
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · アニメ·コミックス
94 Chs

After War Game

After being apart from Bell that I leave back at the guild. I just stroll around the town and about to went to Babel Tower to met with Hephaestus or maybe Tsubaki to make things simpler.

I swear that I could hear Eina screaming inside the guild when I walked away. 'Maybe I should visit Shakti first after my return.' I thought while walking toward Ganesha Familia.

But in the end, Shakti isn't home. Ganesha even felt troubled but he said that she looked more fired up to finish her last mission as fast as possible after watching the War Game.

Hearing it for me is enough. Ganesha without much thinking quickly asked me to come inside but everyone looked busy bringing back the equipment from the War Game which made me feel bad for intruding the place.

I started reasoning with Ganesha until he reluctantly let me go. Cross that from my list, the next in mind is actually visiting Loki Familia but my mind turned the other way around. Hephaestus Familia came next.

I quickly walked toward Hephaestus Familia's base which is the nearest from the place where I'm standing.

Walking through a lot of workshops. The destination I went to is the storage house since I didn't know where else to go.

"Ah, Ageas-san, right? The White King." Suddenly someone said after looking at me just after he walked out of the storage house.

"Are you here to meet with Captain Tsubaki?" He asked while walking closer. "Yeah.." I said without any chit chat.

"Please.... This way. I just about to submit the report for today to Captain." He said politely while showing me the way to my left. I followed him toward a somewhat bigger workshop with a space between the building.

He looked at me before started explaining "This area is for the high-class blacksmith in the familia. The space between the building is to give them a more peaceful environment when smithing." He said while showing the way.

Walking past a few houses, we stopped in our steps in front of one of the buildings. "Captain, I'm here for today's report." he said after knocking at the door.

"Oh~ Come in." Tsubaki said behind the door. "Excuse me." he said and we entered the room. "Oh ya? Ageas boya!! What a rare visit? Nice game the other day. Haha.. Luckily you arrived back on time." Tsubaki said when noticing me enter behind her guild member.

"Hmm, Thanks, Tsubaki-san." I said while looking for a place to sit and went to a nearby chair. "Then. What are you doing here?" She said while taking a paper from the male blacksmith that report to her.

"I have nothing to do for the next few days. Actually, I'm here to say hello and maybe looking for weapons to buy." I said after thinking for a moment.

"Are you sure that's just the reason?" She said while looking at me with a strange glint in her eyes. "Stop teasing me, Tsubaki-san. Of course, that's not all. How was the resource going?" I said to her.

"Ahahaha.... It's going great, actually. We already got some of the money if you like to bring the money now." Tsubaki said with a wide smile.

Without much talking after I nodded at her. We walked toward the outside and going to the money storage they used.

"Say... Tsubaki-san. Why don't you try selling it outside after your familia released their product? Lower floor resources should get a lot of demand at the market and would sell with a high price right?" I said while we're walking just to fill in the mood.

"I have been asking that lately but looking at now. We still haven't got money problems, so it should be fine for a while." Tsubaki said to me.

"Well, That's for now. We're here." Tsubaki said while we entering the building and went to a certain room.

"Hahaha... Seriously, you really surprise me when I think about this much of money being earned by one person." Tsubaki said while entering into a room full of money.

"It... It really is a lot..." I said slowly while enjoying the view, the mountain of gold coin in front of me. "Do you need help moving this coin?" Tsubaki said.

"No, That's unnecessary." I said while moving all the coin to Gate of Babylon. "What do you think that you're going to spend those coins on?" Tsubaki asked.

"Hmm... Let's see... Maybe making my own space when we move to our new house." I said while thinking for a while. "Hmm... I would recommend going to Goibniu Familia for that." Tsubaki said to me.

"Maybe I should go there now before it's too late. Thank you, Tsubaki-san." I said while walking outside. "Oouu. Be careful on the way there." Tsubaki said waving her hand.

Walking down the street, I started to make my way toward Goibniu Familia in the south of the city. The place isn't so big, their familia sure is great in their work but none of them got high-level adventurer which made them had to use what they have for now.

"Emm... Excuse me..." I said while knocking on the door. "Yes?.. What can we he... he... help... you... you with...???" Said the girl that walking out from the workshop.

She had red hair with green eye color and also looked young but her voice staggering. "Ah.. I'm Ageas Cranel, a member of Hestia Familia. I'm here for a transaction. Emm?? Hello?" I said while waving my hand in front of her eyes.

"Ha... Ha... Hai!!!! Ye... Yes!!!" She said as if she was a soldier being punished. "What's so loud outside!!!?? Who is it!!??" an old man's voice could be heard from the inside and started walking outside.

"Ah, You must be Goibniu-sama. I'm Ageas Cranel, member from Hestia Familia." I said while bowing respectively toward him. "Hmm? So, you are the rumored king. What made you come here for?" He said while inspecting me closely.

"Actually, I'm here to ask for a request to remodel the house that we got from the War Game." I said embarrassingly since recently we live in an old church.

"Hmm? Didn't Hestia already asked for that?" Goibniu said confusingly. "She did?" I asked him in reflex. "Yeah, that's the first thing she asked when she won the game." Goibniu said since Hestia already asked for it yesterday.

"Mind if I ask, how much did she pay?" I said while already having a tick mark on my head. "About 200 million valis for the remodel." He said while thinking about the number.

My smile froze since that's all the amount she needed to pay Hephaestus also all the money we won from the game and she used it on renovating the house. "Is everything alright boy? I mean, maybe I charge her too much since she bugging me a lot yesterday." He said since he just saw me frozen stiff.

Hearing Goibniu said that, I release a heavy sigh "Hah~, No... It's fine. What is everything she asked for to remodel?" I asked him. "Well, It's quite a work that she asked, and we about to start today. A big bathroom with hot spring water, a workshop, bigger room to sleep, and still many other." Goibniu said to me.

"Hah~, then I want to ask for a separate house to live, you can place it anywhere just made a road toward it. Also, add the bathroom there. Please made it your finest work while I will support you for the money." I said to him.

"Are you sure about that? It's gonna cost you a lot." Goibniu said while looking at me with a little smile. The finest work without worrying about the money is the moment that every blacksmith could shine brightly.

"Sure, I will put 1,5 billion on it." I said while walking toward his workshop and pour all the money that flooding the room. "Ahahahaha!!! Not bad, boy. Hold my words, I will make the house one of the best in all Orario." Goibniu said laughing loudly.

"Thank you a lot, Goibniu-sama." I said while bowing to him before taking my leave. "Everyone!! We won't have any rest from today onward!!!" Goibniu shouted.