
14. Double date

Johnny and Anne were standing in front of the house, preparing to play a game, where they swing a beetle back and forth. He gritted his teeth, as he held a large stick and prepared to knock the beetle back.

"Are you sure you want to play against me?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Hardly, anyone is as naturally athletic as me," Anne answered with a cocky smile, "I am giving you a fair warning before I beat you."

Johnny playfully rolled his eyes, "Sprig told me all about the big game on Harvest day."

Anne's eyes widened, "What about it?"

Johnny smirked, "How you were cocky, only to get crushed by the opposing team, during a practice run."

Anne gritted her teeth, "I was outnumbered. After I learned teamwork we were able to finally win."

"Exactly," Johnny agreed, "So, why are you getting so mad when I bring it up?"

"Sometimes, you piss me off!"

"Sometimes, when you act like a big shot you get knock down a peg."

"Like I am going to enjoy doing to you."

Johnny chuckled, "That's why I'm attracted to you."

Anne swung the beetle to Johnny, before she blushed and started stuttering, when his statement registered. Johnny easily knocked it back at her, but she was too distracted and it flew pass her. When she finally snapped out of it and realized what happen, she gave him a dirty look.

"That's cheating."

"All's fair in love and war."

Anne groaned, "I hate how your antics piss me off, yet I manage to find them attractive."

Before Johnny could respond, Sprig left the house with a smile.

"Hey little buddy," Johnny greeted, "What's up?"

"Oh. I am just going to meet up with Ivy," Sprig responded nervously.

Anne's face lit up, "Oh. Johnny and I should come, so he can meet her. Maybe, we can even go on a double date."

Sprig nervously rubbed the back of his head, "Sure, I don't mind, but we will have to ask her."

"I am sure she won't mind."

"Anne?" Johnny asked.


"I thought we were playing a game."

"Come on," Anne insisted, "This will be fun. Besides, I am not in the mood for your cheating."

"Sore loser," Johnny mumbled.

"At the very least you should meet her," Anne pointed out.

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, let's go. I have a feeling things are going to get interesting."

Johnny felt strange, as he continued to walk through the wild. On one hand he felt strangely at home, yet the place brought bitter memories of his first week here. Despite, that he isn't completely against the idea of coming back and maybe even camping out here. Anne groaned in disgust, causing Sprig to give her an apologetic look.

"I should have known the meeting place is out here."

"Sorry Anne," Sprig apologized.

"You don't like being out in nature?" Johnny asked.

Anne shook her head, "No, It's gross and uncomfortable. I rather stay in civilization."

"That's funny."

Anne gave him a dirty look, "How is it funny?"

"Just that before you cleaned up, all those leaves and twigs in your wild looking hair, made you seem like a wild jungle girl," Johnny explained while holding up his hands defensively.

"You mean someone who enjoys time outside and getting dirty."

Johnny nodded.

"Yeah, I guess I can see how someone would make that mistake," Anne admitted sheepishly.

Johnny was about to respond, but suddenly froze and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Anne asked.

"I have the feeling someone is watching us," Johnny answered.

Sprig's face lit up, surprising Johnny, "Oh. it must be..."

Before Sprig could finish his sentence he was tackled by a yellow female frog.

"Hello dork," Ivy greeted before getting off Sprig and focusing on the two humans "I see you brought some company."

"Hello Ivy," Anne greeted, "We wanted to introduce you to Johnny here."

Ivy nodded, "I have seen him around a few times. I especially enjoyed seeing him at the competition the other day."

"You enjoy watching people stuff their faces with peppers?" Anne asked.

Ivy shrugged, "Not really. I was talking about how he insulted Toadstool."

Anne simply nodded, while Johnny smiled.

"Anyway, nice meeting you Johnny," Ivy turned towards Sprig, "Shall we get going?"

"Actually Ivy," Anne began awkwardly, "If it's ok with you, Johnny and I want to join you and Sprig."

"Speak for yourself," Johnny said while crossing his arms, "It was your idea. I only agreed to meet her."

"Quiet you," Anne told him with a dirty look.

Johnny playfully rolled his eyes, while Ivy watched the 2 and ended up amused and confused.

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked.

"You know a double date," Anne answered.

"That's a thing?"

Johnny couldn't help but chuckle, earning him another dirty look from Anne and amused ones from Sprig and Ivy.

