
12. spicy pepper competition

I have decided to start having this fic enter comic book time. Meaning there will be filler chapters to help pad things out. I don't want to progress through the main plot to quickly, as I want to wait until we see what happens in season 2. I want the events to happen as close to canon as possible. I also decided to treat these chapters more like episodes.

Hop Pop groaned as he attempted to carry a barrel, filled with his spicy red peppers. After a few moments of painful lifting he dropped it and panted heavily. He sighed when he heard his stomach growl. he had decided to skip breakfast to start carrying the peppers. After deciding that eating 1 pepper wouldn't hurt, he took a bite and smoke flew from his mouth.

"Hey Pops. Need a hand?"

Hop Pop turned around and saw Johnny giving him a concerned look.

"No, Johnny. I don't need or want any limbs."

Johnny chuckled before shaking his head, "Pops, from where I'm from, it's an expression that means offering help."

"Oh. Well, the way we..."

"Would you like some help or not?"

Hop Pop groaned at being interrupted but nodded, "Yeah, just be careful. It's really heavy."

Johnny walked right up to the barrow, "Do you know how to lift Pops?"

Hop Pop gave him an offended look, "Of course I do. Any idiot can lift."

"I mean do you lift with your legs?"


"Lifting with your back can be harmful," Johnny answered before touching the barrel and using his legs to help him lift it up, "It's best to use your legs."

"I haven't learn that in all of my years on Amphibia."

"Goes to show no matter how old you are you will always learn new things," Johnny said with a smile, "Now where do you want these?"

"Follow me."

Johnny placed the barrow with a few others.

"Thanks Johnny," Hop Pop told the teen with a smile, "Maybe, now I can get some breakfast."

"Pops, trust me you should never skip it. Especially, at your age."

"What are you saying?" The old frog asked offended.

"All I am saying is you need your energy, or you know."

"I will have you know I am still in good shape."

"Pops, I am not treating you like you are stuck in bed or a wheelchair 24/7, but you can't be skipping meals."

"Yeah, I suppose so," Hop Pop admitted, "I will try not to do it again."

"Good. By the way, what's in these barrels?"

"Just my hot peppers."

Johnny gasped in excitement, "Mind if I try 1?"

Hop Pop sighed, "Fine, but I must warn you they are incredibly spicy."

"I will be the judge of that," Johnny told him before taking a pepper and eating it whole.

Hop Pop shook his head at the teen. Even he wouldn't eat 1 whole. Hop Pop was about to rush off and get some milk, when he noticed Johnny smile and smoke coming from his mouth.

"They do pack a punch," Johnny complimented, "I am impressed Pops. You can grow a good pepper."

Hop Pop's eyes widened and he kept stuttering uncontrollably. Johnny gave him a questioning look for a few seconds, before it turned to a concern 1.

"Are you ok Pops?", Johnny asked, "Perhaps, not eating breakfast is worst than we thought."

Johnny was watching the stand with Anne. The teen boy had to admit he was actually getting more and more used to being here in this world. As he watched the frogs shop around the farmer's market, he realized apart from the species it wasn't that much different than earth.

"So, where were you this morning?" Anne asked.

"Helping Pops move some barrels."

"That's nice of you."

"I am worried about him," Johnny admitted.

Anne gave him a questioning look, "How so?"

"First of all he decided to skip breakfast and go straight to work..."

"What's wrong with that,"

"Don't get me wrong for his age he can move impressively, but he shouldn't be skipping meals."

"Point taken."

"Also when I ate 1 of his peppers, he was completely flabbergasted."

Anne was completely stunned, "Wait, you ate 1 of his peppers?"

"Yeah, what's the big deal."

"Are you ok?"


"Your mouth must be suffering from the burns."

"Burns? What burns?"

"Surprisingly, the medical knowledge here seems to be on par with ours."


"Yes?" Anne asked sheepishly.

"I appreciate your concern, but what are you talking about?"

"Well..." Anne began while nervously fiddling with her fingers, "It's just that when Sprig ate the peppers his mouth caught on fire and they were useful in helping us get away from a monster in the lake."

"Huh," Johnny simply said stunned.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, there was no fire, but there was a smoke cloud."

"Unbelievable," Anne told him completely stunned.

"Are you saying I was able to resist a pepper that sets your mouth on fire?" Johnny asked.

"And you are 1 of the few in the town that can."

Johnny and Anne turned a saw Hop Pop giving Johnny a proud look.

"There are others?" Johnny asked.

Hop Pop nodded, "You don't know how happy I am. I was disappointed when Sprig wasn't able to handle it and I had to hope Polly would be able to, one day, but now I have found an honorary family member that can."

"And why were you hoping Polly would be able to?" Johnny asked.

Before the old frog could answer Toadie appeared with a bunch of filers.

