
I don't like Person X.

Title is a scam. I do like her as she's my friend. Just got some complaints.

This has really got to do with my insensitive nature to be honest.

I'm only going to describe one situation I want to share.

Also I am going to say this now, there is a minor trigger warning as this story mentions suicide and self harm, and I feel I am rather insensitive about such things so I just want to warn you about it.

Thank you.

[X acts as if she's the only victim. I really think that their issues are petty as fuck though. She is too soft.]

A stranger X met on her friend's Discord server told her that they loved her, and was okay with sharing her with her boyfriend. She rejected, and then the stranger told her that they were going to kill themselves unless she broke up with her boyfriend and got with her. She got really worried about this and refused to tell me about it but told others about it. She reluctantly told me the situation a bit later on. I'm not sure why she was only refusing to tell me but I'm thinking it was because I was the only one who knew her in real life. (She told this on a Discord server that I owned.)

I wanted to tell her she was being a dumbass but held myself back because she was too worried about the situation and I didn't want to make it worse. In that situation she got into an argument with me. X got mad that I was still joking around even though it was a serious situation for her and I told her to just block him because the stranger obviously wouldn't kill themselves as they've known eachother for less than half a day (and from what I know she didn't even talk to him until he DMed her). She told me that there was a chance that he'd kill himself and that she didn't want to be at fault. I again told her to just block him, and that there was no way he was going to do that, as I believe a person who would kill themselves wouldn't say it to a person who they just met. She refused saying there was still a chance even if it was small. At that moment I thought she was a complete idiot. I pushed down the urge to tell her that though. So I just repeated myself that she should just block him, and he wouldn't kill himself for such a petty reason. Another person in the situation ,who I'll call B, said that they knew she was soft but she should just ignore him. With B's comment, I snapped. I found an opening to get my feelings out there without being as soft. I censored myself so I didn't hurt her feelings, but I damn snapped. I told her that it wasn't her fucking problem if they died. And 99.99% of the time they won't even do it! Even if they did decide to hang themselves how much did she really fucking do? Was it going to be her fault no, it's their issue and if they decide to kill themselves because of a small rejection from her I felt it was really just for the best as the person would just be entitled in front of everyone. I told her that if I was her I would've blocked them the first time they DMed me. She retorted that she wasn't me, and that I was being a bit insensitive. I can't really remember what happened next, and I'm too lazy to pull up the chat to describe it, as well as not really wanting to go back to the argument, but we later found out that it was just her boyfriend (now ex-boyfriend) testing her. She told him to not to tell us the reason why he was testing her. (I just assumed that it was a loyalty thing, but he said it wasn't that). She told B and me about it and that she wanted to see him suffer for making her suffer that way so she invited us to a group chat so we could be mean to him (? I know it sounds weird, but I'm obviously very mean, though I keep it to some degree to not too hard, and B is a damn bitch. Bruh, even I'm not as mean as that dinosaur aged, raging alcoholic). We were mean to him a bit and that was just the whole situation. We never really talked to her ex again.

I apologise for ranting so much. I do not have any major grudges against anyone in this story, despite describing them like this.