
5. starting to get to know each other

Hop Pop whistled while chopping up a few carrots before putting them in a pot. Johnny entered the kitchen and took a quick look around.

"What are we having?" Johnny asked.

"How do you feel about stew?"

"Stew is just fine," Johnny answered before taking a quick breath.

Johnny figured stew would actually be pretty good. There will be other things in it to make eating insects much more tolerable. Anne entered the kitchen and took a deep breath.

"So, what took you kids so long to get here?" Hop Pop asked while cutting more carrots.

"We.. Uh..." Anne tried to explained nervously.

"She was just apologizing for prying into my personal business," Johnny explained.

"Is that all?" Hop Pop asked giving both kids a skeptical look.

"Well..." Anne said before stuttering.

"We just ended up in a quick conversation about human stuff." Johnny explained, waving one of his hands dismissively, "Nothing you should concern yourself about."

Hop Pop didn't look convinced, but dropped the subject.

"I sent Sprig out to get the insects." Hop Pop explained before handing Anne and Johnny a knife each, "You kids can help me cut the vegetables."

Anne and Johnny grabbed a few carrots and onions and placed them on the counter.

"Are we going to talk about what happened back there?" Anne whispered in Johnny's ear.

"What's there to talk about?" Johnny asked quietly before carefully cutting an onion, as best as he could, "I don't know what happened exactly."

Anne sighed, "I don't either."

Johnny started cutting his carrots, "Well, we might not get answers here. So, we might as well forget about it for now," He whispered.

Anne gave him an annoyed look, "You expect us to just forget about it?" she asked a little louder.

"Yeah, that's what I said."

Johnny knew as soon as those words left his mouth he would regret it. Well, more or less.

Anne gave him a glare, "That isn't what I meant. This could be serious. We must try to figure out what happened between us."

Johnny sighed, "Can we talk about this later?"

Before Anne could answer, Hop Pop interrupted them, "I don't hear any cutting."

Anne and Johnny gave each other a quick look before deciding to just finish making lunch. Anne expertly cut all of her vegetables in a few seconds.

"That was awesome," Johnny complimented.

"You think so?" Anne asked.

"I know so," Johnny answered before continuing cutting his vegetables.

"Thanks," Anne said nervously.

"I have to admit Anne is turning out to be more interesting than I thought," Johnny mumbled.

"Did you say something?" Anne asked.

Johnny shook his head, "No, I didn't," He said nervously before continuing to cut his vegetables.

Johnny was sitting in between Anne and Sprig at the table while waiting for the stew to finish. After a few moments Hop Pop arrived with a few bowls and placed one in front of everyone. Johnny took a quick look at the finished stew and sighed in relief, as he found it not too unappealing. He raised his spoon and was glad to find it actually tasted really good.

"How is it?" Hop Pop asked.

"This stuff is good Pops," Johnny answered.

"While I am glad to see somebody enjoy my cooking, don't call me Pops," Hop Pop responded with a stern look.

"Whatever you say Hoppy Poppy," Johnny teased with a smirk.

Hop Pop groaned and decided to ignore the teen.

"The insects don't ruin it for you?" Anne asked.

Johnny shook his head, "Not really. During my time at scouts we got a little used to it," Johnny explained before putting another spoonful of stew in his mouth, "However, I still prefer to avoid doing it when I can."

Anne placed a hand on her chin, "So, that is how you survived a week alone."

"How long did you survive?"

You mean alone out there?" Anne asked, receiving a nod from Johnny, "Just one night. I was more than happy to find a more proper place to stay, despite the lack of trust at the time."

Hop Pop gave her an apologetic look, "Sorry about that Anne."

Anne waved a hand dismissively, "It's fine Hop Pop. You didn't know me at the time."

Hop Pop shook his head, "Still. I shouldn't have locked you inside with the reason of letting people get used to you first."

Johnny placed a hand under his chin, "How would they if you kept her inside, ergo preventing them from doing so?"

"That's the main reason I stopped doing that after her second day here," Hop Pop explained sheepishly.

"Anne?" A female voice asked.

"Yes, Polly?"

"I want to say sorry too for threatening violence on you."

"It's fine Polly."

"So, Johnny what do you like to do for fun?" Sprig asked.

Johnny pondered how to answer without giving too much away, "Sometimes, I like to annoy and trick people."

