she asked while inspecting every corner of my body.

I flicked her forehead which made her head flicked back and she cover her forehead "It hurts." she said. "What made you shut yourself in your room like that?" I glare at her.

"I.. aa... I... I thought you hated me." She said pouting while avoiding eye contact. "Hah~, now eat first. You haven't eaten anything, right?" I said while wiping the tears on her face.

"You... you really are, Ageas-kun, right? It's not an illusion right?" Tiona said while enjoying the attention I gave to her. "Anyway, where's your cheerful self go to?" I said smiling at her.

She nod and smile before taking the plate on my other hand. "Ais had reach level 6!!!!" Loki shouted loud enough to be heard around the mansion. Quickly every girl running toward Loki's room leaving only Tione, Tiona, and me there.

"Right, now. Tione-san, Let's go to Finn's workroom." I said which Tione quickly nodded and showing the way. "Wait for me!!" Tiona said while eating her food along the way.

Without long, Tione already knocked to his room "Captain!!" She shouted but no answer could be heard. "Hah~ He's not here." Tione said feeling sad while walking away from the door.

"Ah, Tione. Wait for me!!" Tiona said but glancing back and forth to me and Tione. She confused why I still standing there. "Finn, I'm coming in." I said and opened the door.

Inside the room could be seen that Finn sitting at his table while writing something. "Ah.. Ageas. What can I help you with?" He said while still writing.

I walked inside and take a sit with Tiona following behind me. Looked like Tione already took another run toward other directions searching for Finn.

"I want to spar since the next expedition. I would be attending." I said while Tiona surprised behind me. Finn already stopped writing and sit opposite me.

"Yeah, I already heard the news from Loki-sama. You got my thanks for it. I can now make a formation for the low level members to get fighting experience for it." Finn said showing his gratitude.

"Then, mind if I ask some of your time?" I said grinning at him. Finn back smiled at me, understanding my words.


Finn and I already stand in the training ground with no one using it. Loki already announced that all her familia should attend there to watch the fight from the side.

"Are you not going to use your swords?" Finn said hugging his spear. I shook my head "I kinda want to use another weapon." I said to him.

Looking around, other members from Loki Familia already gather around and whisper one another. "Usually I won't fight while being watched like this but I owe you one for accepting this sparring session." I said while lifting my right hand up to the air.

Gate of Babylon opened automatically spouting green lighting from it. Meteor spear, like usual, made its entrance to my hand. I took my stance to get ready while Finn still stood there.

"Aren't you too confident here?" I said to him while disappeared from his sight and appeared behind him. I use Meteor Spear to stab him but he quickly flinched realizing I'm behind him and quickly bend his body to the left, avoiding my stab.

He quickly took a distance from me after avoiding my strike but I got a few of his hair. "Still confidence?" I said to provoke him. Finn stopped his smile and looked at me seriously.

We stare for a moment before both of us disappear from everyone's sight and clash in the middle, greeting each other.

The fight was a blur for some people but for us both, it's a combination of offense and defense. We trade blow in turn since it's not fighting to the death. I lower my speed a little matching Finn without him realizing.

Soon each of us find an opening in each other and used it to attack but our attack met each other which resulting in a stalemate between us.

We push each other and took some distance, resetting the situation. "Thank you for the guidance, Finn. I won't forget this one. You really are strong." I said throwing Meteor Spear up to the Gate of Babylon but then another spear came out beside me.

A red spear came out slowly humming like a heart pumping. "But looked like, I need another guidance for this one." I said taking out Gáe Bolg and took a different stance.

'His aura changed.' Finn thought when looking at Ageas. Soon the spar continue but Ageas movement became wilder. It's as if he's fighting with instinct. He would take a gamble dodging to strike rather than parry or blocking.

'His fighting style also changed too much.' Finn thought gritting his teeth while dodging each and every strike. The people at the side became speechless at the sight.

"Nee.. Tione. This is a spar right?" Tiona asked her sister while both of them glued their eyes to the fight. "I should ask you in this one. He is level 3 right?" Tione said to Tiona.

This time the fight took a longer time and leave scratch here and there for both of them.

"Looked like we should ended it here." I said after took a distance from Finn. I could feel the knowledge had been tempered down to my body. "Yeah, it would be a great help for us when you help in the next upcoming expedition." Finn said after controlling his breath.