"Yes, it's a thing," Anne answered slightly annoyed before she perked up, "Come on it will be fun."

Ivy smiled, "Ok. I do enjoy watching you 2 interact."

Johnny smiled back at the female frog, while Anne sighed and rubbed her forehead, before managing to smile.

"I know the perfect place to start with," Anne told the group with excitement.

"I hope it won't lead to me getting annoyed or embarrassed," Ivy responded.

"Relax Ivy," Anne assured her, "I would never do that to you."

"It's wonderful to see my baby on a double date," Felicia cooed.

Ivy groaned and covered her entire face in embarrassment. This feels like the night their families tried to get her and Sprig together all over again. Only this time it's permanent. Why did Anne have to picked her family's tea shop of all places? She was more than happy, when her mother finally left to attend the other tables.

"Wow, Anne," Johnny commented.

"What?" Anne asked.

"I don't know if you lied," Johnny clarified, pointing at Ivy, "Or if you are unaware that you embarrassed Ivy after all."

Anne gave him a dirty look, "Quiet you. She's fine. Right Ivy?"

"I have never been better."

"See, we are going to have fun."

"I have always been attracted to the ones with a crazy delusional streak," Johnny mumbled.

"What was that?"

"I said I am having fun already."

Anne wasn't convinced, but dropped the subject, as she took a sip of tea. She looked at Ivy and was happy to see Sprig comforting her. She knew she embarrassed Ivy, but she didn't mean to. In hindsight she should have known, Felicia would act like that, but she was too focused, on having a great double date, it didn't register in her mind. She hated that Johnny decided to comment on it, so she decided to deny it. Once again she was baffled by how she finds Johnny annoying sometimes, but is still attracted to him. Though, she had to admit he can be quite sweet sometimes as well.

"Here on the house," Felicia announced, placing a tray of scones on the table.

"Are you sure ma'am? After that whole fiasco when I was having girl time with Polly, I am hesitant," Anne responded sheepishly.

"I insist. I want my little girl to have a great time."

Ivy groaned and gave Anne a dirty look. Anne sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, before giving Ivy an apologetic look. Johnny grabbed a scone from the tray and took a bite.

"Johnny, they are made with dung beetles," Anne warned.

"Really?" Johnny asked, "They are pretty good."

"Glad to see a human actually enjoy these," Felicia said with a smile.

Anne looked at Johnny in sheer disbelief. She knew he had more tolerance for insects than her, but to see him think these are good is a bit much. Then again he was willing to eat the worms from his meal at Stumpy's.

"I am beginning to like you more than Anne right now," Ivy told Johnny.

Anne frowned when she heard Ivy's statement. Sprig gave her a sympathetic look.

"So," Anne began awkwardly, "What should we do after this?"

"I'm fine with whatever," Johnny answered before chewing on another scone.

"We could..."

"I rather pick the next activity," Ivy interrupted.

Anne sighed but nodded in agreement.

Ivy landed on Sprig, tackling him unto the ground.

"Are you sure this is an activity you should do on a date?" Anne asked.

Ivy got off Sprig and the two gave Anne confused looks.

"To be fair Anne, what do you know about that?" Johnny asked with a chuckle, "Considering, this is our second 1."

"I would appreciate it, if you would take my side," Anne responded annoyed.

Johnny shrugged his shoulders, "I have a mind of my own,"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"If I actually agree with you, than I will take your side," Johnny clarified, "Sorry, but I don't agree with you in this case."

"Why not?"

"Well, we don't know much about dating," Johnny answered, "Besides, as long as they have fun, that is all that should matter."

"But my magazines insist there are certain actions you must..."

"You actually read that nonsense?"

Anne froze for a moment before giving him a dirty look. Johnny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"They are not nonsense!" Anne snapped.

"Please stop fighting you 2," Sprig pleaded, "Anne, we can do things your way, right Ivy?"

Ivy sighed, "Fine, as long as I don't get embarrassed again.

Johnny and the two frogs sat on Anne's bed as she placed a large piece of glass in front of her phone, creating the illusion of a big screen.

"What did I tell you?" Anne teased, "My magazines give good advice."

Johnny playfully rolled his eyes, "To be fair any idiot can come up with a decent date idea like this."

Anne glared at him, "Quiet you. I am getting tired of your smart comments."

"Took you long enough."

