
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · アニメ·コミックス
94 Chs

Beach, Swimsuits

"Now, you should rest up." I said while putting Tiona to bed. "Bache-san. Here, sleep with me." Tiona said while giving a light pat on the bed. "Emm.. Tiona. I don't know if I can. Can I really? I mean.. Master hasn't given his order yet. What is he asked me to sleep with him? I mean.. I'm not ready.

No.. It doesn't mean I won't. I'm sorry Master. I will sleep with you." Bache quickly said by herself. "Stop taking your own conclusion!" I said while slapping her with a paper fan that I don't know where I put it even when did I make it.

"Ahaha... Ageas. Bache-san always gets like that when she's excited." Tiona said while laughing. Bache blushing again after being revealed her true nature to the other. "Hah~... Everyone. Dinner and then back to sleep. We need to submit the quest tomorrow to the guild branch in Melen. Ah! I forgot about Loki-sama invitation. So tomorrow is a day off. Everyone could take a look around the city." I said while taking out food for everyone.

For some reason, Tiona could suddenly move and sat beside me before taking her portion. "Eat slowly!" I said to her before she started eating.

Everyone then started eating except one. "Bache, stop staring. Just eat or you will end up like Revis." I said toward Bache. "What is that got to do with me?" Revis said snapped at me while continue munching her food.

"Emm.. Master.." Bache murmured. "I told you to stop with the master. Ageas.. Just call me Ageas.." I said while ignoring her. "Em! Ageas.. Is it okay to trust me this much?"

"It's okay, Bache-san. Ageas might look cold right now because of the recent event but he will warm up soon enough." Tiona said toward Bache. "Nn! Ryuu-san, also said that." She said whispering to Tiona.

Bache looked for a second toward Ryuu. She felt Bache's gaze, which made Ryuu looked at her confusingly but then smile at her.


"Good Morning!!!!!" Someone quickly destroyed my room door. "What is it this time!!!?? This is the fourth time!!" I quickly yelled and Loki is the one entering.

"Oho~... Ageas..-kun~ Mind if I switch place with you!? I mean look at the number of people in the bed. Ehehe~ Ehehe~.." Loki started showing her pervert side.

"Hah~ What is it, Loki-sama?" I said while clutching my head and looked around the room. For some reason, Samira and Lena got calmer when Bache is around. I have to thank her for that.

"Do you forget? We have some date plans to do. Ehehe...." Loki said with a glint on her eyes. "Date!? Ageas and Loki-sama?" Haruhime said in surprise while smoke started to came out from her head.

"Come here, quick!" Loki said grabbing both my arm and Tiona's leg and start running outside. "Oi, Loki-sama. I know you're planning something right?" I said while running behind her.

She still ignoring me while keep running toward the East side of Lolog Lake where all her familia member is waiting but for some reason. Only female is around the place "Loki-sama.... What are you planning to do!?" I started to become scared. Some of the members eyeing me as if a tiger sneaking on its prey.

"Tione!! Take care of Tiona!" Loki said throwing the sleeping Tiona to her sister. "Ageas... Come this way." Loki said while dragging me into the woods.

"You see, Ageas-kun. Do you spot who's missing on the crowd back then!?" She said while breathing heavily. "How could I see when everyone is wearing swimsuits!?" I said being honest that I can't focus by so many females around.

"Then.. Come here. Don't make a sound." Loki said while we're walking around the crowd to some spot in the woods. Loki pointing her finger at someone that still hasn't wear her swimming suits.

It's Riveria that still looking at her swimming suit, that's even worse than Bikini. It's a V sling black bikini which she stared at. I looked at Loki that already huffing.

Both of us walked back a few meters before talking. "Don't tell me.. Your idea to bring me here is to restrain her into wearing it." I said while taking a few steps back. 'This Goddess is a wild beast.' I thought while looking at Loki.

"Ohohoho.... You really know me too well. Ageas-kun... No need to restrain her. First, let's just talked to her. Eheheheee.." Loki said while already having a slight nose bleed.

