
Part 10

"Can't wait, m'lady," said Chat, taking a bow and jumping away.

Xxx the next day at school xxx

"So it was all over by the time I biked to the Eiffel Tower. I'm way bummed,"

"Don't worry; you'll get your scoop eventually,"

"Your right next target Ladybug an exclusive interview,"

"Oh, don't forget her partner, Chat Noir,"

"Yes, of course, but even better finding out who is really under that mask,"

"Uh huh, good luck with that one,"

Xxx Inside Adrien's car xxx

"You disobeyed me, Adrien take a look at that school,"

"Yes, father,"

"You will never, I say never, go back to that school with…,"

"Father, no,"

"..out your bodyguard, he'll drop you off and pick you up daily. Natalie has offered to organize your new schedule. You will be continuing your music, Chinese and fencing as well as your photo shoots,"They arrive at the Eiffel Tower much quicker than Marinette thought. They see stoneheart on the Eiffel Tower, not at the top but close to it on the beam connecting two legs. The police are at the bottom of the tower and blocking any of the other Stoneheart duplicates from accessing the building. The police chief was there with the mayor with a bullhorn in one hand and his other in a sling.

"I demand my daughter's safe return," said Sabrina's Father.


"You know what? You're welcome to her,"


Stoneheart had thrown Sabrina.

"Help I'll promise to everyone say please and thank you..,"

Before Sabrina hit the ground, Ladybug arrived and caught her.

"I didn't promise,"


Sabrina's father came rushing out from behind the barricade. To hug his daughter.

"My little girl, okay, where now clear to attack,"

"Wait, no, don't attack them. You know it'll only make it worse,"

"I have a new plan, unlike you, move aside and let the pros do their thing. You already failed once,"

This took Ladybug aback. It was true, but everyone didn't succeed the first time. That just meant they had to try harder the next time. She wanted to talk back to the Officer but didn't want to cause another problem that she wouldn't be able to come back from.

"He's right. If I had the information the first time and had captured his Akuma, this wouldn't have happened,"

"No, he's wrong. Anyone would make the same mistake if it were their first time doing hero work. also, without you, that girl would no longer be here because they won't make it without us, and we will prove that to them. Trust me on this, okay,"


Stone started Retching and had a coughing fit that drew the duo's attention. Out of his mouth came thousands of akumas. And he fell backwards, and the akums took the form of a face.

"People of Paris, listen carefully. I am Hawkmoth,"

"Hawk Moth?"

"Ladybug Cat Noir, give me the ladybug earrings and the cat ring. Now you have done enough damage to these innocent people,"

"Nice try, Hawkmoth, but we know who the bad guy is. Let's not reverse the roles here. Without you, none of these innocent victims would be transformed into villains; Hawkmoth no matter how long it takes, we will find you, and you will hand us your miraculous,"

With that fantastic speech, Ladybug began running toward the tower and piling out her yo-yo, swinging herself forward like a slingshot into the air.

"Time to devilize,"

As the Ladybug swung around, her yo-yo caught all the Akuma that made up Hawkmot's Akuma face. Hawkmoth screamed at her actions, and she eventually got them all and landed on the beam Stoneheart was previously standing on. All stared at Ladybug in awe, including Catnoir.

"Let me make this promise to you no matter who wants to harm you, Ladybug and Catnoir will do everything in our power to keep you safe,"

Ladybug opened up her yo-yo freeing all the purified akumas.

Xxx with Tom and Sabine Xxx

Marinette's parents can be seen cheering in their home.

Xxx Marinette's new class xxxx

They all cheered, including the teacher.

Xxx at the Eiffel Tower xxx

The police, Sabrina and the mayor cheered.

"Wow, whoever is beneath that mask, I love that girl,"

Xxx in Hawkmoth's lairxxxx

"Argh, that's the problem with superheroes. They are too heroic,"

Xxx with Stoneheartxxx

A purple butterfly mask appears over Stone hearts eyes.

"Stoneheart, they're trying to take your loved one away. Must snatch their miraculous so that they will be powerless against you,"

"Okay, Hawkmoth,"

"Help me,"

"You'll never take Mylene from me," Stone heart jumped across the gap and then began to climb one of the Eiffel Tower legs, "Come to me, my stone beings."

The stone army began to climb up the tower with the order from Stoneheart.

"Ah, we're surrounded. What do we do now? We can't attack them,"

"Yes, but we know we're the Akuma is,"

"In his clenched fist, the one he is holding Mylene with,"

"So we know he's in love with her … huh, that's it, we don't separate Stoneheart and Mylene. We bring them closer together. They're made for one another. It's just they don't know it yet,"

Ladybug jumped through the opening and swung her yo-yo.

"I'm not following you, but I guess I better trust you. Something tells me this is how it's going to be from here on out,"

Then Cat Noir jumps to follow after her. They both are expertly climbing up the tower to get Stoneheart to Mylene. The choppers fly around the top, keeping an eye on things, and Stoneheart tries to sweep them away. Ladybug pulls herself up to the top of the tower with her yo-yo.

