
4. Johnny gets situated

Anne looked at the human boy, following her and took a quick breath. It has been a long time since she has seen a human boy. Anne had to admit he looked attractive, but she didn't know if it had more to do with the fact that he was the first human boy, she had seen in over 3 months, or if it really has to do with his looks. Anne shook her head and decided to focus on leading him back to Hop Pop's farm.

"So, is the farm close?"

Anne blinked before nodding, "Yes, Uh..

"Oh. Right." The boy said sheepishly before rubbing the back of his head, "My name's Johnny."

"It shouldn't be long now."

Mayor Toadstool was sitting in his office, trying everything to calm his nerves. Usually walking around town and trying to soak up the respect and admiration of the townspeople, or at least the small amount he has at any given time, would calm him down. After the incident at Toad Tower he has managed to win back at least some of the townspeople respect, but he can't shake the feeling he has lost trust from Grime. Mayor Toadstool shook his head. He must be going crazy.


"Yes, sir?"

"How are the plans going to make sure I stay in power?"

"They are going well sir. Also your rescue after the incident has improved your approval rating."

Mayor Toadstool took a deep breath, "That's good to hear."

Sasha paid close attention as Grime pointed at each rebel camp, on a large map of the valley and would comment any information they had received from their spies. Sasha mentally sighed as she remembers before a couple days ago, she would have found this fun and exciting. In hindsight she shouldn't have agreed to be second in command, but knowing Grime he wouldn't have let her go free. Sasha mentally groaned as she realized Grime had out manipulated her. He even did it with her own method, by complimenting her, when he told her he wouldn't be able to stop her, before giving her an offer she couldn't resist at the time. Sasha shook her head and managed to clear her mind. Thankfully, for her Grime didn't seem to have noticed.

"Now we must bring our attention to something else important." Grime announced.

"What could be important?" Sasha asked.

"We must decide what should be done with Mayor Toadstool in Wartwood."

"What do you mean?"

"He usually struggles to keep the respect and admiration of his townspeople and I let it slide, because I didn't either, before you came here." Grime said before giving Sasha a look, that she could have sworn was a grateful one, "However, to see him almost lose to Hop Pop and causing the rebellion to form has made me think he isn't suited for the job."

"So, you want to replace him?" Sasha asked.

"A part of me wants to kill him for causing this, but I am a fair and reasonable toad."

Sasha closed her mouth and managed to resist the urge to scoff.

"I will notify him and give him a chance to make up for this."

Johnny took a look at the family farm in front of him. The place didn't seem like much, but Johnny felt it looked cozy. Of course he had spent about a week sleeping outside in the wild.

"It's not much, but it's cozy enough," Anne told him.

"After spending a week sleeping out in the wild, anyplace with a roof will be cozy enough for me."

Anne said nothing as she noticed Johnny looking her over. She nervously rubbed the back of her head and mentally cringed as she felt the leaves and twig. She hadn't cared that her hair would never stay clean while here, but now in the presence of another human she wants nothing more than to look more presentable.

"You lost a shoe?" Johnny asked.

Anne blushed and nervously nodded, "Yeah, when I first appeared here. I don't even bother to look for it."

"You don't have any other shoes?"

"I do have flip flops, but I usually don't wear them. It's not really ideal in a place like this."

Johnny simply nodded.

"Now, what do you say we go meet Hop Pop?" Anne asked before entering the house.

Johnny said nothing as he followed Anne inside. On the couch was an older frog reading a book.

"Back already?" He asked without looking up from his book.

"Yeah, and with a surprise Hop Pop," The younger frog said.

"Sprig, It better not be another of your antics."

"Hop Pop you might want to put your book down," A female voice said.

Johnny looked around for the voice and blinked in surprise as he noticed a small round creature with a bow. Johnny figured she must be a tadpole. This whole day is continuing to get stranger by the minute.

"Another human?" Hop Pop asked.

"Yeah, Hop Pop. Wally brought him into town. Can he stay here?" Anne responded.

"There isn't much space and our money is pretty tight already, but I am sure you two can share the basement," Hop Pop said.

Johnny and Anne gave each other a look before blushing in embarrassment.

"Uh.. I have no problem sleeping on the couch," Johnny finally said.

Hop Pop gave both humans a confused look, "Anne, I figured you would enjoy the company of another human."

Anne sighed, "I do, but it's kinda not ideal for two teenagers of opposite genders to sleep in the same room, especially if they aren't together."

Hop Pop nodded, "I can understand that. Besides, now that I think about it, I can't exactly risk you two not being ideal roommates. I am not going through that again."

Anne turned towards Johnny, "Come on. We might as well get to know each other."

Johnny nodded before following her to the basement.

Johnny, Anne, and Sprig took a seat on the floor.

"I am sure you have questions," Anne told Johnny.

Johnny nodded, "Plenty. For starters, What is this place?"

Anne sighed, "I am not completely sure. It seems to be an alternate world that has similarities and differences with ours."

"I guess here evolution of certain species went a completely different turn."

Anne blinked before deciding to just nod. She recalled her science teacher announcing that they were going to go over the basics of evolution, but she ended up here before then.

"You left before you could learn about it, didn't you?" Johnny asked.

Anne blushed in embarrassment before nodding.

Johnny chuckled, "It's the process where populations of species change over time. I won't go into detail, since we only went over the basics and I don't want to bore you."