"You mean pranks?" Polly asked.

"Yes, I suppose you could say that," Johnny said nervously before rubbing the back of his head, "I didn't really have much time for fun." Johnny sighed, "I mainly had to focus on jobs."

"What kind of jobs?" Anne asked.

"Just random ones for different people."

"Have your family fallen into hard times?" Hop Pop asked.

Johnny sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, we are usually tight on money as well," Hop Pop said with a frown, "It's not really ideal to take in another human, but I can't exactly turn away someone in need."

Johnny smiled, "Thanks Pops! I promise I will help with getting some extra money."

"Don't call me that," Hop Pop grumbled before smiling, "Also, there is no need boy. We will figure it out."

"How would you annoy people?" Polly asked.

Johnny pondered if he should share how he would mess with people.

"I am not sure I should tell you," Johnny finally said with a frown, "You might not like it."

"I beg to differ," Polly argued, "I don't see how a simple prank could be so bad."

"Fine." Johnny grumbled, "Sometimes, I would distract someone with a simple conversation and sneak something from their pocket."

"You can do that?" Polly asked stunned.

"Yes, not one of my proudest skills," Johnny answered, "Anyway, then I wait until they realize it's gone and try to search for it."

"I like the sound of this already," Polly commented.

"I then let them know I found it and if I am feeling a little evil, make them beg for it back," Johnny finished.

"That sounds cool," Polly told him.

"It almost never fails to make me laugh," Johnny said.

"Isn't that a little mean?" Sprig asked.

"Well, yeah," Johnny agreed, "Some jokes are a little mean, but it's not the end of the world."

Sprig still looked unsure.

"I always return it in the end," Johnny defended while holding his hands up, "There is usually never any lasting damage. It was all for a little, admittedly mean fun."

"Yeah, Sprig. It's not a big deal," Polly said with a smile.

"What do you think Anne?" Sprig asked.

"I think Johnny is making it up," Anne answered.

Johnny looked at Anne with a blank expression on his face. He was a little hurt by her comment, but decided not to show it.

"What makes you say that?"

"I just find it unbelievable that anyone could sneak anything from someone's pocket while talking to them," Anne answered.

"If you told me I would be sent to another world filled with talking amphibians, I would find it unbelievable," Johnny responded, "No offense to you three," Johnny added after a moment of silence.

"None taken," Hop Pop assured him.

"Fair point, but we have experienced getting sent here." Anne argued, "I haven't experienced getting pickpocketed while chatting with someone up close."

"Do you have your phone with you?" Johnny asked.

Anne gave him a questioning look, "Yeah, why?"

"No, reason," Johnny answered before giving her a smile, "So, tell me about your friends."

Anne blinked in surprise at the subject change, but decided to roll with it, "Well, There is Sasha. Did Wally tell you about her?"

"Not much," Johnny answered.

"Well, she is manipulative and would pressure me into doing things I didn't want to do, but..."

Unknown to Anne Johnny stopped listening and started concentrating on sneaking her phone from her. He smiled as he grabbed it and carefully placed it in one of his pockets.

"All in all despite her faults, I am willing to work things out. I hope we are able to," Anne finished.

"I am sure you will," Johnny told her with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Do you still have your phone?" Johnny asked.

Anne gave him a confused look, "Yes, why shouldn't I?"

"Take it out then."

"I don't see why I should," Anne told him before reaching for it, "You are... Wait it's gone."

Johnny broke out into laughter before grabbing the phone from his pocket and turning it on. He smiled as he noticed Anne didn't have a security code activated on it. Anne started freaking out until she noticed the laughing boy looking at her phone.

"Oh you little sneak!" Anne shouted angrily.

"Why are you angry?" Johnny asked before returning the phone, "I proved I can do it to you."

Anne gave him a glare, "This phone contains important memories of my life before I was sent here," She explained, "If I truly lose it, I don't know what I would do."

"Sorry. I didn't realized," Johnny apologized, "Like I said this isn't one of the skills I am proud of and this shows why."

Anne took a deep breath, "That's fine. Just don't do it again."

"Johnny," Hop Pop said with a stern look.

"Yeah?" He asked sheepishly.

"I trust I don't have to tell you not to steal anything, right?" Hop Pop asked.

"No, Pops. I will keep my nose clean," Johnny assured him.

