
Another isekai dream? No way!

A girl named Jamie wakes up and finds out dun dun dun she's dead. Only for a mysterious man claiming to be a god of another world asking her to make a choice. What would she do? Does she go with the mysterious man to another world? Or does she make the choice to start out a new adventure in an unknown world with the help of this mysterious man? Maybe this isekai dream of hers will become the reality she dreams of or will it become a curse? —————— this a story I made up on the fly, hopefully you guys, gals, and non binary pals enjoy the story. Thanks!

Junebee · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Your Name is Now...


The words seem to flow out of me and pierce the air with such impact it took a moment to realized it was actually me said the name out loud. Everything in my body started to heat up again and so I look down to see where the heat radiated from. The egg I was holding was heating up and soon enough it started to vibrate. Before I made to conscious decision to let go of it, I received the same text like notification in front of me although this time it stopping me from moving.

「 Congratulations on taming your first companion "HELIO". Would you like to leave the dimensional mind of your companion?

Y / N ? 」

As I reread that little notification over and over I realized that I wasn't actually physically teleported to a new place but my conscience was. That was fine with me because I was ninety percent sure that only my conscience was transferred into this dimensional mind thingy instead of a full transfer of body and soul. Though before I could dwell even further on that fact, I heard a loud cracking noise. I look down in time to see Helio sticking his little feet out of the egg. I chuckle but soon enough the egg breaks even further as the little guy pecked away to get out.

When Helio finally managed to break free I couldn't believe my eyes once again. I knew the name of him was Twin Tail Phoenix but I wasn't really expecting a baby Phoenix. His feathers were soft yet the tips were glowing. His body was like a mixture of deep fiery red and blood orange but his eyes were a stark contrast to the rest of his body. They were a cool blue with spots of deeper blue. Kinda reminds me of the ocean in many ways. While examining him he shook off the rest of broken eggs remnants and looked up at me.

As we made eye contact I was really caught me off guard, even more so than all that has happened today. I was surprised to hear a child like the voice sounding in my head saying "Mama!" I just stared at Helio as he started to walk out of my hand and up my arm to the crook of my elbow. I know it was his voice since it's just two of us here and he is now my companion. Would definitely be weird if we couldn't communicate but just wasn't expecting to be called Mama at the age of five years old okay.

I wrapped my left arm under my righ arm to help Helio snuggle and get comfortable in my arms. As I got him settled in and I reread the notification still lingering front of my face. So to be on the safe side I held onto Helio even more before I pressed the 『Y』 button on the notification. Soon as I pressed the button the notification started to count down from three...two..one. zero

I closed my eyes expecting a jolt or a flash of light of some sort but what happened was a letdown. It felt like I was transfer body and soul because when I opened my eyes, my whole body ached at every little movement. As I sat up I realized I'm still on the ground but instead I've seen to have been moved under this massive tree with leaves almost touching the ground. I remember my father telling me it was called a willow tree but I dont remember why only this tree was allowed to grow on our land.

I remember seeing a glimpse of this before I blacked out. Except now instead of waking up somewhere in the field I am now under this tree. That wasnt the only difference though, it is currently night time and I can't see my house lights. As I look towards the sky and realized why I can't see too much ahead of me. It was a new moon tonight and my eyes haven't adjusted to the dimness of the world yet. As I started to stand I remembered I was still holding onto Helio. I looked at him and saw that he had fallen asleep still nestled in my arms.

Before I started to move around, I heard noises - Loud noises. Hopefully it was my family looking for me since I did technically disappear. I started to walk towards the sounds until I could make out what they were saying. First voice was my mothers screaming out "JAMIE! HONEY WHERE ARE YOU?!" followed by my father yelling out "JAMIE! JAAAAAAYYYYMEEEE!!". After hearing their voices I started tun towards their sound and scream out to them to the best of my ability, "MOTHER!! FATHER!! OVER HERE!!"

I could see they were all holding a light source though I couldn't make out if it was a lantern or something else.

Once they heard the sound of my voice someone else shouted "SHE'S OVER HERE, BY THE WILLOW TREE!" I looked around to see who it was that said that but before I could both of my parents arms wrapped around my body. I could tell my mother had been crying because when she pressed her head into me I could feel my shirt getting damp. The first one to let go was my father. He started to ask if I was okay but then noticed that I was holding onto my arm. He looked at me full of sadness and regret because he felt like he couldn't protect his child.

But in reality I was holding on to my arm because I didn't want Helio to get squished in the intense hug so I tried to protect him. Though I can see how in the dimness of the night can make it seem I hurt my arm. So before they say anything, I decided to just come out with it first. I just spouted out "I'm a mother now!" It took me a few moments to process what I said before I rephrased my wording though this time full on stuttering "i–I mean I t-tamed my f–f-first beast but he calls me m-m-mama" as I said all that I opened my arms to let them see Helio.

sorry for the really late chapter been busy and had writers block for the longest time .

Buuuut don't worry I'm starting to get back into the game of writing since I've got hit with a wave of motivation. so the chapters will be little less than usual but they will come out more frequently :)

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