"How long have you been here?" Anne asked.

"About a week. It was during a camping trip when I somehow ended up here."

"My friends and I have been here for about 3 months. Do you know how you got here exactly?"

Johnny pondered if he should tell her about the strange music box. He didn't want to go into detail about how he ended up with it, but he figured being honest was his best hope, especially with one of the few humans here. Johnny took off his backpack and pulled out the music box.

"I ended up with this and when I opened it I was warped here."

Anne gasped and blinked in surprised at the sight of another music box. There are more than one? There could be more out there in their world. There could be many future unsuspecting victims that will open one and end up here, only to die from the danger. Anne took a deep breath, as she realized how lucky she is to still be alive.

"That's how my friends and I got here," Anne finally said.

Johnny gasped, "You mean another one?"

Anne nodded, "I gave mine to Hop Pop to figure out what it is. We should show him this."

Johnny shook his head, "I see no need. Any answers he finds out would apply to this one too. I am sure with just yours he will be able to figure something out."

Anne sighed, "I suppose you have a point," Anne then pulled out her phone, "Did you bring your phone with you."

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, it's at less than 50%. I don't suppose there is a way to charge it."

"Oh. There is and it's extremely effective," Sprig answered with a chuckle, "Show him Anne."

Anne smiled before showing Johnny her phone's charge. Johnny's eyes widened at the sight of the huge charge percentage.

"How did you get it that high and how did you do it without damaging the battery?"

"I don't know. I guess we just got lucky, or they just make batteries that can handle it."

Johnny sighed, "Is the method dangerous?"

"We just have to find some zappapedes and get it charged without getting shocked ourselves," Sprig answered.

"Let's do it later, or perhaps never," Johnny responded.

"Trust me Johnny I am not completely used to the danger, but I learned that you should face it and get through it anyway."

"I was joking. While they weren't as dangerous as things I faced here so far, I have been in risky situations before, so I already know. We can pay a visit to whatever you said tomorrow and risk getting my phone charge."

"What kind of risky situations?" Sprig and Anne asked.

"Just some that could get me in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"The kind where I get punishment."

Anne sighed and rubbed her head, "Are you going to be more specific?"

Johnny shook his head, "No, we just met. I don't exactly feel comfortable going into details, unless I feel I absolutely have to. I didn't want to show you the music box, but I did it, since it should help us get home."

Anne sighed, "I understand that, but I want to know more about you."


Anne blinked, "Uh..."

"Is it because I am one of the only humans here?"

Anne blushed in embarrassment.

Johnny sighed, "Look I get it. We are two of the few humans here in this world and I rather spend time here with another human too, but it doesn't change the fact we just met today. Trust is earned and not freely given. Just give me some time before I trust you to share something personal."

Before Anne could respond Hop Pop entered the basement.

"It's about lunchtime and I could use some help."

"Sure thing Hop Pop." Sprig said before getting up.

Hop Pop looked at Johnny, "I hope you don't mind eating our food. You can't exactly be picky."

"Relax, I am no stranger to eating insects when I have to."

Hop Pop nodded, "Good to hear."

Hop Pop left the basement with Sprig following him. Johnny got up and was about to follow them when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Anne giving him an apologetic look.

"Look. I am really sorry about prying into your personal business. I am just so excited to see another human, especially after everything that happened with Sasha."

"Yeah, Wally told me about that."

Anne nodded, "After everything I just wanted to spend time with another human without it being me opposing them."

"You can have that. Just take your time and not do anything weird, like sniffing my arm."

"I am never going to live that down," Anne complained.

Johnny shook his head, "Nope."

"Anyway, I am really sorry and I promise to try not to make you uncomfortable," Anne apologized, looking at Johnny straight into the face.

Suddenly, her face began to heat up as she continued to look at him. What's going on?

"It's ok. I think if I was in your position I would have likely done the same thing." Johnny responded, looking back at her.

Johnny blinked as he noticed Anne seemed to be in a daze. She moved closer to him.

"Glad to hear it. I hate to drive away a potential friend, especially a human one."

"Yeah," Johnny nervously said before his face started heating up from Anne's close proximity.

Strangely, Johnny wasn't completely uncomfortable by her being this close to him. In fact a part of him welcomes it. Johnny shook his head. What is going on here? Johnny took a look at the girl in front of him. In spite of the fact her hair is messy, with leaves and a twig and the fact she only has one shoe on, He finds her attractive. Johnny like the average teenage boy would sometimes lust after attractive girls around him and after a week without doing it, He was happy to do it again, even if the girl in question wasn't completely presentable. Johnny shook his head and cleared his thoughts.


"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Anne asked.

Before Johnny could answer they heard Hop Pop's voice, "Are you kids coming?"

"Coming!" Johnny shouted before moving away from Anne, "Come on we might as well help with lunch."

Anne blinked before following him. What happened back there? She was enjoying being that close to him and for some reason she finds herself attracted to Johnny and not just as a teenage girl finding a guy attractive, but not pursuing him. She had just met the guy. What is happening to her? Anne decided to see if any of her magazines has any answers after lunch.

This one was a bit of a struggle to write. It was hard to pick what I wanted Johnny and Anne to say to each other. I wanted to start the lust the two will have for each other and not have the two of them know what is happening to them. Hope you enjoyed.