"Help I'm scared of heights,"

"Everything's going to be alright,"

Stoneheart roses, which cause the choppers to recede. Cat Noir held his hands over his ears at the sound and then turned and saw the army of stone soldiers taking a swing at him, and he rolled away just in time.

"How do you plan on making them closer than they already are,"

"By using our powers," enter sequence, "Lucky charm," A parachute, what am I supposed to do with this,"

Cat noir steamed as he appeared behind Ladybug as if he was probably thrown.

"You sure you know what you're doing,"

"Will find out soon enough,"

Ladybug tosses her yo-yo so that it encircles the hand Mylene is in and Stoneheart's upper body.

"His hand get ready,"

Ladybug pulls on her yo-yo. The force pulls Mylene closer to his torso and causes her to kiss his chest. Mylene and Stoneheart are both shocked at it. Stoneheart drops Mylene out of surprise, and Mylene manages to catch Stoneheart's little finger. The aromatized object continues its descent, and Cat Noir dives after it. Then hits it back up to Ladybug with his baton and catches himself on the tower. The object gets within Ladybug's range, and she sees it with her yo-yo.

"Home run,"

Using her yo-yo, she easily breaks the object releasing the Akuma.

"No eviler doing for you, little akuma," enter sequence, "Devilise," "Huh,"

Ladybug notices that Ivan has transformed and knows both Mylene and him are falling. Three problems she had to bystanders to catch and an Akuma. She jumps.

"Cat noir, you take care of Ivan,"


He bounced off his extended baton and touched the tower creating a long length of metal out of it. He slid his way across the beam and caught Ivan. Not even seconds later, Ladybug caught Mylene, threw her yo-yo, and caught the Akuma too.


With the Akuma caught, she pulled the cord that launched the parachute, and cat Noir looked at her respectfully. Ladybug and Mylene land on the grow safely, and Ladybug opens the yo-yo to release the purified Akuma.

"Bye-bye, little butterfly," "Miraculous ladybug," said Ladybug, throwing the parachute into the air.

A wave of ladybugs flew across Paris, clearing the damage and transforming the stone beings.

"Whoa, are you seeing what I'm seeing,"

"Yea, it's beautiful and amazing it a miraculous,"

Xxx evil lair of Hawkmothxxx

"This is just the beginning, Ladybug. You and Cat Noir may have won this battle, but I will win the war. I will get miraculous; I'll get the absolute power, and then my screwy dream will come true,"

Xxx back with the heroesxxx

The police were cleaning up the barracks and escorting away all the civilians from the tower to get checked, questioned and then taken home.

"I think you two have things to talk about him,"

"Ah, I ah,"

"Maybe it'll help if you read the lyrics to Ivan's song," said Ladybug, passing them to Mylene.

"Wow, it's wonderful. It's a shame you can't hear them when you scream… I mean, when you sing,"

"It was scary. Is that why you left? I'm sorry I'll be gentle,"

Mylene looked up at Ivan and gave him a big hug. Ivan went red.

"Ah, there so made for each other,"

"Like us two,"

With a beep, Ladybug grabbed Cat Noir's hand.

"Uh oh, you see, that time to split. See you soon, Cat noir," said Ladybug, then swung away.

Chat waved as she swung away.

"That you, Natalie thank you, Father,"

Adrien ran out of the car and up the stairs into the school.

Xxx In the classxxxx

Chloe was already there, sitting in the front across the row from Nino. She gave Marinette a wave which was returned. Alya took the seat behind Nino, and Marinette accompanied her. They would sit with Chloe at lunch. Sabrina was probably at home being pampered by her parents because of yesterday. Adrien walked in, and Nino gave him a two-finger salute. Adrien waved at Marinette and Alya, who would be sitting behind him.

"Hey, Guys,"

"Nice to see you, dude,"

"Good morning Adrien,"

The class soon started.

Xxxx after school xxx

It was raining, which was not uncommon. Marinette had forgotten to check the weather because of what happened yesterday and had not packed an umbrella, and Adrien walked out beside her with an umbrella.

"Hey, Marinette don't you have an umbrella,"

"No, I forgot it this morning,"

"Why don't you use mine? I'm just walking to my ride,"

"No, I couldn't. You'll still get soaked,"

"It's fine,"

"No, it isn't. You could catch a cold, and those are no fun to deal with,"

"Okay, then what about you,"

"I'll be fine,"

"Then why haven't you left yet,"

"I'm waiting for it to let up a bit,"

"Yea, that probably isn't going to happen. It is supposed to get worse in the next hour,"

Marinette looked defeated.

"How about you walk with me to my car and you can take my umbrella and then give it back tomorrow,"

Marinette brightened.

"Thank you, Adrien," said Marinette with the Brightest of smiles.

Adrien covered his face as he blushed.

"What's wrong? Why are you covering your face,"

"Nothing, it's fine," said Adrien as his blush deepened.

"Okay, then let's go."

They headed off to Adrien's car.