Anne walked to her backpack, grabbed a magazine, and rolled it up, "Don't make me use this."

"Hitting me won't do much," Johnny said with a smirk, "If you really want to punish me, you will have to force me to read it."

"To be honest Johnny, that 1 wasn't as good as the others," Ivy told him.

"You can't expect them all to be gold kid."

"Hey, why don't we just watch the movie and have fun," Sprig suggested.

Anne smiled, "Right."

Anne walked back to her phone and selected the movie, "Do you all remember Love Choice?"

Johnny groaned, "You actually enjoy that horrible movie."

Anne's eyes twitched, "What's wrong with it?"

Johnny held his arms up defensively, "Nothing," Johnny placed his arm on his mouth and mumbled, "If you like horrible romance with a poorly paced plot."

"Come on Johnny. The movie is a town favorite. We even got into a huge war over which love interest was the best," Sprig told the teen with a chuckle, "Polly and I led the two opposing sides and even after the excitement died down, we still like it."

"Little buddy, had you seen any movie before it?"

"No, but we have watched Suspicion Island," Sprig answered.

"Trust me little buddy. Now you have actually seen a few good movies, you should be able to realize how horrible it really is."

"I suppose you are an expert on what makes a good movie," Anne said angrily.

Johnny shook his head, "No, there are far more knowledgeable people that critiqued the film in review videos," Johnny took out his phone, "I think I have 1 downloaded. We could watch it instead."

Anne gave him a dirty look.

Johnny sighed, "Or we could just watch the actual movie."

Anne smiled before playing the movie and taking a seat next to Johnny.

"Anne?" Johnny asked.

"If you are going to make another smart comment, I will actually smack you," Anne threatened while holding up the rolled up magazine.

"I just wanted to say sorry," Johnny responded, "We may have different tastes and ideas, but I shouldn't be rude like I have been and make smart comments."

"Thank you," Anne responded with a smile, "Perhaps, I should also chill out and not take it too personally."

Johnny managed to resist the urge to groan as he watched the movie. He looked around and noticed both Anne and Sprig were watching the movie and being entertained. He was flabbergasted to actually witness someone enjoy it. He did smile when he noticed Ivy was completely bored. Johnny returned his attention to the movie, before he pinched the bridge of his nose. He just has to make it through 1 horrible movie. Hopefully, the next activity will be fun.

"Thank you god," Johnny mumbled as the movie finally ended.

"Did you say something?" Anne asked.

"I said I want to do another fun activity," Johnny answered.

"Hopefully, it's actually fun." Ivy said looking bored.

"You didn't enjoy the movie, Ivy?" Anne asked.

"No, it just wasn't for me. I want something with more action."

"You are in luck Ivy, I have plenty of movies like that," Johnny assured her.

Anne frowned before unfolding the magazine and turning to a random page, "But it states romantic movies are recommended."

Johnny shook his head, "You are putting too much stock into those."


"Look the way I see it, everyone is different, so there is no 1 true way to do things on a date. If Ivy and Sprig want to spend it ambushing each other or spending time out in nature, let them."

"Or even just by watching a good action movie," Ivy added.


"Do you know what the problem is?" Johnny asked.

"You two are being sticks in the mud and not listening to proper advice," Anne told them.

Johnny sighed, "I will let your hypocrisy slide. You are so focused on the magazines and how you want to do things, that you don't take into consideration how the rest of us would feel, especially Ivy."

"But," Anne tried to object, but couldn't come up with anything.

"Perhaps, I went too far when I called them nonsense. They actually give decent ideas for things to do, but they shouldn't be read as gospel."


"Besides, you weren't focused on it, when we were on our first date and look how that turned out," Johnny said with a smile.

"But that was a normal thing that the magazine says you should do."

"You are missing the point," Johnny responded, "The point is you and I both agreed to it and managed to have fun as a result."

"Therefore, we should agree on something as a group and just have fun with each other," Anne finished.


"I just wanted all 4 of us to have fun together," Anne insisted with a frown.

"We still can, but it's up to you."

Anne sighed, "Ok. What do you all want to do?"

"Can we do something outside?" Ivy asked.

"As long as it's not out in the woods," Anne answered.

"Anne, do you remember us going out to the lake?" Sprig asked.

"And almost getting killed by a deadly creature," Anne responded bitterly, "What about it?"

"Do you think the creature is gone?"

