
Part 6

Third-person POV

A blonde was making his way down the sidewalk on his way to school. A car had pulled up behind him.

"Adrien, your father doesn't agree with this; get in the car and come home," said a woman.

"I said No, I don't want to be homeschooled anymore. I would like to go to school and meet new people and make friends around my age," said Adrien as he began to walk faster. He saw them on the stairs to the school.

"Adrien, your father, told us to bring you back," said the woman.

"Natalie told my dad I'm going to school," said Adrien, already halfway up the stairs; then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw an old man who had fallen over and couldn't get up.

Adrien hurriedly walked down the stairs, almost running down the stairs to help him up. He was cautious in helping the older man up.

"Are you okay, sir," asked Adrien, concerned for the old man.

"Yes, thank you, young man; I'm very grateful,"

"You're welcome, sir,"

The older man nodded and walked away. Adrien turns back to the school building. Walking quickly aside from the setback, continued to the stairs, then was cut off.

"Adrien, come on, we're going home," said Natalie as she was the one to cut him off.

Adrien nodded sadly, knowing that he wouldn't be able to repurchase them.

"Natalie, I want to go to school like every other kid. Please don't tell my father about this,"

Natalie chose to stay Silent, not having a choice whether or not two tell his father. It was her job To make sure that Adrian was taken care of.

X with master FuX

"Well, wazz, what do you think quiet a kind young man don't you think a perfect match for the black cat miraculous,"

"He is Plagg will love him in his chaotic way,"

"I know he will," said master fu with a smile.

X Back in the classroom X

The classroom was unaware of what had happened outside the bell that had rung, ending class.

"Those of you who have P.E. Mr. D'Argencourt are expecting you at the stadium; the rest of you can head over to the library…." Ms. Bustier was interrupted by Ivan.

"Kim!!!" yelled Ivan, mad with a scrunched-up piece of paper in his hand, ready to punch Kim.

"Ivan, what is going on," Asked Ms. Bustier.

"It's Kim. I'm so going…."

"Ivan, go to the principal's office,"

Ivan crumples up the paper in his hands, grabs his bag, and walks out of the classroom to the principal's office.

X In a secret Lair in a secret location X

A window opens dramatically.

"Negative Emotions, this is perfect, just what I need, anger, sadness burn a hole into his heart, my horrible Akuma," said the masked man.

The white butterfly that had landed in his hand had turned a toxic Blackley-purple with bright light purple stripes. It begins to fly off as the masked man talks to it.

"Fly away my little Akuma and evilized him,"

The Akuma flew out the window and across Paris to Collège Françoise Dupont.

X back to Collège Françoise Dupont x

Ivan had arrived at the principal's office and opened the door. The principal looks up.

"Excuse me, young man, has anyone ever taught you to knock go on out? Please try it again," said the principal.

Ivan was a little ticked off but did as the principal said. Ivan closed the door as the Akuma flew his way.

"Go on, Knock," said the principal.

As the principal spoke, the Akuma flew into the crumpled-up piece of paper in his hand.

"Stoneheart, I am Hawkmoth. I give you the power to seek revenge on those who have wronged you,"

"Okay, Hawk Moth,"

A purple goop crawls up Ivan's arm from the akumatized object. It expanded over his body, engulfing him.

"Well, come on in," said the principal, still awaiting Ivan to knock but to get impatient.

The door was broken open, and the principal gave a cry of surprise and fell out of his chair in shock. Ivan, now a rock golem named Stoneheart, gave a frustrated cry and began to advance.

X In the library X

Marinette, Alya and Chloe shared a table as they caught Marinette on things that had recently happened in Paris and who people were in class and their nature. Then came a crash similar to a miniature earthquake. Many people panicked when the three girls fell to the ground. Marinette was unharmed, just a little sore and Alya, wanting to know what was up, ran to the window as Marinette helped up Chloe.

"Did you hear that," asked a random student.

On the T.V. screen with security camera footage, they saw the stone golem.

X Outside the school X

Stoneheart had jumped out of the principal's office window, and once he had landed, he gave a battle cry. He was leaving a dazzled Principal Damocles to look out his now broken window. Mr.Damocles grabs his phone and dials the police station.

"Hello, is this the police get me the army,"

X Back in the Library X

"What is going on?" asked Marinette, sensing some type of magic used with evil intentions.

