
Anno Novo

With the ever growing tale of conquest, the earthen empire managed to rule even the entire galaxy. However the twisted fate seem to be against the stubbornness of human, and thus decided to end them. In a single clap of a newly born human baby, a catastrophic level event that triggers an unknown occurrence within the center of the galaxy caused it to deform. A quantum disaster merging two dimension in a single galaxy and it didn't end fare well to humans. Then, thousands if not, millions of years have passed... And the stuborn species is born once more.

Helfenite · ファンタジー
6 Chs

First day of work

Within the personal room of Luigi, there he stare up to the ceiling, feeling a sense of familiarity to its structure.

[It is good to see you awake, master.]

In his side, Eve spoke in a casual manner, which is also familiar to him. He gave her a genuine smile, which means that he successfully restore his entire memory.

"Yeah, me too."

He close his eyes, then open once again after giving himself a sigh of relief. He slowly raise his body, but before he could, he felt a tingling pain in his back.

He groan, which didn't left unnoticed by Eve who promptly scanned his bodily structure.

[Please do be careful when moving, you do have a body that is enhanced by nanites but you are yet to fully awaken... Meaning your body is yet to function to its fullest.]

Luigi laugh from the embarrassing remark of Eve who sound like his mother. Then slowly, he raise his body to a sitting position on his bed.

"What's the current status of the 'shelter'?" he asked, which Eve hesitantly answered.

[Water supply is running low, though the food resources is still at its max capacity, however, energy resources is at critical level... We were only able to function after shutting down most of the system.

There's also a continuous event of earthquakes for the past 3 million years of your sleep, which made us unable to exact our location from the ground surface-]

"Wait up! What?!"

Luigi raise his hand to a stop signal, and shows a perplexed expression after hearing her absurd word.

"3 million years?!"





[Due to an unknown occurrence, all satellites, and even signals above ground were disabled, deeming the tracking system to be useless, which I decided to disable for energy preservation.]

"Then, how did you know 3 million years have passed?"

[After the lost of signals from the outside, I decided to restart the time... The current exact time is 3,007,284 years 5 months, 2 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 53 minutes, 11 seconds.]

"Goddamn... What in the world happened..."

Luigi is in a confused state once more. He can't even try to imagine what happened for the entire 3 million years on the surface.

His sleep was not even different from the usual 8-hours sleep. For millions of years to passed... It's just too surreal.

"Have you tried contacting the surface?"

[Yes, however, to no avail, even the most primitive process of radio communication failed to receive any response.]

That's truly alarming... A primitive radio communication was the radio made during the first world war, if such thing didn't work, then there's only few things that he can think of.

A mass extinction, environmental destruction of earth which led to earth being abandoned, or a phenomenon that disable all electronic functionality, such as solar flare.

But the last is far fetched due to the shield produced by the humans against such event.

But then again, what could be the reason?... A mass extinction can be plausible but to no extent where they are entirely gone. Humans, afterall, is an interplanetary species, even if earth were to be invaded by a more advanced species, which is unlikely since the empire had already achieved intergalactic conquest, there could still be a remaining humans wandering the entire galaxy.

There's also the option of environmental destruction, which is likely the possible cause of all this... But then again, there's still no certainty since he's inside a self-sustaining shelter that relies on its own artifical nature.

There is no way for him to know what is outside unless he see it personally. But the danger that the outside can give is something that he can't take the risk.

If the environmental destruction did occur, then the last thing he need to do is expose himself outside... There could be radiations lying around the corner, or the oxygen which sustain life on earth is now non-existence.

There's too much to think about. Luigi can't even comprehend the full information for he is barely awake after 3 million years, thus Eve decided to let him rest.

[Rest for now, master. I'll be taking care of this.]

Of course, the reason why there is no contact outside is because Eve didn't take the risk to expose herself as well. Not because she is afraid of the foreign environment outside that could potentially risk her entire being, but because of it could create danger to her master.

"No... Since I have woken up, we should make haste and see for ourselves what truly transpired within those years. Hand me the data, I want to check it myself."

Eve felt a little hesitant, but her master's word is absolute, and no one can defy it. So, she handed the tablet lying on the desk beside his bed. There, multiple contents of information appear and highlight crucial data that should be taken action if necessary.

The first one on the list is the energy resources of course, due to the continuous earthquake, the solar energy that they rely on had long since ceased, only the energy preserved on a large battery are used, but those within it are slowly losing its energy as well.

If all of it were to be used before an alternative source were made, the entire system will cease to function, this includes the consciousness of Eve.

The second on the list is the water, though no one was awake for the past 3 million years, the necessity of water is still there. In order to maintain the shelter as sanitized and infection free, the cleaning system continously use the water.

Out of the 20 tanks of fresh water, 18 of it were already used. And now that Luigi is awake, he will need a large consumption of water since it is one of the natural needs of human.

Third is the defense system. Deeming it unnecessary for the past peaceful 3 million years, Eve shut down the system to preserve energy, however, that also made the shelter defenseless against potential foreign attack. Thankfully, they are currently buried beneath which lessen the risk of this.

But now that their master have awaken, the need to explore the outside world is there. And since humans are fragile despite their body enhanced caused by the nanites, they still need a guard against threats that could end their master's life.

Eve doesn't like to underestimate her master, but there is still the chance that it could happen and she wouldn't even dare to take that risk.

After reading the entire content of the tablet shown by Eve, Luigi heave a sigh and look at his companion with a tired expression.

"We have so much thing to do... And I just woken up, goddamn it."

His back collapse to the bed, closed his eyes and the day ended with him feeling exhausted despite not doing anything.