Anne sighed, "As much as I want to actually go there and have a good time, I doubt the creature would just magically be gone."

Ivy's face lit up, "You 2 fought a creature in the lake and it might still be there."

"It won't hurt too much to check and I can always bring the peppers," Sprig insisted, "Besides, I am sure with the 4 of us, we won't have too much trouble."

"Alright, but I still think we should stick with my magazines."

"Oh this going to be exciting!" Ivy exclaimed, "Finally something more exciting."

"Johnny, you do happen to have swimming trunks, right?" Anne asked.

"Of course," He responded, "Didn't I tell you I was at scout camp before I appeared here?"

Anne left the bathroom, in her swimming suit and flip flops, with an excited smile on her face.

"Perhaps, this won't be a bad idea after all," Anne admitted

"Glad to see you are willing to give this a chance," Sprig told her with a smile.

"Yeah, even if we don't end up fighting the creature, we should have a good time," Ivy added.

"We just have to wait on Johnny," Anne said.

"Considering how long it took you, you are in no position to make that comment."

Anne narrowed her eyes, "Geez, I wasn't complaining."

Johnny smiled, "I know. I just like getting a rise out of you."

"Just get ready."

After about a minute, Johnny left the bathroom, shirtless and with his trunks.

"Unless there is something else, I think we are ready," Johnny told the group.

Sprig and Ivy nodded, while Anne was in a daze. She couldn't stop looking at Johnny's torso. He wasn't the strongest looking guy she had ever seen, but there were noticeable muscles and considering he was only 13, he will most likely develop more as he gets older.

"Anne!" Johnny shouted.

Anne managed to snap out of it, "Yes?"

"We have been trying to get your attention. We are ready to go," Johnny explained.

"Oh sorry."

"It's a good thing we are going to the lake," Johnny said with a smirk.

"Oh?" Anne asked, "Why?"

"If you go into another daze, we can easily splash water at you to snap you out of it."

Ivy and Johnny chuckled, while Sprig and Anne sighed.

"Let's just get to the lake," Anne suggested.

The group reached the lake and couldn't help but stare at it in awe.

"It's looks just as wonderful as ever," Sprig commented.

"I really hope the creature is gone," Anne added.

"Even if it is, I think we will have some fun here," Ivy stated.

"It looks nicer than the one at camp." Johnny said with a smile.

"What if the creature is still there?" Sprig asked.

"Relax little buddy, I have my axe," Johnny assured him before taking it out.

"Your axe won't do much against it. It was huge," Anne warned.

"It's a better weapon than your tennis racket. Besides, with teamwork we should be fine," Johnny argued, before putting it back in his backpack.

"Well, if all else fails we still have the peppers," Anne said with a sigh.

"Come on," Ivy insisted, "let's get to it."

Johnny nodded before he took off his shoes, socks, and backpack. He then ran and jumped right into the lake. His entire body was under water and after a few seconds he emerged.

"Come on in. It's a little chilly, but not too bad."

Ivy and Sprig nodded before jumping in themselves, while Anne was once again in a daze. She couldn't keep her eyes off of his wet torso and she suddenly had the urge to touch it, but before she could act on it, she was snapped from her thoughts, when Johnny splashed her with water.

"What?" Anne asked confused.

"Seriously, Anne?" Johnny asked, "Another daze? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"What is on your mind?"

"Nothing," Anne insisted, "I'm fine."

"Fine. Just get in, so we can have some fun together."

Anne nodded before taking off her flip flops and jumping in herself. She swam right next to Johnny and the two spent some time swimming together. Sprig and Ivy both had fun ambushing each other with sneak splash attacks and knocking each other underwater.

"Tell me Anne does any of your magazines suggest doing this?" Johnny asked her.

"No, and I am beginning to think you have a point, but don't push it."

Johnny chuckled, "I will take what I can get."

"So," Anne began nervously, "Do you work out?"

"No, not really. I am just very active and I guess camp activities every year, helps keep me in shape."

Anne nodded, "So, where did you get that Axe?"

"I borrowed it."

Anne raised an eyebrow, "Really, you borrowed an axe?"

Before Johnny could respond, he had the feeling something was nearby and nervously looked around.

"What's wrong?" Anne asked.

"I think there is something nearby."

"Are you sure?"