"He had Ivan's voice. It can't be that it is somehow Ivan," said Chloe.

"It's as if he has been transformed into a real-life supervillain," Said Alya excitedly, "GPS check, battery check, I'm so out of here."

"Hey, where are you going?" questioned Marinette though she had a pretty good idea.

"Where there's a supervillain, there's always a superhero close behind. No way am I missing this," said Alya racing out the door.

Chloe almost facepalmed, then said, "Think you could put a protective spell on her from here,"

Chloe was one of the four people who knew she had magic. After they had become good friends, Marinette told her that sharing that secret with her made them closer than ever. The other people who knew were Marinette's adoptive parents and The mayor.

"I can place a simple rune on her just in case, so if I feed my magic through it, that should work as a conductor to attach the spell to her person," replied Marinette.

"Good, we should take cover at your house as it's the closest," said Chloe.

"Yea, great idea," nodded Marinette, knowing somehow she would get wrapped up in this.

X Master fu earlier that day, X

Master Fu had a small box in his hand and looked up from it as he was in front of the Agreste Mansion.

X Inside the mansion X

Natalie was teaching Adrien as she was also his home tutor. (Work it, Woman, you're a true inspiration ). Gabriel promptly interrupts the lesson.

"Give me a minute, would you, Natalie?" asked Gabriel

"Yes, sir," replied Natalie as she walked away.

"You are not going to school, I've already told you," said Gabriel.

Adrien looked at Natalie, crushed at this development inside, knowing there was only so much she could do against his father unless she wanted to get fired. Adrien thought of her as a second mother; she was kind but strict when needed. Natalie knew this was a bit harsh, but she couldn't do anything as it would violate her contract with the Agreste brand, and she would never see Adrien again.

"But Father," Adrien said in a sad, sullen voice. (Kinda a whine, but I would never make Adrien whine. That is just uncool).

"Everything is right here where I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you outside in that dangerous world," said Gabriel trying to keep his tone level, not to raise his voice.

"It's not dangerous, Father. I'm always stuck in here by myself. Why can't I go outside and make friends just like everybody else," stated Adrien?

"Because you are not like everyone else. You are my son," replied Gabriel and left.

Adrien was disappointed and unhappy, but there was only so much he could do.

"We can leave it there for today if…." Natalie was cut off by Adrien running out of the room at a fast pace.

X Adrien's room x

Adrien was on his bed with his face in his pillows. He groaned and then heard loud noises, which caused him to investigate. Outside stood, the police had created a roadblock with a giant stone golem heading their way.

"Ready fire," said officer Roger.

The blast hit the golem. There was a blue light, and a golden glow surrounded the golem as it became bigger. The golem roared, and the police officers scattered, not wanting to be on the receiving end of the stone golem's rage. The golem threw the biggest car at Officer Roger, missing him by a few feet.

X back in Adrien's Room x

Adrien sat down on his white couch and grabbed the Tv remote. The tv turned on the news. The mayor was on the screen, asking everyone to stay in their homes and not panic. Then the anchorwoman came on to talk about the new revolution that a supervillain was invading Paris. Officer Roger cop came on the T.V. saying that they would be able to handle the supervillain.

X Dupain Cheng bakery Marinette's room x

"I hate the first days back at school," humoured Chloe.

"I know this is the worst," said Marinette; then she looked down and saw a strange box on the desk.

(Split scene to show that Adrien also had a similar box on his coffee table).

"What's this doing here," said Marinette and Adrien simultaneously.

They both pick it up and open it. Revealing a pair of earrings and a black ring.

X with Adrien x

A green ball of light comes out of the box, blinding Adrien slightly.

X with Marinette and Chloe x

A red ball of light came out of the box, blinding both Marinette and Chloe. A small red creature appeared in front of Marinette's computer monitor. No one freaked out, which surprised the creature as it didn't expect two people to see her.

"I'm looking for a girl named Marinette, one of you is she," asked the creature.

Chloe pointed at Marinette.

"Hello, Marinette. My name is Tiki,"

"Tiki, what are you," asked Marinette.

"I am a Kwami,"

"And that is," questioned Chloe.

"We are fairy-like beings that give people powers with miraculous,"

"Okay," nodded Marinette.

