
Hulu, the princess and the wierd man

The thick forest. Curt.

"Do you have a death wish?"

Hulu munched as he knocked the wierd man out the second time. The fellow was few metres away from him, lying on his face. The princess was very much behind him, her back to the tree.

The wierd man was trying to stand on his feet but he seemed to have a plot up his sleeves which made him lag and presented him as though he had no faintest idea what he was supposed to do.

"You have a cut, are you sure you're fine?"

The princess walked to Hulu's back and ran her palms round his waist. He shivered under her touch but he didn't need such feeling at that moment.

"Be safe, return to where you are."

He said as calmly as he could. He had only survived a bruise from the spear which was several miles away from them at that moment.

The wierd man had aimed it at him in the first place, but it had only brushed through his side, ate out a portion of the fluffy armor and left a slight pore.