Johnny nodded, "Yes, I have developed a knack for being able to tell, when someone might be nearby. I am going to get my axe."

Anne didn't know what to say, as she watched him start to swim back. Seconds later Johnny's fears was confirmed, when a giant snake-like creature emerged from the lake. Anne gasped, as she recognized the creature, as the 1 she and Sprig escaped from.

"Sprig. Ivy. let's go!" Anne shouted before rushing towards them.

Sprig and Ivy gasped as they noticed the creature rushing towards them. They both managed to jump out of the way, as Anne reached them.

"Sprig the peppers," Anne commanded.

Sprig nodded before he took the peppers out and climbed on top of Anne's head. He jumped towards the creature, but before he could reach it's mouth, he and the peppers were knocked into the lake by the creature's tail.

"What are we going to do now?" Anne asked panicking.

Sprig managed to emerge from the water, as the creature rushed towards him and the girls. Before it could reach them, it roared in pain and went back into the lake. Sprig and the girls gasped, as they saw Johnny panting lightly, while holding his axe.

"Sorry It took me a bit. I should have taken it with me to begin with."

Before the others could respond the creature returned and focused it's attention on Johnny. He gritted his teeth, as he prepared to defend himself. The creature rushed towards him, as he prepared to swing his axe.

"Johnny, no!" Anne screamed.

Johnny managed to swing his axe, as the creature reached him and was knocked back into the water. It roared in pain, before disappearing. Johnny emerged from the lake and managed to balanced himself.

"Johnny, I swear if we make it, I will kill you myself!" Anne shouted.

"Geez, she is worst than my mom," Johnny couldn't help but mumbled.

Johnny noticed a couple hot peppers in the water and picked them up, in time for the creature to appear. Johnny smirked when it opened it's mouth and prepared for another attack. Taking the opportunity, he managed to throw 1 into it's mouth. The rest of the group watched in awe, as the creature's mouth was set on fire and it once again disappeared into the lake.

"Come on. Let's go before it comes back," Johnny commanded before he ate the other pepper.

The others nodded, before they all took off. Johnny rubbed his stomach, as it started feeling sore. It looks like he is still recovering from eating all those peppers at the competition and will have to lay off them for a little bit. Before he and the others could reached land, the creature came back and rushed towards them. Sprig and the girls gasped, as they prepared for impact. Before it could reached them, Johnny burst out flames, from his mouth, causing it to screamed in pain, before disappearing 1 last time. Johnny panted, as he and the others reached land. Johnny and Anne grabbed their stuff, before running with Sprig and Ivy back to safety.

Back at Hop Pop's farm the group was sitting at the kitchen table.

"What was that about?" Anne asked Johnny.

Johnny took a sip of his tea, "Me breathing fire?"

Anne nodded.

"I don't know. I guess now whenever I eat 1 of those peppers, I will end up breathing out fire."

"Well, it certainly came in handy," Sprig commented.

"Not to mention it was cool," Ivy added, "Well, the way you handled yourself against the creature was awesome in general."

"Thank you."

"Speaking of which, I am still mad at you for doing something so foolish," Anne scolded.

"I remember all of us deciding to go to the lake, despite the risk," Johnny pointed out.

"I mean trying to fight the monster."

"We were ambushed. We all made the mistake of going there anyway and ended up in a life or death situation," Johnny argued, "Would you rather I not try to defend myself and let it kill me?"

"Well, no, but..."

"We all took the risk and brought ways to defend ourselves. You can't blame me for defending myself when we were ambushed."

Anne sighed, "I guess not, but it was so scary."

"I know, but that was again the risk we took."

Anne turned towards Ivy, "Ivy, i'm sorry for things not turning out like you hoped."

"It's fine Anne. I managed to have fun despite the bad moments."

"So, you wouldn't mind going on another double date?" Anne asked hopefully.

"Maybe, only every once in a while."

The group, including Anne chuckled.

"You know despite having to face the lake monster again, I did manage to have fun straying from the advice these give me," Anne admitted before holding up her magazines.

The others smiled and nodded.

"Good. Maybe, next time I won't get embarrassed," Ivy commented, causing everyone to chuckle again.

This chapter has been the hardest to write and the most fun. I checked the wiki and even re watched scenes from the show, just to make sure I got certain names and details, like Love Choice right. I am also worried, I didn't get Ivy's character down exactly right, but I did the best I could. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you all next week.