"You're taking this better than I thought,"

"Ah, right then, I should give you a proper introduction the name I go by currently is the name my adoptive parents gave me, Marinette Dupain Cheng,"

"Wait, your name is not Marinette,"

"Yes, my name birth name is Wendy Marvell Sky dragon slayer raised by a dragon to kill dragons, a fairy tail mage and a sky sorceress,"

"Hold on; you're a Dragonslayer,"

"That is correct. I appeared here in Paris 2 years ago through a flux of magic,"

"Where are you from,"

"Magnolia, Fiore,"

"Ah, that makes sense. The magic here is dense, and it seems that Fiore believes that the world is soon ready to know about magic,"

"How do you know this," asked Chloe.

"I'm over a century old and the Kwami of Creation counterpart to the Kwami of Destruction Plagg,"

"So that makes you wise and powerful," asked Chloe.

"Yes, that does, but who are you,"

"I am Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the mayor of Paris and Marinette's first friend here,"

"Chloe, her dad and my parents know everything about me,"

"Then she can keep a secret,"

"Yes, she can,"

X with Adrien x

Adrien was in awe when a small cat came out of the box and yawned.

"No way you are like the genie in the lamp," said Adrien.

"I met him once, so he grants wish big deal. I am way more personable, Plagg. Nice to meet you, oh swanky,"

Plagg flew over to the Foosball table and tried to eat one of the players.

"No, don't touch that they come back here,"

"oh, so shiny, can you eat this," Plagg tried to eat it, then spat it out, "no, you can't. Oh, what about this,"

X Back to Marinette and Chloe x

"So you spent a lot of time at the fairy tail guild hall," questioned Tiki.

"Yea, it is my home, and they were my big happy family,"

"Well, since the magic is slowly congealing around the world, it may take a year or two to find Fiore," said Tiki.

"Then I'll get to see them again,"

"Yea, you will,"

X back with Adrien x

Adrien still didn't understand why a small black cat was floating in his room. Plagg was a nightmare so chaotic. Adrien had climbed his rock-climbing wall and flung himself at Plagg and caught him.

"I still don't know what you're doing here," said Adrien.

"Look, I'm a Kwami. I grant powers. Yours is the power of destruction, got it," asked Plagg.

Adrien shook his head.

"Good, now got anything to eat? I'm starving,"

"My Dad's prancing me right; wait, he couldn't be; he has no sense of humour," Adrien was now a bit confused.

Plagg phased out of his hands.

"Your father must never know I exist or anyone for that matter," Plagg was quite serious.

X back at the Bakery x

"Marinette, no one must ever know about me,"

"Then what is going to happen to me?" Asked Chloe.

"I could put a rune on you, so you can never talk about it unless it's just you and me," said Marinette.

"That could work," said Tiki, agreeing with Marinette's idea.

"You have my consent to do that," said Chloe.

"Thanks, Chloe," replied Marinette, happy that her friend trusted her.

"Now, Marinette, we have to stop stone heart,"

X with master Fu and WazzX

"Do you think they'll be okay, master,"

"I've only ever gotten it wrong once; it'll never happen again, at least; I hope not," stated master fu as he closed the miracle box.

The miracle box spun and hid back in the Old timely record player.

X with Marinette and Chloe and Tiki X

"I'll make sure your parents think you're up here somehow," said Chloe.

"Okay, what do I need to do,"

Tiki smiled at her choice.

X with Adrien and Plagg x

"But I'm stuck here. I'm not even allowed to go to school. What good is a superhero if he is imprisoned in his own house," ranted Adrien.

"No good, that's why it's all going to change soon if you're willing to change, that is," said Plagg.

Adrien looked at the ring in his hand and took a long calming breath. He would do this to change and help all those people.

X with Marinette, Chloe and Tiki X

"Okay, so I have to rip up the object holding the Akuma," nodded Marinette as she put on the earrings.

"Yes, and you can use your lucky charm to restore everything that has been broken. I feel like I've forgotten something," said Tiki, tapping her chin.

"Will worry about it later if it affects what happens; we can always fix it," smiled Marinette.

"I just hope it doesn't cause any problems," sighed Tiki hoping nothing bad would happen.

"Don't worry, Marinette is a strong and smart girl; she'll figure things out," said Chloe.

"Thanks, Chloe," Marinette said as she smiled again.

"Yea, your right, thanks Chloe, you're such a good friend to Marinette," stated Tiki.

