
Part 4


"Great, that's the third alarm clock this month," said a sleepy figure getting up to stretch.

"Marinette sweetie, did you break your alarm clock?" asked Sabine.

"Yes, sorry, mama," said Marinette.

"It's okay as long as you're up; that's all that matters," said Sabine.

"Thanks, mama, I'll be right down," said Marinette, a bit embarrassed being her first day back.

"You might want to hurry up, so you're not late for your first day," exclaimed Sabine.

"Thanks for reminding me, Mama," said the dragon slayer.

"You're welcome, sweetie," said her adoptive mother.

"Okay, first time going to school, a mature yet modest look would be best," said the designer, looking through her closet, which was packed with many of her designs, "There is; this is what I'll wear,"

She had pulled out a white blouse she had bought recently and a navy blue pleated skirt that stopped just 2 inches above her knees, then added her white knee-high socks. It was a look she had modelled after her big sister Erza. The final touch was a scarlet ribbon to place her hair in a high ponytail. After choosing her outfit, she did her morning routine and dressed to head downstairs for breakfast.

"Hey, mama, what's for breakfast,"

"A croissant, bacon and orange juice,"

"Sounds delicious," said Marinette, sitting down.

"Well, someone is up early for their first day," said a booming voice.

"Papa, I'm normally up early," said Marinette.

"That is true," said Tom.

After a filling breakfast, Marinette grabbed her bag before heading back down, heading for the door. She put on some knee-high black combat boots.

"Okay, I'm leaving," shouted Marinette.

"Wait," said Tom, holding a rectangle box.

"What is that, Papa?" asked Marinette.

"Macaroons for your classmates."

"Thanks, Papa," said Marinette, going onto her tippy toes to kiss him on the cheek.

"You're welcome; see you after school," said Tom.