"But why do I have to do that?" I asked her. "I already drive every male off from here. You're the only one... You know.... I even prepare your trunk." Loki said taking out pants for me to wear.

"No need.. Hah~ I already have one." I said while snapping my finger. The light covered my body and changed my clothes into Robin Hood's clothes from Fate series in the summer time.

"So... How about it, Ageas-kun?... Being the only male here.. Some of the girls already aiming at you...." Loki said keep teasing me.

"Hah~ I'm not sure if she will wear it. Is it have to be that swimsuit?" I asked Loki. "Hmm... No.. It didn't have to be that swimsuit." Loki said after thinking for a while.

"Then, I will try. Just this once." I said but Loki quickly push me out from the bushes. "Who!?" Riveria quickly aimed her staff to me.

"Wait... Stop... Riveria.. You see. Emmm.. Loki-sama invited me here and... I got lost." I said while finding excuses.

Riveria quickly sighed but noticing her hand still holding a swimsuit that so embarrassing, she quickly hid it away. "Did Loki-sama brought you here!?" Riveria said while blushing but still glaring at me.

"Well... It's true but.. You don't have to wear that swimsuit..." I said to calm her down which success since she lowering her staff.

"Then, I will walk out like this." Riveria said about to leave. "Ah! Wait, Riveria-san.. I mean do you want to try wearing something else?" I said to her.

"Why do I have to wear something that so embarrassing?" Riveria said while blushing. "Please.. Just this time..." I said while looking away but steal some glance at her.

"F... Fine.. Just this one time but not this kind of swimsuit." Riveria said throwing the swimsuit on the ground. "Alright then.." I said snapping my finger and her clothes change.

I used Arturia Pendragon (Ruler) Swimsuit on her. "As I thought..." I unconsciously said. "Kyyaaaa!!!" Someone shouted and went flying using her nose bleed behind me.

Loki flew to the lake with a rain of blood trail following her. Every member quickly swam and helped her to the shore. "I could die in peace right now... Everything has been fulfilled..." Loki said while her eyes looking toward the sky. She's dying.

Some of the familia members went on alert and looked toward the woods. "Come out!!" Alicia said while pulling out her sword.

"Wait.. It's me." I said coming out from the woods with Riveria behind me that blushing. "Ageas-sama?? Riveria-sama??" Alicia mumbled with everyone after looking at the sight.

"Kyaaa~!!!! Ageas-sama!!! Riveria-sama!!!" Every girl started screaming their lungs out. "Uwaaahh!!! Both of you looked amazing!!" Tiona said after coming toward us.

"By the way, Ageas-kun." Loki said after regaining her consciousness but looking up while pinching her nose to hold the blood from rushing out. "Where do you get such an amazing outfit?" She said while giving me a thumbs up.

Just then, I remember that swimsuits in this world are so uncommon. "Why are you asking me that, Loki-sama?" I asked her. "I want to buy it of course!" She said while evilly smile.

"Sorry, Loki-sama. It's not for sale." I said making her sad but she quickly fell to the sand again after losing too much blood.

"Eeeeveryone... Go have some fun..." Loki said with a peaceful smile. "Then, should we go swimming? It's been a while." I said toward Tiona. "No.. Ageas... Teach me how to swim." Ais suddenly hug me. Her scared face of water is really cute.

"Don't tell me you're scared of water. Ais." I said while looking at her almost crying face. She nodded like a little child at me. "Hah~ Alright. First, let's get into the water." I said while carrying her.

"Next, submerge your head but don't panic and hold your breath, close your eyes." I said while she does that but her hand quickly hugged my leg.

After a moment, she realized that there's nothing happening, so she opened her eyes and saw underwater. "How was it?" I asked her after she came up to the surface. "It's beautiful." She said with a smile toward me.

After that everyone spent the day swimming, playing sand and eventually roast some fish to eat.