
17. preparing for party

Warm and cozy was all that was on Johnny's mind, as he yawned. He had never felt this comfy since before he arrived in this strange new world. The teen was curious why he was, but was too tired to figure it out. He opened his eyes and turned around, to find Anne had her arms all around him.

"Just a 1 time thing. Yeah right," He mumbled with a chuckle.

Anne groaned before tightening her grip on him. He blushed as he recalled her refusing to let go of them ever since he got back from his camping trip.

"Maybe I shouldn't have gone," The teen mumbled with a yawn before passing out.

Anne woke up and was stunned to find herself snuggling against something warm and comfortable. She didn't bring any stuffed animals with her and even if she did they were much smaller than this. She managed to open her eyes and blushed when she saw who she was sleeping with. Anne then smiled when she remembered not wanting to let go of him. Anne felt a little bad about sleeping with him again, but got over it. They are kind of together anyway.


Anne nervously flinched, "Barely,"

The teen chuckled, "Relax. I'm not mad."


"Don't apologize. I haven't felt this comfortable in a long time."

Anne chuckled nervously, "Well, when you put it like that."

"Listen about our relationship."

"What about it?" Anne asked.

"Well, I was hoping…"

"Yes," Anne asked hoping to speed things up.

"I was hoping if we could speed things up a bit."

Anne smiled, "I was thinking the same thing."

The two teens took a quick breath and moved their head together for a quick kiss on the lips.

"Wow," Both teens mumbled with redden cheeks.

"Johnny?" Anne asked.

"Yes, Anne?"

"Can we do a…"

"A what?"

"A… Longer one," Anne stuttered with her face completely red.

"Yeah," He awkwardly answered.

The two teens moved their faces together, but before their lips could connect they both heard someone entering the basement. The teens separated in time to see Hop Pop giving them an amused look.

"Just a 1 time thing huh?" Hop Pop asked with a chuckle.

"You are acting high and mighty for someone that was proven wrong about the existence of a legendary creature," Johnny teased right back.

"Why can't you ever just let me have a victory?" Hop Pop groaned while gritting his teeth.

"You still have it. I am just pissing you off."

"Come on love birds. We have a big day today."

"What are we doing H.P.?" Anne asked with a blush.

"Getting ready for the party Toadstool is throwing."

"I have forgotten all about it," Anne admitted nervously with a chuckle.

"You forgot all about a party being thrown in your honor?" Johnny teased.

"Well, the whole week has went by slow," Anne explained, "With everything we have been doing I got my mind off it."

"Yeah, the whole week has felt a lot longer," Johnny responded.

"Anyway, Johnny you wouldn't happen to have anything fancy."

"Not really. I don't know how things work around here, but from where I'm from 13 year olds usually never have fancy clothing."

"Well, we are going have to visit the tailor."


Hop Pop gave the teen a dirty look, "Must you make those comments?"


"Please hold still."

Johnny managed to hold his tongue and not make a comment about how sadistic the tailor is for making him stand still while she is moving sharp needles close to his body. The teen was a little annoyed he didn't expect to have to put up with this in order to prepare for the party. He was mostly focused on having fun with Anne and maybe annoy her a bit. Not to mention stop whatever plan Toadstool has up his sleeve and to get on his nerves. Annoying him at the spicy pepper competition has been the most fun the teen has ever had.

"Almost done. You are 1 of the few that has been the least trouble to measure."

Johnny couldn't help but smirk after hearing the news and it grew when he saw the stunned look on Hop Pop's face. Looks like being lost in thoughts are more helpful than he thought.

Johnny was more than relieved when the tailor finally finished her measurements and happily stretched. Hop Pop was still stunned the teen didn't make a scene.

"What was that?"

"What was what Pops?"

"You didn't make a scene."

"Yeah, I can be a good boy," Johnny answered while giving Hop Pop a quick pat on the head.

Hop Pop groaned and slapped the teen's hand away, "I expect you to behave more from now on."

Johnny chuckled, "Nope. Where is the fun in that?"

"You are more annoying than Anne!"

"I take it from Hop Pop's yell you are finally done getting the measurements and I can touch you again."

Johnny gave Anne a smiled, "Yes, better you than a sadistic frog with needles."

