
#04 Chocolates (Part III)

2 hours went by faster than expected and everyone left the room. It was already dark so each of us called our respective drivers, some walked home and some had their parents to pick them up. I contacted Alice too and as expected, she nagged me before saying she'll be arriving soon.

Everyone went home and soon, I was left alone with Eric. I thought it might be the perfect chance so I reached my hand into my bag and took out the box of chocolate. His eyes were filled with happiness when I handed it to him.

"Chocolate." He didn't seem to get what I was doing so I told him what was inside.

"I know it's chocolate but… for me?" What? He has been asking for chocolates the whole day and now he doesn't want it?

He accepted it with confusion. "You said it wasn't for me."

"I just said you were bold enough to assume it was for you, doesn't mean it wasn't for you." A warm and happy smile formed on his face. I was dumbfounded since he rarely smiles so lovely.

He handed me the bag of chocolates from this morning, "thank you, you can take these." Does he treat me as a trash can, where you dump what you don't want?

"On second thought, never mind." He took it away when I wanted to take it. "I'll distribute these to the class tomorrow. Make sure you don't take it, not a single one."


First, you said you want to give me. Then you said you'll give the class and now you're asking me not to take it?

"What's wrong? They're just chocolates."

He crouched to my height until his face was just inches away from me and said, "because they're from guys."

Is this guy serious?

I heard the sound of a car engine and saw Alice. She got out of the car and thanked Eric for accompanying me. He smiled in response and I asked if he needed a ride home. He shocked his head and pointed at the car coming behind us.

"See you." He waved and went in the car. He left as soon as Alice drove me home.

"Did you have fun today, Miss?���

"Yes. How did my mother react when she knew I was out with friends?"

Alice smiled, like telling me it was fine. "She was very glad to hear it, Miss."

Is that so? That's good then. I was afraid she might skin me alive when I get back but I guess not. Maybe Andrea thought up a lie for me.

When I entered the house, my mother was in the dining room with my sister. I felt ashamed that they had to wait so long for me to come back before they could start eating. I did tell Alice to let them know they could eat without me but it seems like mother wouldn't let.

I put my bag in my room before having my dinner. Since no one except the maids knew about me making chocolate, my sister teased me for having no one to give.

"Andrea, no talking while you eat."

"Sorry, mother."

I had a good sleep that night. It was like the best day of my life if we exclude the fact that Natasha put us in a tough spot.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of pancakes. They really know how to make my day. I took a morning bath and changed into my school attire before styling my hair. Since it was still early, I took my time to tie a nice hairstyle before Mia lectures me for being too simple again.

"This should do." I went to wake my sister up and we went to breakfast together.

"Good morning, mother." We did the usual morning greeting to mother before taking our seats. The pancakes were freshly-baked and yummy. A glass of milk was served to me by the maids and I drank it before heading to school.


"One moment, Miss." Alice opened the car doors and I hopped in. She started the engine and stepped the accelerator to drive. During the journey, I talked to Alice about my outing yesterday and she chuckled when I told her we left out Natasha.

"We have arrived, Miss. I'm glad you had a fun time yesterday, please have fun today too." Alice dropped me off in front of the school gate and smiled before driving away.

When I entered the class, the boys and girls were separated into two groups. The girls fought for the chocolates while the boys were lecturing Eric on why he gave out the chocolates they gave him.

"It was our friendship chocolate!"

"It's a sign of our ever-lasting friendship!"

I giggled at Eric's disgusted look and he gave me a "what" look in response before the girls dragged me to choose chocolates.

"Amanda, you choose one too." They told me it was from Eric and that was the reason the boys were lecturing him right now.

'Make sure you don't take it, not a single one.' I remembered Eric's words from yesterday and rejected them. Who knows if he'll annoy me like last time if I didn't listen to him.

"Eh? Why? I thought you loved chocolates?"

"It's just..."

"Come on, don't be shy. Everyone is fighting over who gets which so if you take one, we'll have less choice to fight." Mia whispered to me behind their backs. But the main reason was not because of Eric, but I just can't come up with a reason to tell mother where I got the chocolates from.

The fight continued until Eric spoke up.

"If you're going to take it then just take, don't fight over something trivial until the chocolates break into pieces. Or do you want me to just throw it away?"

The girls got frightened by his words and the frustrated look he had on his face. That really helped, though. They just grabbed whichever was nearer and returned to their seats when the teacher came. I wanted to take the bag but found a remaining box of chocolate.

'Should I take it?' I looked at Eric and knew the answer would be 'no'. He told me to take it to the trash can but I felt bad for whoever bought it. Although it was just a chocolate you can get from any convenience store, I still gave it to the teacher.

"Ms. Elizabeth, please accept this chocolate as a thank you gift from the class." I handed the box and she was so happy to receive it.

"Oh, my, thank you so much!" Eric was glaring at me until I returned to my seat. I ignored him because I was certain that was better than giving it to a trash can.

"Amanda, why didn't you take it instead?" Carl asked me when I sat down.

"Because someone wouldn't let me have it." He had a confused look on his face when I said that. Well of course, anyone would react like that when you say someone 'restricted you to receive a chocolate from your classmate'.

I wasn't sure if he figured it out but he was staring at Eric before the class started. Eric, on the other hand, smugged in victory.

Soon it was break time. I wanted to head to the cafeteria with Mia, when I heard someone calling me.

"Miss Asia, may I speak with you for a moment?"

The next chapter will be published later than scheduled.

Lyuincreators' thoughts