
Part 9

"You have no idea who you are dealing with. My dad is the chief of police. He has a lot of sways, so he'll bring in everyone he has connections with the whole Calvary,"

"Don't forget the superheroes," said Chat Noir doing a pretty cool front flip over Stoneheart. His baton accidentally hit Stoneheart, causing him to grow.

"Ah, oh, my bad," said Chat, seeing that Stoneheart grew.

"Super incompetent, you mean,"

"Hey, you wanted the Calvary; well, here it is,"

All the Stoneheart statues began to run to the original Stoneheart location.

Chat noir was quickly surrounded. Then Chat's baton rang. Opening Chat was surprised it doubled as a communication device. He started running he wouldn't be caught quickly and made his way to the rooftops before answering.


"Hey, Chat,"

"Ladybug, where are you,"

"Sorry took a wrong turn. I'm 10 minutes from your location,"

"Can you come any faster if that is possible? I'm chasing down Stoneheart, who has two hostages and an army of Stoneheart duplicates on my tail,"

"Okay, give me five minutes,"


The call ended like that.

*with Marinette/Ladybug*

"Okay, Chat knows I'm on my way. That's good. I should give myself a boost with magic,"

Marinette inhaled intensely consuming air that soon converted to mana. The extra magic in her system boosted her body's speed for a short burst, so she should make it to Chat in the allotted time.

*with Alya*

Alya was chasing after the StoneHeart army. She was close to her phone Livestream for all to see. She wasn't paying attention to one of the Stoneheart duplicates throwing a car in her direction. The sound of a yo-yo could be heard, and Alya was suddenly flying through the air.

"You should be more careful," said a voice.

"Wait, Ladybug,"

"Hello again,"

"Awesome, I was just saved by Ladybug,"

"Okay, well, I have work to do; please, if you plan to film fights, please watch your surroundings," said Ladybug as she swung off.

*With Stone heart and his two hostages*

"Ivan, where are we going,"

"To deliver a message, then we'll be brought together by a little black butterfly,"

" All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick,"

"Don't worry, little monster. I'm going to take care of you too,"

*Small time skip*

Chat had been caught by a Stoneheart duplicate and dropped his staff. Since Ladybug followed close behind him, he hoped she grabbed his staff.

*with ladybug*

'I just missed him; he seems to have dropped his staff; must have been caught by one of the duplicates,' thought Ladybug inwardly, sighing.'Okay, if my hearing is as good as I know it is, I picked up snippets of the conversation between Ivan to Mylene. He has to deliver a message. The best place to get the most attention would be The Eiffel Tower.'

Ladybug inhaled again, but this time through her nose to track down her partner. 'Okay, he is just 20 paces or so that way,' thought Ladybug.

With that, she took off. Once she has spotted the Duplicate, she uses her yo-yo to gain momentum, uses the builds to push off, and throws the baton to the hand she knows he's in.

"Chat Noir, extend it!"

Chat extends his staff and thankfully gets out of the duplicate's hand. And lands right on his back. Ladybug sees that he is too disoriented to move right away and throws her yo-yo at him until it attaches to him. She uses her dragon strength pull. Chat just barely misses being squashed by the duplicate's fist. He was now hung upside down on the lamppost.

"Sorry I was late,"

Chat puts his baton away.

"M'lady, have I ever told you to turn my world upside down,"

"Oh, your quite the jokester, aren't you," the roar of three Stonehearts breaks her mid-sentence, "but your comedic timing needs work; we gotta get outta here,"

Ladybug takes a giant leap and drags Chat noir with her by his ankle. They made it to the roof and started jumping from roof to top.

"Hey, aren't we going to take care of them,"

"No, we have to get to the original and deal with the hostages so they don't have leverage,"

"Good thinking M'lady,"

"Now we have to pick up the pace if we are to reach the Eiffel Tower anytime soon,"