"Just a reminder that the annual spicy pepper competition will take place later today," Toadie announced before handing Hop Pop a filer and leaving.

"Perfect timing Toadie," Hop Pop mumbled.

"You want someone that will take your place in the competition?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, I can still handle a few peppers myself, but my stomach isn't what it used to be," Hop Pop responded before showing the teens the filer, "The prize is 10,000 copper."

Anne gasped in excitement, "Imagine all the things we can get with that."

Hop Pop groaned, "Don't even think about it. We are going to invest that money property, when we win."

"Pops, why are you so certain?"

Hop Pop gave the teen boy a smile, "Because, I have complete trust you will pull through and win this for us."

Johnny and Anne were sitting at the kitchen table, in front of Hop Pop, who was wearing his coach outfit.

"I don't see why Anne has to be here," Hop Pop told the teens.

Johnny smiled, "For support. Couples tend to do things together Pops. I figured you would understand considering you and Sylvia, right?"

Hop Pop groaned but nodded. Anne couldn't help but smile a bit.

"I thought you wanted to have things be casual?" Anne managed to ask.

"Having a casual relationship and being a couple isn't mutually exclusive. Besides, I am giving you what you want," Johnny answered before grabbing her hand, "Don't you want to spend more time together?"

Anne's cheeks turned a light pink and she nodded nervously. Hop Pop couldn't help but chuckle at the teen's antics. They kinda remind him of Sylvia and himself.

"Let's get back on track," Hop Pop told the teens.

Johnny simply nodded, while Anne pouted.

Johnny gave her a smile and whispered in her ear, "I promise we will spend time together later. Just the 2 of us."

Anne nodded eagerly and began imagining what they could do.

"Alright Pops," Johnny began eagerly, "How does the competition work?"

"It's simple. You just have to outlast everyone else while eating as many peppers as you can. If you take a sip of milk you are out. There will be multiple rounds, where the peppers get spicier."

"Sounds simple enough."

"I am warning you now boy I am putting you through the same training my Pappy put me through. It will break you, but if you manage to survive you will be able to handle eating any spicy pepper that comes your way."

"Geez how long has this competition been around?"

Hop Pop gave the teen an annoyed look, "That is what you took away from my speech."

"Are you sure this won't damage my stomach and make it harder for me to win?"

Hop Pop shook his head, "Trust me this will be for your own good. I was able to win every year until I became too old."

"Alright if you say so Pops."

"Meet me outside."

Johnny grunted as he did a set up and ate a spicy pepper from Hop Pop's hand. Hop Pop grabbed another one from a bucket, in time for Johnny to eat it again.

"Hop Pop?"

"Yes, Anne?"

"Why are you having him do sit ups?"

"Just part of the training?" Hop Pop answered before giving Johnny a proud look, "Just a few more Johnny."

"I understand eating more peppers to build up a resistance, but sit ups too?"

"It's to help push him to his limits. Besides, I want to keep him fit to help around the farm."

Anne sighed and shook her head. Leave it to Hop Pop to try and be sneaky like this.

Johnny was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and placed a pepper covered in hot sauce in his mouth. His mouth puckered but he kept his eyes closed and after a few seconds managed to relax.

"You are a natural Johnny."

"Hop Pop, are you sure you aren't causing damage to his mouth or taste buds."

Hop Pop waved his hand dismissively, "Relax Anne. I would never put you kids in harms way deliberately."

"What if you do it not deliberately?"

"That is always a risk."

Anne sighed but nodded before giving Johnny a concerned look.

Johnny took a sip of water before licking the inside of his mouth.

"Are you ok Johnny?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, my mouth is just a little numb."

"No worries. That will pass with time," Hop Pop assured him, "I have to say you have impressed me greatly, Johnny."

"Thanks Pops. This training hasn't been too terrible."

Hop Pop chuckled, "You haven't seen anything yet kid."

Johnny and Anne gave Hop Pop stunned looks, causing the old frog to laugh harder.

"There is one last part to the training."

"Which is?"

"Follow me into the kitchen."

Anne and Johnny shared a look before following the old frog.

Johnny and Anne were waiting patiently at the table for Hop Pop. A few seconds later Hop Pop appeared with a cup.

"Alright Johnny. You just have to drink this."

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

"It's part of the ultimate test." The old frog explained.

"Hop Pop just tell us what it is!" Anne snapped.

"Anne?" Hop Pop asked flabbergasted.

"You have put Johnny through so much today and even though he's fine, I can't help but be concerned," Anne told the old frog, "So, just tell us what this is."

Johnny grabbed Anne's hand and gave her a comforting squeeze, that managed to calm her down a little. Hop Pop sighed before smiling at the pair. Johnny is lucky to have someone look out for him and the old frog hopes he treats her well.

"This is perhaps the most wild liquid known to amphibian kind," Hop Pop told the teens.