Hop Pop nodded, but kept the stern look, "Good. I hope you do. Also stop calling me that."

Johnny ignored Hop Pop and turned towards Anne, "I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you should activate a security password on it."

Anne only glared at him in response.

"What did I say?" Johnny mumbled before looking down on the floor.

"Johnny, after lunch let me give you a tour around. I expect you to help with the farm work," Hop Pop told the teen.

"Farm work? Yeah, I think I will enjoy that."

Johnny entered the basement with a small smile on his face. The tour wasn't that long and Johnny found the farm interesting. Apart from the strange creatures he isn't used to, he will most likely enjoy his time here. Sprig and Anne were sitting down and chatting with one another. They apparently haven't noticed him enter the basement.

"Anne, do you think it's a good idea to be around Johnny?" Sprig asked.

"Sprig, we just met him. Give him a chance."

"I just don't like the idea of being with someone that could be so cruel," Sprig explained with a frown.

"Sprig, it was just a prank," Anne countered, "Was it cruel? Yes, but it's not the worst thing in the world."

Sprig didn't look convinced, "What if he has done worst things?"

"Exactly. What if?" Anne agreed, "We don't know until he tells us. Give him a chance Sprig."

"What about what he pulled on you during lunch?"

Anne sighed, "Sprig, He didn't know how important it was to me and when he did he was remorseful."

"Aren't you still mad?"

"I am, but I forgive him and won't hold it against him."

"Why do I get the idea you are doing it just because he is another human?" Sprig asked.

Anne gave him an unamused look, "So what if he is?" She asked harshly, "Besides, I am not doing it because of that."

"Really?" Sprig asked unconvinced.

"I forgave everyone in town for their behavior towards me when I first showed up," Anne answered.

"Fine. We will give him a chance."

"Good. When he is done with Hop Pop's tour we are going to continue to get to know him," Anne said with a smile.

Johnny took a deep breath and waited a few moments before introducing himself, "Hey, what are you two doing?"

"Not much. Just waiting for you," Anne answered.

"Look I am sorry again about taking your phone," Johnny apologized, "It...

"It's fine. Don't worry about it," Anne interrupted while waving one her hands dismissively, "What should we do now?"

Sprig's face lit up, "We could get Johnny's phone charge,"

Johnny shook his head, "I thought we agreed to do it tomorrow?"

"There is plenty of time to do it now," Sprig argued.

"Look I will be honest with you two," Johnny said nervously, "I am not exactly used to being surrounded with...

"With what?" Sprig asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

"Don't take this the wrong way. I am not used to being surrounded with your kind," Johnny explained while rubbing the back of his head, "The only reason I am calm with being with you and your family is because of Anne."

"Me? Really?" Anne asked stunned.

"Yeah, Being with another human is comforting," Johnny admitted, "Especially, since you are used to them. It gives me hope I will too, in time."

"Comforting enough to trust me?" Anne asked.

Johnny playfully rolled his eyes, "Don't test your luck. We still have just met today."

"Worth a shot."

"Anyway, I know I have to go out in order to get used to this world, but I rather wait."

"Fine. I guess we can do it tomorrow," Sprig said reluctantly.

"What do you say we watch something on my phone?" Anne asked.

"Fine with me," Johnny answered.

Anne pulled it out and began scrolling through her downloaded videos before picking one she figured they all would enjoy, "Johnny, I am keeping an eye on you."

"What for?" Johnny asked trying to play innocent.

"Just in case you decide to take it again," Anne answered.

Johnny playfully rolled his eyes, "I won't. Besides, even if I wanted to I wouldn't be able to without you two noticing."

"Sorry, but right now I can't trust you won't violate my personal space and take it again."

Johnny smirked, "You are one to talk. Ms. sniff my arm," He teased.

Anne blushed in embarrassment before tossing a pillow at him. Johnny chuckled before deciding to focus his attention on the phone. At this rate him and Anne just might be good friends.

Johnny lied on the couch and yawned. The day has been rather eventful and He knew it was just the beginning. Johnny felt nervous at having to explore and adapt to a new world, but at least there is another human, that has been here longer, to help him out. Johnny smiled before passing out. Maybe things won't be so bad after all while he is here.

How do you guys feel about Johnny calling Hop Pop Pops? I know he is much older, but I still find it a fitting nick name. In a strange way Johnny is actually complimenting him. Hope you enjoyed.