
Part 11

"Welcome to the finals of our kid's choice competition where today one lucky winner will be announced as the new kids plus weather girl,"

"Mireille, Mireille, Mireille," chanted the crowd outside the TV station.

Another part of the crowd chanted the name of the other contestant.

"Aurore, Aurore, Aurore,"

"We started with five thousand contestants, but with the help of our audience at home, we have whittled our talent down to just these two amazing young ladies," the announcer clapped his hand together. "so, let's welcome our fantastic finalists,"

The camera turns to the announcer's right.

"To my right, Aurore Beaureal," The camera shows a cute blonde with twin tails and an umbrella.

The camera turns to the announcer's left.

"And on my left, Mireille Caquet," A shy bluenette with a turquoise sweater with cloud pictures.

"Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now!"

"Type 1 for Aurore, 2 for Mireille,"

XXX The Dupain-Cheng Bakery X

"Come on, Manon. Give that back!"

"But I wanna be a fashion designer too!"

Marinette was chasing around Manon, who had her unfinished hat on her head. She dived for the couch.

"Manon. Please. It's not finished. You're going to ruin it,"

"Hahaha," a giggle came from behind Marinette.

Marinette turned around, and instead of going around the table, she went under it and bumped her head. Then crawled back to the couch and sat down.

"Manon, it is unfinished; please give it back,"


"Well, it'll come apart, and then you may cry, and I don't want you to cry,"


Manon didn't understand but gave Marinette the unfinished hat anyway.

"Thank you, and when I finish it, you can wear it later when you go to the park,"

"We're going to the park," said Manon with her big cute puppy dog eyes.

"Yes, and if you wait patiently and let me finish, we can go,"


"Okay, now watch the TV; they are choosing the kids' weather girl,"


Things like babysitting were much easier for her as she had taken jobs at the guild like this before and knew how to deal with chaos because of the guild.


Marinette looked around and tried to pinpoint the ringing. It took a few seconds, but she realized it was coming from her phone. The caller ID was Chloe. So she answered it.

"Hey Chloe, how are you,"

"I'm good, Mari. How about you,"

"I'm well, just babysitting for one of my parent's clients,"

"Well, I was calling to see if you wanted to hang out, but you seem to be busy,"

"No, I'm fine. We were just about to go to the park. Do you want to join us,"

"Sure, oh, and invite Alya. From what I hear from her Mom, she has two little sisters they may enjoy coming out to,"

"That sounds good. I'll call her,"

"Okay girl, see you in a bit,"

The phone call ended.

"Hey Manon, my friends are going to join us at the park and they will bring you some friends to play with,"


"Yeah, I just have to give them a call, alright,"

"Yeah hoo,"

Marinette looked through her contacts, opened Alya's, and clicked on her phone number to call.

"Hey, Girl, what's up?"

"Well, I'm babysitting right now, and I heard from Chloe you have two little sisters and was wondering if you want to join us at the park,"

"Hell yea just give me a few, and I'll be right there,"

"Chloe will also be joining us as another pair of hands is a great thing,"

"Awesome, see you then,"

"K see yea,"

The phone call ended.

"Well, they said they would come, and they will meet us here to go to the park together,"


"Okay well, you better get ready, then I'll turn if the TV, and you get your shoes on,"


Sorry for taking so long to update. I've had other things occupy me, and I'll update as much as my fanfiction today.

Moonmeetsthestarscreators' thoughts