
Another cliché of global transmigration, but now I have money

(the MC will not have unique skill or system, he will not be the strongest, he will use money and only money, with money he will have strong equipment and many soldiers, unique buildings etc, in short just money) Damned humanity is totally transmigrated, each person is given a race and a small random territory, 1 month later everyone knows who is strong, people with strong races are already on the path of conquest, weak races are dead. Ezekiel received a race of medium strength and a shitty territory in a swamp, in 1 month he managed his territory well but was destined to live like a weak lord, after opening a common chest he received a unique animal egg, a goose that shits gold , earning 100,000 gold coins a day, he can now recruit troops non-stop and buy resources non-stop Your dark elves are the richest in the entire world

Marcelinho_Ggazeli · ファンタジー
4 Chs

regional classification

"100 archers lvl 1, 50 lancers lvl 1, 2 mages lvl 2, elite rank, 10 male green snakes lvl 2, 30 level 2 owls, 1 archer elite rank, very good my army is strong" Ezequiel speaks looking at his soldiers

It's already another day, with the 100,000 gold, Ezekiel summoned all the soldiers possible

[Race]: Snake Man

[Class]: Spearman, Common Grade, Level 2

[Racial Ability]: Crawl (increases speed when crawling)

Lydia was wearing her gear set and her rare bow that Ezekiel bought for her, her armor is black, her beautiful body shows all her curves in this armor

[Name]: Lydia

[Race]: Dark Elf

[Class]: Archer, Elite Rank, Level 2

[Unique Abilities]: Management = As the Lord's first unit, she gained ability to manage many issues

Leadership = can lead up to 1000 soldiers perfectly and boost morale by 20% when leading

"Today we must increase the level of soldiers as much as possible, our focus now will be to explore the territories near the castle, kill anything that threatens us" Ezequiel

the maximum level an ordinary rank unit can reach is level 2, elite rank units can reach level 4, level 5 only Lord rank units can reach

All the remaining money was spent on material, stone, wood and iron, in the market there were no useful buildings and no good equipment, after all most players will use the good items for themselves



"Archers, use your arrows"

"shit, what a disgusting animal"

Ezekiel's entire army was cultivating XP, a cave full of giant cockroaches

"I don't think the meat of this animal can be sold, no one would buy this disgusting thing" Ezequiel

"My lord, there are many breeds that like to eat insects, I think cockroach meat is a great delicacy for them" Lydia

"More than disgusting, this swamp only has disgusting stuff, at least crocodile meat is good" Ezequiel

"Look on the bright side my lord, at least we don't have a water shortage" Lydia

"Okay, but I see players showing pictures of great fertile plains or mountains full of minerals and I get jealous, damn Dinkleberg and his meaty plains" Ezekiel

Suddenly, a 5 meter cockroach came out of the water, that insect was too disgusting

[race]: giant cockroach

[class]: chief, rank lord, level 3

[skills]: hard shell, poisonous claws

"How disgusting, my lord, please let me kill you" Lydia

"Stay away from this thing, kill with arrows and magic, spearmen protect long range units" Ezekiel speaks, soon after he uses his bow

Ezekiel is level 2, rank of lord, to be fair, his power is very great, all players, even those who have received level B races, start at rank of lord

The big disadvantage of each race starts to show up at high levels, an SS talent race for example, when they reach level 3 they become overlord rank, an S talent race only becomes an overlord at level 5, while Ezekiel will need to reach level 6 evolve from lord to overlord

Although the Cockroach is strong, it was surrounded by over 150 soldiers, it was soon massacred.

* you killed a level 3 overlord boss, you have 1000 experience points, rare level treasure chest and 1 unique skill stone *

"Fuck, very good, 1 stone of skill" Ezekiel

High level monsters can drop skill stones, other players can drop their skills as well.

[Common skill stone]: hard shell = Strengthens skin by 50% for 2 minutes, cool down time = 10 minutes

"Even being an archer, it's still great to strengthen the defense, big profit"

"Open the chest Lydia please"

Lydia, carry the chest out of the cockroach's corpse, a rare chest is blue in color.

*you opened a rare chest, you received it; 1000 Stones, 1000 Wood, 1 Random Skill Stone, 1 Rare Staff, 50 Gold Coins, Congratulations*

"Fuck, another skill stone, today is my lucky day"

[Epic Skill Stone]: Mist Control = Creates a mist within 100 meters that lasts 2 hours, can see and hear everything inside the mist, cooling = 1 day

"My God, this skill is supreme for an archer, it was made for me" Ezekiel without even thinking uses the skill stone

"My lord, it's getting late, we must go back" Lydia reminds Ezequiel

"In fact, we will continue our exploration tomorrow" Ezequiel

When I was about to return, a worldwide announcement of the system appeared.

[Players, in celebration of 1 month of transmigration, a regional ranking will be released, it is impossible to hide your name and race, all top100 will receive gold as a reward every month, ranking is based on castle level, army power and player personal power, these 3 things are calculated and ranked, see ranking]

Ezequiel clicks to see your region, it's always good to know who you're dealing with

[Your region is ...zone 5 of the southern part of the great elemental continent...this is the classification;

1 place = Isabel Gonzalez, Kitsune SS Race, castle level 5

2nd place = Batari Sari, SS demon race, castle level 5

3rd place = Anninka Kowalski, Fairy Race SS, castle level 5

4th place = Qin Shihuang, Dragon Race SS, castle level 5

5th place = Thomas Smith, Nephilim Race, castle level 5

6th place = Donald Trump, Angel Race SS, castle level 4

7th place = Anaya Ahmed, Chaos Elf Race SS, castle level 4

8th place = Belchior Balalaika, Joker Race SS, castle level 4

9th place = Sayuri Suzuki, Noble Elf Race SS, castle level 4

10th place = Joseph Hoffmann, Fallen Angel Race SS, castle level 4]

"Fuck, everyone is an SS race, and what the fuck, is it the real trump?"

Ezequiel kept looking, the top 10 is all SS race, while the 11 onwards are S or less, in short there are only 10 people with SS race in the region

"I finally found myself"

[98 place = Ezequiel Silva, Black Elves Race A,castle level 3]

"I'm in the top100, I think I'll go up a lot in a few days, it's only been 2 days since I have my golden goose, fuck everyone with SS level race"

"Lydia, let's go back, we have a lot of work to do"


in a dark valley

"Fuck you, fox race? I'm out of a second, there's a damn fox race in front of me bitch, my demons will slaughter all your kind" Batari

"My lord, we did what you say, we enslaved the 20 villages of the human race around us" A beautiful sucubus speaks

"Very good, choose the prettiest human ones, then send them to my harem, I'm angry and I want to ease up on an ass" Batari


in a forest full of flowers and crops

"third place? I'm fine, with this status I can earn more money, it will be easy to sell my seeds and food for a high price" Anninka, a beautiful fairy

"Honey Princess, increase seed production" Anninka

"yes my lady" A powerful and beautiful fairy replied


golden mountain

"6th place? I think my popularity will grow, one day I'll be president of this world, fuck joe biden, this old man turned B-level race, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Trump