
Part 7

*Marinette's House*

"Oh my," gasped Sabine.

The newswoman "Just as Paris is about to celebrate the appearance of their two new superheroes, Ladybug and Cat noir, a new wave of panic is sweeping across the capital as dozens of people mysteriously transformed into stone monsters. It's simply unbelievable,"

Marinette, determined to find out what's wrong, runs up the stair.

*change scenes to Adrien's house*

"Camembert cheese just fantastic. All he eats is Camembert which means I'm gimping to smell like stinky old cheese,"

"These victims that have been transformed into stone beings are still like statues police are perplexed what will happen to them will they come to life or will they be frozen in time forever,"

"Plagg, what's going on? I thought we defeated him,"

*the scene splits in half, showing both Tiki and Plagg*

"Did you capture the Akuma," said Plagg and Tikki in sync.

*Marinette pov*

"Wait, you never told me how to capture the Akuma,"

"Oops, I feel like Plagg now," said Tiki, quite grim.

"I won't ask, but what is going to happen now to the other stone beings,"

"Since the Akuma wasn't captured, it multiplied if Ivan's emotions become negative then the Akuma will turn him back into Stoneheart he will be able to bring the other stone brings to life they will become his army,"

"So that means it is my fault,"

"No, it's my fault, and I should have remembered,"

"No, it's not,"

"It is I'm sorry Marinette,"

"Don't worry Tiki we can fix this,"

"Thank you, Marinette,"

*Adrien pov*

"So I can't do anything without Ladybug,"

"Only Ladybug can capture Akuma and repair the damage caused by supervillains,"

*Marinette pov*

"So we have to prepare for anything to happen. Chloe can help as well,"

"It's a great plan Marinette,"

"Thanks, Tiki, but Ivan will have to be akumatized again,"

"Well, this will make sure that all the multiple akumas are captured,"


*with Hawkmoth*

"Ivan has a sensitive heart. It won't be long for anger and sadness to strike again, and He and the stone beings come alive, then will see how long you remain hidden. Ladybug and Cat noir, once I have your miraculous, you will be powerless against me. Everyone will be powerless against me, mwahaha,"

*the start of part two*

"The stone beings are scattered all over Paris for the time being. They show no signs of movement.The police have cornered off the area," news cast

The screen changed to show the Mayor of Paris.

"We won't stop until we get these people to their normal selves, but for now, were not making any headway,"

Back to the News Lady.

"Paris is relying on their new guardian angels Ladybug and Cat Noir to save us our lives depend on,"

*Marinette's house*

Marinette was staring at the tv from the kitchen.

'Even though Paris has only known its superheroes for a day, they put quite a lot of trust,'

Marinette's adoptive father places his hand on her shoulder. "Listen, I know how upsetting and scary this is but don't worry, sweetie. We got two superheroes and a smart, beautiful daughter, a powerful mage looking out for us. We can help them by not being scared,"

"Thanks, papa your embarrassing me,"

"Aw, my little mage is embarrassed,"



"Love you, Dad,"

"Love you too Mari,"

Marinette went upstairs collecting her stuff for school.

"Marinette it'll be fine we can do this,"

"I know Tiki let's go,"

*At Agreste Mansion*

A clock was making that annoying ticking sound one sometimes uses with piano. Natalie's reflection could be seen in the mirror behind the clock.

"Hmm what's he doing,"

Natalie walks into Adrien's room, finding him not there.


*screen change to Gabriel*

"You didn't see him leave if anything has happened to him to my son, you'll be held responsible,"

*scene change to adrien*

Adrien could be seen sprinting with all his might. He ran straight to the park. Plagg popped out.

"Your such a strange kid who would want to be at school when you can stay at home all day,"

"You don't get it, Plagg. I've had enough of being shut up at home by my dad. I want to meet people and make friends and go to a normal school like everyone else,"

"Yahhh, I think I'm feeling weak,"

"You know what's strange? The fact that all you eat is this disgusting smelling camembert cheese, then I have to smell like it 24-, seven that's strange,"

"If you what to transform into a superhero, then stinky cheese is the deal, my friend,"

Adrien pulls on his outer shirt motioning for Plagg to hide in it. With Plagg hidden away, Adrien began sprinting again.