"Really?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know," Hop Pop admitted, "I made that up. It does pack a wild punch though. You just have to drink it and get over the effects."

Anne sighed, "I see you still can't help but make things up to sell things."

"Relax. As long as I am not making money off of it, it shouldn't be too bad."

"I guess so," Anne admitted.

"Anyway, I just have to drink and handle it, right?" Johnny asked.

"Yep, good luck."

"Hop Pop, how will this help?" Anne asked.

"If he can handle this he will handle anything the competition has."

Johnny took the cup and gulped it down.

"It does pack a punch, but it doesn't seem like that much," Johnny said.

"Give it a second," Hop Pop told him.

Johnny started shaking uncontrollably and he felt his face heat up.

"Johnny?" Anne asked in concern before turning to glare at Hop Pop.

Johnny began to have extreme spasms.

"I feel like a certain crazy conspiracy theorist teacher," Johnny said.

"What is he on about?" Hop Pop asked.

"I will tell you later," Anne told the old frog while smiling slightly at being reminded of 1 of her childhood favorite cartoons, "Assuming, You are still alive after I am done with you."

The old frog shook nervously, "Perhaps, I went too far."

"You think?" Anne asked sarcastically.

After a few moments of hoping from the walls and, Johnny stopped and he felt his face cool down.

"Dang Pops. I am jealous we don't have things like this from our world, right Anne?" Johnny managed to say with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we really need this in our world," Anne mumbled sarcastically.

"Impressive Kid. You not only took the training head on, but did it without complaint."

"Looking back it actually was kinda fun." Johnny said with a smile.

Anne gave Johnny an unamused look, "Seriously? You aren't bothered by it."

"Anne. You know what made it so bearable?"


"You showing concern for me helped me persevere."


"Of course."

Anne rushed towards Johnny and gave him a hug. Johnny gave Hop Pop a look, saying he owes him for calming her down. Hop Pop nodded and gave the human teen a grateful look. Perhaps, now Anne won't hurt him for putting Johnny through this.

Johnny rubbed his hands in anticipation, as he took his seat at the competition table. He look at his fellow competitors and only two of them were familiar to him, Mayor Toadstool and an old female frog, he could barely recall the name of. Mrs. Croaker was the last guess he decided on.

"So, you are Hopadiah's replacement," Mrs. Croaker said giving the teen a long look, "I hope you are as good as him at this."

"Yes, Ma'am." Johnny said politely, "He trained me himself."

Mrs. Croaker chuckled, "Polite huh? The name's Mrs. Croaker. Let's see what you have kid."

Johnny was glad to see he managed to guessed her name correctly. Mayor Toadstool was giving Johnny dirty looks. He was still angry with the teen for saying those things to him and he will gladly win, to knock him down a peg.

"Like Mrs. Croaker, I am surprised to see you here," Toadstool told the teen, "I never would have thought you would be able to handle spicy peppers."

Johnny smiled, "No offense sir, but I feel the same way."

"You are mistaken. You are looking at the guy who wins every year. After I took the title from Hop Pop I never lost and I intend to keep it that way."

"Interesting." The teen simply said.

"What's interesting?" Toadstool asked.

"You don't make all your money by stealing from the honest hard working people of the town."

Toadstool gritted his teeth, but managed to calm down as he imagined winning.

"He got you there Toadstool," Mrs. Croaker said with a chuckle.

"Let me warn you now kid. I won't go easy on you," Toadstool warned.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Attention! It's time for the competition to start," A fancy looking frog announce, whose voice reminded Johnny of a certain one-eyed alien.

Johnny looked and managed to spot Anne and the Plantars cheering him on.

"Johnny, if you win this, I might consider not getting payback!" He heard Polly shout.

Johnny shook his head with a smile.

"The rules are simple. Clear out your plate of peppers and outlast everyone else. The next round starts when everyone finished their plates, or give up by taking a drink of milk. Begin."

Johnny cracked his knuckles before he began eating his plate of peppers as fast as he could. To his amusement he saw a couple frogs took a drink from their cups of milk, already. After a minute he finished his plate and burped into his hands.

"Excuse me." he said sheepishly.

"Not bad kid, but this isn't over yet."

"If saying the obvious is all you need to be mayor, it sounds like a nice job."

"Why you," Toadstool began before stopping.

He won't let the teen get to him, not when he'll win and rub it in his face. Not to mention he will be in Grime's hands after the party.

"There is a lot of work that comes with the job," Toadstool explained, "Not to mention so much stress."

"Stress from getting caught for your crimes."

"He's got you again Toadstool," Mrs. Croaker chuckled.

In the crowd the Plantars and Anne were laughing.

"Johnny is really getting on Toadstool's nerves."

"I know. He is pretty cool," Polly added.

"I never thought I would be so proud at a kid being disrespectful," Hop Pop said with a chuckle.

