
Game of gains

Kingdom of the Tribesmen.

"Let them in."

The king ordered as the guard who had brought the news scrambled to his feet and hurried out to reflect on the instruction. The king sighed in expectation of what was hanging in the air.

As usual, there were his chiefs seated before him. He had summoned them to be witnesses to the arrival of the people who had sent message the previous day.

He was quite acquainted with the fact that one of the warriors still had a contention with how sane that choice was but he was the ruler and knew what the gods had expected of him.

"Walks in a brutish leader of the strays."

The guard called in their dialect, preventing the haggardly dressed man from making men of what he meant.

"Is it wise to keep this company?"

That same chief who had been in objection all the while made a seeming stance. His eyes keen on the king as the one who was representing the group of strangers got to stand before the king.