
I. I

Celestia paced to and fro frantically. Her familiar, Neylar, lounged lazily on her bed with one eye open staring at her.

Celestia's long dark glittering set of four independent wings fluttered behind her and spread its glow dust everywhere.

Her room was made with golden silk wooven curtains with a four post bed. A large white polished dresser with gold plaited on the edge stood to the left of her bed.

She had a glass made wardrobe with dresses for different occasions.

She moved to the window-sill in jopes of finding Ian. She was the Goddess of the Cosmos also known as the Constellation Witch.

Olympus greeted her sight when she looked out. Peoeple in their youth roamed freely with permanent smiles on their faces. She longed that type of freedom but unfortunately she had duties that tied her as a Goddess.

The city derived its name from the Temple.Olympus was a place where various Gods and Goddesses resided. Once in a while, High Priests, Archangels and the High Class Demons were invited if there was a feast.

In most occasions, she preferred to be in the confinement of her personal Temple to meditate. Each God and Goddess had a personal Temple for privacy's sake.

The Olympic Temple hosted majority of them for important occasions, though a few stayed there. The minority on the other hand stayed away from the loud parties.

She sat in front of her dresser in deep thought. The mirror reflected her petite yet enchanting visage. Her glowing voilet eyes stood out the most followed by her small pink lips. She always admired her glowing silver hair even though her familiar, Neylar stressed on the abnormal length.

She had an attracting body figure which was a topic of discussion amongst other Gods. Opening the small handwritten note, she read every detail on it making sure to take note of the sender's cursive handwriting.

She could tell her sender was a male from the choice of words used. The frustrating part was that the sender was anonymous. The note came with a snow peach flower, her favorite one.

It had slight similarities with a rose flower, but it only blossomed when in contact with direct magic.

She re-read the note again and a frown marred her delicate face. Seeing no use in keeping the note, she placed it into her drawer of notes and sealed it with her magic. By that time, Neylar her dark phoenix had awoken and gave her a dubious look.

Celestia gave Neylar a grin in return and hopped onto her bed. Giving Neylar light pets, she hummed to her favorite tune,Cupid. "I just recieved an anonymous letter." She said looking through the widow again.

A thought of visiting her Temple crossed her mind. Besides, her surbodinate would be all alone not that he even cared or it affected him in anyway. She paused petting Neylar ar and moved out of her chamber into the Hall.

It was noisy when she arrived with heaps of food displayed. Dancers with revealing attires lit the place with their eye-catching and skillful moves.

It was lit with glow dust and a light smell of essence filled the now lively room. She made her way past dancing people with less effort. She saw her fellow Gods and Goddesses with chalice of wine in ther hands and cringed at the sight.

They looked sober but she knew they won't stay the same in some minutes to come because Poseidon was boisterous than usual.

A young servant with a tray of exotic fruits passed by her ans she picked a handful of grapes and popped it into her mouth.

She moved to the balcony to relax her exhausted body. Her mind was still racing at the thought of her anonymous sender. She wasnt sure to feel pleased she had an admirer or feel insecure at the thought of someone stalking her.

"A penny for your thoughts?" A familiar deep voice said beside her. She couldn't get used to the effects it had on her and she wasn't admitting that either.

Eros, leaned on the rail beside her with a glass of wine in his hand. His blonde curls fell to the side of he face as he gazed at her with his piercing pink eyes. Celestia turned slightly to his direction.

He offered her a drink which she declined politely. She wasn't sure about her alcohol tolerance and she wasn't ready to embarrass herself like the others.

"Not really , I want to visit my Temple." She replied. He leaned closer to examine her expression.

"You're hiding something love." He stared cloely at her wotg a frown. "I'm not hiding anything besides, I'll be leaving soon and Pschye should be waiting for you." She eyed the view before her.

The sea wasn't far from the Olympic Castle as it stood on a rocky hill . The zephyr made it a conducive place of abode. It added to the essence floating around the vast area.

He made a face when she mentioned her name. He knew she was good looking but he only had eyes for one person though he had a hard time wining her heart. "She's inside having fun on her own."

He sighed and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Anyways have a great time doing paperworks in your Temple." He said leaving her to her thoughts.

************end of chapter ************

I hope you enjoyed this part let me know in the comments section.

Stay safe.


The author ♥️

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

zeraluvscreators' thoughts