"Now you are acting rude," Hop Pop grumbled before sighing as Anne wrapped her arms around Johnny, "You seriously have no problems being clingy around public?"

"Come on Pops we all know you would be like this with Sylvia."

"Fine you got me there." Hop Pop groaned.

"About the kiss?" Anne whispered in Johnny's ear.

"The 1 we didn't do?" Johnny whispered back before getting a nod, "Want to do it now?"

Anne nodded again with a light blush. Johnny nodded his head with a smile before moving his face closer, but before they could connect the tailor came back.

"It was tough but we managed to make it in your size."

Johnny and Anne quickly separated, completely annoyed at being interrupted a second time.

"Can you dance?" Anne asked Johnny as they entered the house.

"I have been to a couple school dances."

"I would feel more comfortable seeing it for myself."

"Fine only because I get to spend time with you."

"Yes!" Anne exclaimed, "You know I like how blunt you can be sometimes."

"Only because I am blunt about how much I enjoy your company."

"Meet me in the basement in 5 minutes."

"Why not now?" Johnny asked, "Let me guess a costume change."

"Come on you'll like it," Anne pleaded, "You couldn't take your eyes off my outfit during our first date."

"Like I said I always like the ones with a delusional streak," Johnny mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Fine go ahead, but it better be good."

Johnny entered the basement hoping to get the dance lesson over with. He paused when he saw Anne wearing the same outfit during Hop Pop's dance lesson. She was dancing with her eyes closed and didn't notice the male teen.

"Ok. Where does she get all these outfits?" The teen asked himself as he watched her dance, "Did she somehow have all of them in her backpack when she got sent here, or did the tailor make them?"

Johnny decided to stop asking a question that likely will never be answered and get her attention. The question was how. Johnny smiled as he realized the perfect way to. The male teen managed to sneak up on her and grab her hands. Anne flinched from the surprise touch, but Johnny managed to lead her into a slow dance. Anne managed to calm down and opened her eyes.

"Did you really have to do that?" She asked.

"I couldn't think of a better way," He answered with a chuckle, "Besides, I don't see you complaining."

"It is better than most of your other surprises."

"You are really into dancing huh?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Considering you have a special outfit for it, I would say it's more than that."

"Ok I see your point."

"Are you convince I can dance now?"

"Yes, but I still want to go through the lesson."

"Fine only because I enjoy spending time with you."

"What about my outfit? Do you like it?"

"Yeah, you should wear it all the time."

Anne chuckled, "I hope you mean it because I will hold you to that."


"Yeah, I mean it's hard to get my hair in a ponytail like this with how bushy it is, but I will do it."

"I would like that actually."

"I think that's enough practice for now."

"Already?" Johnny grumbled, "I was having a lot of fun with you."

"There will be more dancing at the party."

"Why do I get the feeling you stopped because I was getting better than you."

"That has nothing to do with it!" Anne snapped.

Johnny chuckled, "I wasn't being serious. I just said that to annoy you."

"Mission accomplished," Anne grumbled.

"Oh cheer up." Johnny told her moving closer.

"What are you doing?"

"We are alone and I know what will make you happy."

Anne blushed before smiling, "Ok."

The two of them moved closer hoping to finally kiss without any interruptions. Unfortunately for them they heard someone entering the basement and quickly separated.

"Sorry am I interrupting something?" Sprig asked.

"I am just making sure Johnny knows how to dance Sprig," Anne answered trying to hide her annoyance.

"Oh. How is he at dancing?"

"Great little buddy. I am better than Anne." Johnny answered earning a light punch in the shoulder and a chuckle from her.

"Really? Well, Hop Pop said it's time for lunch."

"We will be right there."

Sprig nodded before leaving the 2 humans all alone.

"Come on we better go before Pops comes looking for us." Johnny said before making his way out of the basement.

"Yeah." Anne simply responded before following.

Anne hopes to finally have some alone time to kiss him without any interruptions soon, or she doesn't know what she will do.

This chapter was harder to write than it should have been. Let's just say my muse wasn't agreeing with me. I just wanted to establish them preparing for the big day and hopefully writing the party chapter will be easier on me. I also realized I don't think I am that good at writing fluff, but hopefully I get better at it.