
Part 3

"Thanks for the ride Chloe," said Marinette, getting out of the car as Chloe's Butler Jean-Paul grabbed her language.

"No problem, Mari, see you at school tomorrow," replied Chloe.

"Yeah, okay, see you tomorrow," Marinette waved at Chloe's car as she drove away.

Marinette turned away and looked at the small bakery she hadn't seen for a year and a half. She stared at the bakery; it had been a long time since she had been home. Walking through the doors, her parents were at the cash register. Once they saw her, they made their way over and gave her a giant hug.

"Welcome home, sweetheart," Sabrina said excitedly.

"I'm Home. I missed you guys," said Marinette.

"We missed you too," replied Tom.

"So I'll be transferred to Collège Françoise Dupont," asked Marinette.

"Yea, you'll be going to Chloe's class," said Sabrina.

"Then I'll have at least one friend,"

"Hey, you still going to make friends,"

"Yes, of course, I enjoy making new friends,"

"Good, I don't want you to be socially awkward," said her mother.


"So, how has your designing going,"

"Better than I had hoped,"

"Any designs you want to show us,"

"Well, there is one I just finished sewing and plan to wear on my first day at my new school,"

"Then we'll get to see it tomorrow,"

"So you set up my transfer already,"

"Yea, we talked to the mayor and had everything ready and just needed to know when you had arrived, then let the principal handle the transfer sheets saying you had been homeschooled while you travelled with my uncle," Said Sabrina.

"Okay, that's good to know,"

"Well, then let's get your bags into your room,"

Tom grabbed her bag, a light blue suitcase and a white bag with a fairy tail logo sewn onto it. Marinette walked up behind her dad to the trap door, and Tom opened it up to reveal Marinette's room(picture Marinette's room from the series with no pictures of Adrien).

"Wow, thank you, papa,"

"Well, we painted while you were away and got your great uncle to inform us of whatever you would need secretly,"

Sabrina came up the stairs. "I hope you like it,"

"You guys are the best parents ever!" shouted Marinette, pulling into a group hug.

"Well, aren't you strong," said Tom.

"Hehe, I had to keep in shape after tasting Uncle cooking; it was amazing. Even with my big appetite, I didn't want to be under-exercised and unfit,"

"Well, you are still as petite as the day we met you,"

"Mama," said Marinette. She blushed in embarrassment.

"You're indeed a little girl, and we love you with all of our hearts," said Tom.

"Okay, Mama Papa, you're embarrassing me,"

"That's our job, sweetheart; now come, let's head down. We're having creamy broccoli soup with fresh baguettes,"

"Sounds amazing," said Marinette, following her parents down the stairs and into the kitchen.

They ate and caught up on anything they had missed with their adopted daughter. Anywho, knee-high models passing by the bakery would hear Tom's joyous laugh at how his daughter had used to wake up to a nagging cat.