
Part 1

Wendy could only remember falling off a cliff after defeating the demon from the guild Tartaros. Then everything went foggy, and she heard ringing in her ears, blocking everything else around her.


It was a beautiful day in Paris in the Dupain-cheng bakery. They had a slow day, and they decided to close early. They were planning to go on a walk in the park across the street.

"Tom, look, the fountain passes out a girl over there," said Sabine pointing to the passed-out figure.

Tom looked at the girl her wife pointed at and hurried over to the girl. He got worried about the girl when she came into view and saw minor wounds littered over her petite form.

"Her wounds need to be treated so they won't get infected. Let's take her home with us," said Tom, worrying about this child's well-being.


Wendy was waking, and everything was blurry. She should be able to see anything after a fall from that height.

"Where am I?" asked Wendy, wincing as she sat up.

"Oh, you're up, thank goodness; give me a minute, let me get you something to eat; you must be hungry," said a voice beside her.

Wendy saw a petite-looking woman with short blue hair. "Thank you, but you don't have to…..Growl,"

"Haha, I don't thinks your stomach agrees," said the short woman.

"I'm sorry for being a bother," said Wendy, hiding her blushing face.

"You're not a bother at all. We were just about to eat supper and made extra here; let me help you up so we can get down the stairs," Said the lady.

"Yes, thank you very much," said Wendy, getting up with the lady's help.

Going down the stairs from the room she was in, she saw the trap door and assumed that was the way down. Grabbing the handle, she pulled it open. Walking down the stairs, she grabbed the railing to support herself as she went down.

"Ah, you up, thank goodness you must be hungry. I have some soup and homemade cheese bread," said a man almost the same size as her adoptive brother Laxus.

"Thank you for treating my wounds, and now you're feeding me. I don't know how I can ever repay you," said Wendy, quite thankful.

"Now, sweety, how did you end up so beat up," said The woman.

"My family was attacked, and I blacked out and can't remember what happened," said Wendy.

"Do you know where you are?" asked the man.

"I don't believe I do," said Wendy.

"You in Paris, France," said the short woman.

Wendy looked down at the soup in front of her. It took a few minutes to go through her thoughts, and then it hit her that she wasn't even in earthland anymore. This place may be like Edolas, and Nakama may find her.

"I don't know a place called Paris, and I'm not from around here," said Wendy.

"Oh, then you must have been kidnapped," said a man.

"Not possible my Nakama would have stopped them; it must have been some supernatural," says Wendy.

"Ah, what kind of supernatural," asked the woman.

"The magical kind," said Wendy as she used her magic to create an air current that brushed past the couple.

Letting that sink in, she dug into the delicious soup right under her nose.—She took the soup carefully and blew on it so it wouldn't burn her mouth. Moaning at the taste of the soup as it awakened her taste buds. Pulling a piece of cheese bread beside her bowl of soup.

"So, where do you come from," asked the woman.

"A place called earthland in the land of Fiore in a town called Magnolia," said Wendy wishfully.

"You seem to miss the place," said the man.

"Yes, it was where my guild was based," replied Wendy.

"Well, if you want to stay with us," said the woman.

"Really," questioned Wendy.

"Of course, I am sadly barren and cannot have children, but I would enjoy having you around." said the woman.

"I would be honoured," replied Wendy.

"Well, if you're going to be our daughter, you need to know our names," says the man.

"Then you'll also need my name. I'm Wendy Marvell, a sky dragon slayer,"

"I am Sabrina Dupain Cheng,"

"I am Tom Dupain Cheng,"

"Now then, you'll need a different name; you already look like us," said Sabrina

"And if I'm to go to school, I need to study," announced Wendy.

"We'll also need a backstory on why you're never here with us," said Tom.

"Okay, first a name," said Wendy.

"How about a Marinette? I always wanted a girl named Marinette," said Sabrine.

"I would be thrilled to have a name given to me by you," Wendy answered excitedly.

Soon, they discovered a back story: she travelled abroad with Sabrina's Great uncle and her Mother. They could get them to visit and give her two years to study to catch up with classes. She was a fast learner, so she picked up new skills and magic like that.

I don't own Miraculous Ladybug or Fairy Tail

Moonmeetsthestarscreators' thoughts