*Entrance to the school*

"Lady blog brings you all the latest news about the coolest superhero, Ladybug. How awesome is that? Check out the views since I posted the video,"

"You do realize there is another hero other than a ladybug,"

"Oh right, that cat guy,"

"Yes, that cat guy is also a superhero. He kept Ladybug safe well she fought up a plan well they are both new to being superheroes there doing a great job,"

"Girl, that cat boy was a bit unruly Ladybug was the only one who knew what she was doing,"

"Alya, not everyone can quickly catch on to be a hero. Everyone has their own pace of doing things,"

"Your right, sorry, girl. I'll try to be fairer to the cat boy,"

"So you really don't remember anything,"

"You were going ballistic. It was so cool,"

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude,"

"I'm sorry I wasn't myself," said Ivan apologetically.

"Pft once a monster, always a monster," this wasn't Chloe but Sabrina who said this.

Sabrina has a total makeover on how she looked after breaking it off with Chloe. Her glasses were replaced with contacts; she was now wearing a plaid skirt instead of shorts, her regular leggings and a white shirt with a dark blue button-up long sleeve cover-up. Her hair was longer, just past her shoulders, with a black Beret sitting atop her head. She wore her normal shoes on her feet.

Ivan snarled at her, feeling fed up with all this negative feedback from his classmates.

Marinette felt terrible for them(she is wearing something similar to what she's wearing in the last part)

"Sabrina, that isn't nice Ivan didn't know what he was doing,"

Ivan was touched that the new girl was standing up for him.

"Well, if it isn't Mari-trash, where are you blond little friend,"

"Is there something wrong with Chloe and me being friends,"

"You stole her from me. We used to rule this school, but now she's a goodie two shoes like you,"

Chloe had walked in and heard that she wouldn't stand around well her friend was being chewed out.

"Well, Sabrina, I've changed. I've realized that power isn't everything Marinette taught me that but it seems you haven't learned that lesson yet,"

Sabrina was a bit shocked not noticing that Chloe had sneaked up on her.

"Well, Ivan is a monster. Nothing's going to change that," said Sabrina going back to the topic at hand.

Ivan couldn't take more of this and storm out.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out," shouted Sabrina.

*with Hawkmoth*

"Yes, feel the burn of those words. Lose your temper Ivan your Akuma awaits you,"

*With Adrien*

Adrien had just run out of the subway station and had made it to the school steps. Still sprinting, he had made it to the entrance before he heard a voice call out to him.

"Adrien don't do this your father will be furious,"

"Tell you got here too late, please," begged Adrien and entered the school.

Natalie sighed.

*with the group minus Ivan*

"How could you say that to Ivan? You're the real Stoneheart," spoke Alya

"Oh, so I'm the one who broke my dad's arm, am I? Just because your footage of those lame superheroes was shown on tv doesn't mean you have to get so high and mighty," said Sabrina blowing a bubble and popping it in her face.

"You little,"

"Huh, look out, she's angry she is going to split her underwear and turn into a huge muscled monster,"

Alya balled up her fists, looking to be ready to punch her lights out but decided to walk away from Sabrina.

Adrien had made it to school and saw Chloe looking much better than she used to.

"Hey Chloe,"

Chloe turned around recognizing that familiar voice.

"Adrien, you came. I thought your father wouldn't allow you to come,"

Adrien had thought he had heard wrong, but it seemed Chloe had matured and gotten over her crush on him. Sabrina, however, was drooling at the sight of him as she was hidden behind Chloe's shadow. She hid that she had a crush on him as well. Chloe had walked up to him and given him a light hug, not like the one in the past when he was crushed, but a light squeeze and then let go. Soon people started to recognize him and rushed over to him, creating a crowd.

*with Natalie and Gorilla*

Natalie had gotten back into the car and buckled up.

"I'll handle it,"

Gorilla nodded and began the drive back to the Agreste mansion.

