
Anno Novo

With the ever growing tale of conquest, the earthen empire managed to rule even the entire galaxy. However the twisted fate seem to be against the stubbornness of human, and thus decided to end them. In a single clap of a newly born human baby, a catastrophic level event that triggers an unknown occurrence within the center of the galaxy caused it to deform. A quantum disaster merging two dimension in a single galaxy and it didn't end fare well to humans. Then, thousands if not, millions of years have passed... And the stuborn species is born once more.

Helfenite · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Urgent meeting

A day after such crisis, the Investigation team has successfully surveyed the surrounding area. According to their report, it seems there have been a substantial degree of changes that occur within the past 3 million years.

Plants and trees that never since existed before are growing, because of this, the need for further detailed investigations will be needed in the future to know if these plants or trees changed drastically.

The other one is the surrounding, in the north direction where the cave lies is a river that cut the land between each other. There's also a change of ecosystem from the other side which is a still a mystery to the surveying team.

For the last, but definitely now the least is the animals that inhabits the forest. Back in their days, creatures such as bears, deers, moose, or any other animals that used to inhabit forest are relocated to high forest density planets respectively. This is so that their species can be preserved to prevent their extinction.

Now, here, on earth. It can be said that they are non-existent anymore since all of them---or most of them have already left earth by the time Luigi became conscious of his self.

And that is the reason why it's strange. Currently, there is a great number of living creatures, somewhat similar to the species aforementioned, that inhabits the land. However, there are some that may have the same features, but still have strange unfamiliarity within them.

Such example of this is the current Cryptid, who have antlers the same to deer but walks on feet like a human. It's face is terrifyingly creepy that the moment Luigi saw this, he shivers in fear.

The other one is a wolf, but strangely this wolf has the same size of a moose, probably much larger and have twin large horns. There is still no verification in the process but it was predicted that such creature must be an alpha species of its kind.

Finally, the bear-like creature. Though it has an exact the same feature of the bear he once remembered and projected by Even in the holographic screen, it still has its feature different from it.

Mainly, it's size. A largest known forest bear back then was the brown bear, or also known as the grizzly bear which stands 2.7 meters tall. However, the projected image right now is even taller than a tree which stands 10 meters on height. Its size is also bigger and it can be said that it still rules the forest.

With this creatures lurking around the vicinity, Luigi leaving for the outside world is out of the question. He can leave the shelter but can only do so within the cave, not until these creatures were exterminated and researched for countermeasure.

Still, the investigation must continue to further understand the current nature of this world.


Five days later.

The energy reserve are now critically low, lower than what a temporary small scale energy production can produce within the shelter. The battery is now running empty, thus Luigi issued an emergency conference with his companion, Eve and other AIs responsible for the production of energy.

"At this rate, the third of the area 1 shelter will be shut down, and the resources that will be produced other than the energy will significantly be lowered. This includes the food and material resources.

If some of this were to be shut down, its possible that the performance of the AIs will be affected. Tell me, how much energy do we still have, Eve?"

[Yes, currently, the remaining energy we have is at around 12,000 gw or 12 tw. This may sound astonishingly high, but with our current AI population of 1,000, the shelter consumes a total of 3.1gw daily. With this number, we only have a remaining of 161 days before our energy runs out.]

Luigi held his chin with his left hand while being supported by his right arm as he think through the details he was just inform.

"I see, then its truly is critical matter."


"What do you think we should do, EE-32f?"

With its name called by Luigi, a humanoid form and facial feature of a man stands up, fully prepared to give his detail information and suggestion.

[Yes, doctor. According to Eve, the energy consumption we have is 3.1gw. If third of area 1 were to be deactivated, this will be an effective way to preserve our energy. However, if I were to be blunt about, this idea will only be short-term solution. And probably will result to an even bigger problem in the future. Especially if we were to shut down specifically the food and material resources.

Food for one is unnecessarily needed for we have already acquire a great number of them from the recent harvest. However, the shutting down of our material resources such as parts and tools manufacturing will cause a long term impact to our working AIs. Not only the performance, but it could also affect the quality of our AIs' body parts.

In this case, I would like to propose something, if I may, doctor?]

"Hmm... You may proceed."

[Then I would like a reconstruction of nuclear reactor.]

[Nonsense... EE-32f, how could you propose such unstable idea. ]

Suddenly, after hearing the suggestion of the engineering ai, Eve reply. Though she's still wearing a poker, serious face, there is a hint of anger stuck within her mouth.

[Such primitive way of producing energy, and not only that it's too unstable to even become a readily source of energy for our system. Have you not acquired the knowledge regarding its use? If yes, you do know that they are in need of excess maintenance just to sustain it from exploding and distributing radioactive elements in its surrounding places!]

[I am fully aware of such fact, Eve. However, it's better than relying to the dirty fossil fuel.]

[That's not even the problem. And you don't need to mention such disgusting thing... What I meant to say is, due to it being primitive, it won't be able to produce more energy that we consume, and let's even include with the trouble of disposing nuclear waste. How is that even a long term solution?]

[I apologize, Eve. It seems my calculation is wrong. I would like to suggest another proposal.]

Luigi seem to think about how funny it is to see the interaction between these AIs. Though they are connected to one system, it seems they still have their own consciousness programmed inside them. And with the clumsiness they are showing, they are in fact still have flaws that needs an improvement.

But that truly isn't a bad thing. Not until they cause a substantial degree of destruction of course. What he meant is, these flaws of them makes them more of a human than just a simple robots that act like slaves.

"Haha... Proceed."

[Thank you, doctor. Now, since nuclear energy is rejected, I would now like to suggest nuclear fusion reactor.]

'What's with his nuclear obsession' is what could Luigi possibly thought while laughing silently in order to not cause any attention.