
Chapter 12


"Ah that must be them now we're going to behave right,"


"Okay here is the hat,"

Manon looked happy and placed it on her head.

"I'll get the door,"

Marinette opened the door and there was Alya, Chloe and two new faces around the same height as Manon.

"Chloe, Alya right on time and who are this two,"

"I'm Ella,"

"And I'm Etta,"

"We got to come in a limo," said the two at once.

"Cool," said Manon.

"Well it was easier if we all came together and didn't have to wait," said Chloe.

"Yea It is,Thanks again Chloe," said Alya.

"Of course there was no trouble,"

"Now to the park," said Marinette.

"Okay follow the leader,"

"Oh that game is always fun,"


"Okay we're all going follow Marinette,"

"Why me,"

"Girl you have them hooked,"

"Okay then now everyone has there shoes,"

Everyone but Marinette giggles because she was the only one without shoes on.

"Mari you're not wearing your shoes,"

"Ah that makes sense," says Mari, a little embarrassed.

In a few minutes Marinette was now wearing her sneakers and her purse.

"Now we have everything,"


"Let's go then,"

They played follow the leader until they reached the park.(not the best at describing games but imagine a very fun and funny way to go to a park and then insert here).

** at the tv station***

"This is the moment we've been waiting for the viewers at home have made their decision the new Kids plus weather girl is Mirielle,"

They studio burst out in applause and cheering.

"Man she crushed you huh better luck next time,"

"Ugh," Aurora stumped, frustrated leaving the stage.

"Huh? What's the big deal you only lost by half a million votes,"

*** In a undisclosed location***

A large window opened .

"The vibrations are so strong I can feel the imminent anger and sadness the moment of weakness of my next victim such easy prey for my akuma,"

Hawkmoth cover the white butterfly and it became a purple-black. After he uncovered it the akuma flew away over Paris.

**back at the Tv studio**

Aurora was messing with the elevator buttons trying to call it. After several presses the elevator doors opened and she walked into it. Once the doors closed she backed up to the wall to lean on it.

"I should have won, I had the talent the star looks, I had everything but she took everything away from me they took everything away from me they…"

She was cut off from her rambling by the elevator cutting out and everything went black. Aurora looked around, frightened and the day the akuma got into the elevator by the crack between the doors. She tried to bat it away with her umbrella then tried to shield herself with it. The Akuma flew into the umbrella. Cause a dark purple to spread over the tip.

"So correct you are you should have won yes,"

"I should have won yes,"

"Stormy weather I am hawkmoth I give you the power to seek revenge on them as my weather all you have to do is bring me the miraculous can you do that,"


"That's my weather girl show the world who the best weather girl really is,"