"You know when he isn't annoying me I find his antics amusing," Anne told the group before mumbling, "Not to mention hot."

"What was the last part Anne?" Sprig asked.


Many rounds later Johnny, Mrs. Croaker, and Toadstool were the only ones left. Johnny could feel his stomach ache a bit, but he was willing to keep it up. He managed to finish his latest bowl of peppers.

"I have to say kid you are a worthy successor to Hopadiah," Mrs. Croaker told the teen before taking a sip of milk, "I wish you luck in beating the mayor. He needs a good butt kicking."

"Thank you ma'am," Johnny said with a smile, "I will try my best."

"We are down to our last two contestants. It's time for the ultimate round."

"Ultimate round?" Johnny asked.

"Tough break kid," Toadstool said while rubbing his stomach, "You are giving me a good run for my money, but here you will lose."

"The two contestants will drink a strange liguid and the first 1 to recover wins."

"You should feel proud kid," Toadstool told Johnny.


"Well, Old Hopadiah never made it this far against me," Toadstool told him before taking a sip of the strange liquid.

Toadstool's eyes widened and he had a few spasms before he took his clothes off, "I am no longer your humble mayor. Today I ascend to a god. Not even Grime can compete with me and he can kiss my..."

Toadstool was knocked back by a punch from Mrs. Croaker.

"Watch your language. There are kids here."

Johnny smiled at Mrs. Croaker before taking a sip himself. He was beginning to really respect the old female frog. Johnny groaned as he rubbed his tummy. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"Interesting! The liquid doesn't seem to have much of an effect on our human contestant. Looks like he..."

Before the announcement was finished a giant fly, invaded the competition. it swarmed around, scaring everyone there. Toadstool stood up on the table.

"People as your god I will..."

Toadstool was lifted by the fly.

"Subjects your god commends you to..."

Johnny managed to stumble pass the table, while rubbing his stomach. The fly noticed him and rushed towards him, intending to attack. Anne and the Plantars screamed in horror. Johnny groaned as he noticed the fly and tried to move out of the way, but before he could he burped out flames. The flames set the fly on fire, causing it to drop Toadstool and fly away in fear. Johnny burped again and more flames came out. He then sighed in complete relief before moving closer to Toadstool. Toadstool got up and gave Johnny a smug look.

"Looks like I win kid."

"What do you mean?"

"I saw you breathed fire, meaning you couldn't handle it."

"I doubt that's how it works."

"He's right!"

Johnny and Toadstool turned and saw the announcer.

"The rules state you only lose if you take a sip of milk. As for the ultimate round, the winner is decided by whoever is the first to recover from the effects of the liquid, or if somebody is immune to it, they automatically win."

"Wait?" Toadstool asked nervously, "Are you saying he won?"

"Fair and square."

Toadstool groaned before giving the teen a dirty look and leaving. Johnny simply shook his head.

"You're welcome for saving your life."


Before he could react Johnny felt Anne wrapped her arms around him.

"I was so worried. You scared me," Anne ranted as a few tears flowed from her eyes, "I shouldn't have let you enter the competition."

Johnny simply patted Anne on her back.

"Anne. I promise you i'm fine."

"Well, I am killing Hop Pop,"

"If you do I will gladly bust you out."

Hop Pop coughed and got the kids' attention, "Johnny, sorry for putting you through this."

"It's fine Pops. The whole thing was fun."

"My favorite part was when you breath fire on the fly," Polly said with a smile.

"Yeah, what was up with the fly?" Johnny asked.

Hop Pop shrugged his shoulders, "Sometimes, there are random attacks like that. That's life."

"Yeah, Johnny. Sometimes, Anne and I get ambushed by all kinds of creatures," Sprig said with a chuckle.

"Sprig," Anne warned, causing everyone to chuckle.

Hop Pop was sitting on the couch, counting the prize money. There is plenty to help them get by for a few months. Maybe there will even be enough extra copper to treat him and the kids with something special. Hop Pop smiled as he put the money back in the bag and put it somewhere safe. He entered the kitchen and saw Johnny eating various insects.

"Johnny?" Hop Pop asked completely stunned.

"Oh. Hi Pops. What's up?"

"I know you have more tolerance for insects than Anne, but even you don't eat this much."

"Oh. It turns out eating all those peppers seem to have damaged my taste buds," Johnny answered, "I can't taste a thing. It's actually pretty cool."

"What?" Hop Pop asked freaking out, "I did this to you?"

"Relax Pops," Johnny said with a smile, "I am sure it's temporary. Might as well enjoy it for now."

"Does Anne know about it?"

Johnny shook his head, "Trust me for your sake she better never find out."

Hop Pop groaned and nodded in slight fear.

Behold the longest chapter so far. Hope you all enjoyed and there is a poll on my profile where you can let me know what ideas you want to see in the future.