"I know," acknowledged Chloe.

"Okay, now what was the transformation phrase," asked Marinette.

"Spots on," replied Tiki.

"Okay, Tiki spots on," said Marinette.

(Que transformation phase)

"Nice look Marinette," said Chloe

X with Adrien and Plagg x

"Just say claws out; that's how you transform," said Plagg.

"Got it, Plagg claws out,"

"No, wait, I haven't finished explaining,"

(Que transformation phase)

"Too cool,"

X with Marinette in costume and Chloe x

"Okay, this is a nice costume, but there are some things that I would change," said Marinette, being a designer.

"Well, we can talk to tiki about it later," said Chloe.

The news on her computer was on. Stating Stoneheart was heading to the Montparnasse tower. Marinette says Alya is right behind Stoneheart.

"Chloe, look," pointed Marinette at the screen.

"That's Alya; that girl is seriously putting herself in some danger now," said Chloe.

"Got it. I'll see you when I get back," Marinette transformed and saluted Chloe, grabbed her yo-yo, and jumped out the window.

"Go get him, girl," shouted Chloe.

X with Adrien x

"I'm starting to get the hang of this," said Adrien using his baton like a type of wire.

Third POV

Marinette had lost control, thinking she may need more practice. She comes colliding with a blond in a catsuit. They got tangled up in her yo-yo.

"Wow, that was a total mess," sighed Marinette.

"Well, hey there, nice of you to drop in," said Adrien.

"I'm sorry I didn't do it on purpose while still getting the hang of my yo-yo," apologized Marinette.

"I bet you're the partner my Kwami told me about," concluded Adrie.

"Yup, that would be my kitten," said Marinette teasingly.

"So I was right to wait for what kitten you just called me," Adrien was now all flustered.

"Well, you are in Catsuit,"

"I guess that makes sense. My name is Chat Noir at your service,"


"So still learning ropes,"

"Yea, it is pretty hard,"

A building crumpled down the street.

"Wanna bet that's we're the supervillain is," asked Chat.

"I'd say you're right; let's go," said Ladybug, taking out her yo-yo, making sure she had a good shot and throwing.

Into the air, she went with Chat right behind her.

"Let's go save Paris," said Chat.

"Got it,"

X at the stadium x

The class cleaned up the mess they had made well using the equipment. Stoneheart showed up and gave a mighty war cry that surprised some people.

"So who is the worst now," shouted Stoneheart.

Rose and Max ran after Alex. Well, Kim stayed in place from bravery or fear, I don't know. Once Stone's heart had jumped off the edge of the stadium closer to Kim, it startled him, and he began to run and fell forward. Before Stoneheart grabbed Kim, a baton came in between them. Once Chat had landed, Kim bolted.

"Hey, it's not very nice to pick on people smaller than you," stated Chat.

"I guess you're talking about yourself," said Stoneheart. Now that was a lame comeback.

(Insert fight scene from miraculous ladybug origins part 1 15:06-15:08)

X at supervillains super-secret hideaway x

"Everything is going according to plan; ladybug and cat noir are miraculous. They have been activated here. They come to save the day. Now my supervillain will destroy them," smirked Hawkmoth.

X back to stadium x

(Insert fight scene from miraculous ladybug origins part 1 15:17-15:23)

"Ladybug, where are you? How did I get here before her,"

Marinette, or Ladybug, had landed on the stadium's edge. She realized she had taken a bit too long. She breathed in and ate the air that filled her body, strengthening her and looking for an opening to attack. Stoneheart had hit the soccer net towards Alya, who was filming and couldn't move. Ladybug's eyes widened, and she threw her yo-yo at it as the metal dinged. The yoyo was secure, and Ladybug pulled with her increased strength from the suit and the air she ate.


"Hey, Chat, sorry I took too long. Got a bit lost,"

"You made it right on time, milady,"

Alya started in awe of real superheroes in Paris. Omg. With Chat distracted, Stoneheart grabbed him.

"You stupid Cat, you should never be distracted in a fight," said Ladybug swinging her yo-yo onto Stoneheart's leg.

(Insert scene from miraculous ladybug origins part 1 15:53- 15:57)


"No need to apologize. Just be ready to land,"

Chat nodded. "Ready when you are, Milady,"

Pulling her yo-yo, Stoneheart fell like the beanstalk. Chat braced himself, rolled into a soccer net, and got back up.