*with Marinette*

Marinette followed Ivan after storming off and ended up in the locker room. Rounding a row of lockers, she looked and saw who she had followed. She walked over to them and placed her hand on his arm gently. He glanced at her, and she smiled kindly. Ivan removed his headphones and held them in both hands.

"You know I have someone who that was feeling the same way you are feeling right now,"

"Really who was that,"

"They were someone I considered my big brother he did some bad things before to some people I know he could never really forgive himself it took time but soon he opened up and became part of the family,"

"They sound like their doing well,"

"He opened up to one of the girls he had hurt, and after being forgiven, they bonded and became quite close. If I'm right, I think he and that girl got together,"

"You don't know for sure,"

"I haven't been in contact with them for a few years,"

"Ah, you must miss them,"

"With all my heart, but I know I see them again sooner or later,"

"That must be nice,"

"Now I see there is something more you should tell that girl how you feel,"

"How do you know I like someone,"

"I have plenty of experience seeing it,"

"I don't know,"

"You truly like her, don't you,"

"I guess,"

Ivan got a bit gloomy thinking that he was so obvious with his feelings that the new girl saw them so quickly.

"Hey no need to get so negative,"

Ivan grunted a bit.

"I want you to be positive. I'm sure the girl you like likes you back. Go talk to her,"

"I'm no good with words anyway,"

"Who needs words you could artistic about it like drawing a picture, send her flowers…,"

"I could write her a song,"

"That's a great idea. What girl wouldn't want a song written especially written just for her to go for it and think positive,"

Ivan got up happily, laughing and lightly jogging to the door to work on the song.

"Hey Tiki, do you think I did alright,"

Tiki flew out of her purse.

"Of course, it's good to help people,"

"Well, at least, hopefully, he isn't as bad a singer as Gajeel," said Marinette, mentally wincing.

"What's wrong with his singing,"

"Try having super hearing his voice is like nails on chalkboard times ten,"

Tiki imagined it, yea, not a great thing to have.

"I should get going. I don't want to be late for class,"

*with Hawkmoth*

"The negative emotions there fading agh,"

*with Adrien and Chloe*

"Can I have your autograph,"

"Adrien, can I have your autograph,"

Adrien was heading to the class with Chloe beside him, giving autographs to those who asked.

"Adrien, there is someone I want to introduce you to. You never met them two years ago because you were busy. She ended up going abroad with her great uncle,"

"She sounds important to you,"

"Yea, she is. She helped me change my life around,"

Adrien now had to meet her. She changed Chloe; this person was a miracle worker.

"I'd love to meet her,"

"Don't be surprised if she doesn't recognize you though she's not really into magazines and who is who kinda thing,"

Adrien thought about what she said and realized this person doesn't read tabloids, so he had to make a good impression. They had arrived at class.

"Adrien, how about you sit with Nino? I'll be sitting across here, and my friend and Alya will sit right behind you,"

If you want to know, Sabrina sits at the back of an empty row.

"Thanks, Chloe,"

"Your welcome, Adrien,"

Adrien sat down and introduced himself.

"Hey, I'm Adrien,"

"Nice to meet you, dude. I'm Nino. How do you know Chloe,"

"She is the only friend I've had,"

"Now that's said, how about me you be friends,"

"That would be great to have a guy friend,"


Marinette walked through the door, and the bell wouldn't ring for another fifteen minutes.

"Marinette," said Chloe.

Adrian looked at the door and saw a petite girl with navy blue hair and warm brown eyes(Wendy's eye colour). She had a cute smile on her face and her hair in a half updo. Her clothes worked well with her body shape: a nice white blouse with sleeves cut at the elbows and a black skirt with a blue floral pattern. Then he saw her shoes, a pair of flats that lace up cute.

"Adrien, this is Marinette, the friend I was talking to you about the transferred here yesterday,"

"Nice to meet you, Adrien,"

Adrien was pulled in by her voice; it was soft and angelic.

"Nice to meet you, Marinette,"

Adrien smiled.

"Okay, let's get to our seats; the teacher will be here soon," said Chloe.

Everyone else was already seated while they were talking.