"Okay, Chat; what now,"

"Let's kick his rocky behind,"

Ladybug just facepalmed that her partner was like her brother Natsu going in without a plan. Before he got to the fair, she grabbed his tail.

"Wait, Chat, haven't you noticed he gets bigger and stronger with every attack? We have to do something different,"

"Different how,"

"We need to find the object that houses the Akuma and destroy it,"

"Okay, then lets us are powers Cataclysm,"

(Insert powers using sequence)

"I destroy whatever I touch,"

"You do realize after you use that you have 5 minutes before you turn back,"

"Of course,"

Then touches the goalpost with his hand, and it disintegrates.

"Wait, no, don't touch that,"

"Cool, now it's just you and me; time to rumble soon-to-be rubble,"

"Chatnoir, wait,"

Chat doesn't listen and jumps, grabs his foot, feeling all proud and confident. He opened his eyes and realized he had done something stupid again.

"I guess the only one shot to use my power,"

"Now you have only five minutes until you transform back. Didn't your Kwami explain anything to you,"

"I guess I was a little excited about new life,"

"Will be more careful; people's lives are at stake, and so are ours if the villain finds out our secret identities,"

"Sorry, milady,"

"Alright, guess I should get to work, Lucky Charm,"

(Insert power using sequence)


"My Kwami told me to have to break the object where the Akuma is hiding,"

"Well, he is made entirely out of stone,"

"His right hand it's still closed. He never opens it's like the Russian doll. It is an on him. It's hidden in his fist,"

"So, what's your plan,"

(Insert ladybug bison 17:20-17:27)

Ladybug points down at the hoses "this,"

She attached the item she got from her lucky charm to the hoses and attached chats' feet to her yo-yo.

"Don't resist, trust me,"

Chat looks a bit skeptical.

(Insert fight scene from miraculous ladybug origins part 1 17:31-17:35)

As he was spun, he said something about her being crazy.

"Catch me if you can,"

Ladybug jumped with a lucky charm item in hand and aimed for his fist. Stoneheart drops the item where the alums are hiding and catches a ladybug.

"And now Alya the tap,"

Alya moved fast towards the tap and turned it on. The water flowed, his fist expanded, and the Ladybug jumped out. Ladybug ran over to the purple-looking rock and stepped on it, freeing Akuma. It flew away. Stone's heart disappeared, leaving behind Ivan.

"This girl is Awesome crazy Awesome,"

"What am I doing? What's going on," said Ivan, groggy.

"You were incredible, Milady. You did it,"

"We both did, partner,"

"Pound it," both of the fists pumped.

Chat Noir's ring beeps, signalling he'll have to leave soon.

"You should get going if you don't want to blow your cover,"

"Right, farewell milady, let's do this again soon, okay," then chat leaped away with his baton.

"Not too soon, I hope," Marinette unravelled the paper and read it, "you don't even have the guts to tell Mylene,"

"Kim wrote it. He's always making fun of me,"

"You know you should get so bent out of shape because of that there is no shame in telling someone you love them,"


"Uncanny amazing Spectacular, will you be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive ladybug? I got a ton of questions to ask you out at Ladybug,"

"Now I gotta go take care of your friend Bug out,"

X Back at the bakery x

It was all over the news about the new superheroes of Paris.

"Good job Marinette," said Chloe.

"Yes, you did great, Marinette," said Tiki

"Marinette is Chloe staying for dinner," asked Mari's mom.

"She'll have to ask her Dad," replied Mari.

"I'll probably end up staying. My Dad is going to be a bit busy with press conferences about Paris's new superheroes," said Chloe

"Mama, she said she will be staying,"

"Okay, dinner will be ready soon,"

"Thanks, Mama,"

"I just texted my dad, so he knows where I'm at,"

X at Adrien's X

Plagg was flying around the patterns of food.

"Ladybug was amazing. I guess I'll need to get better,"

"You did better than some of my other holders,"

"You've had other holders,"

"I've lived for a long time,"

"Now, what is this," Plagg held up whatever was under the metal lids.

"My personal chef made it,"

"You expect me to get my energy back? I'm going to need to eat something more delicate,"

Adrien sighed. "Okay, what do you want,"

X the Akuma x

The Akuma landed on the top of the Eiffel Tower and began multiplying quickly.