
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

Chapter 6 Escort mission

For the past month, the squad has been doing measly rank D missions. These mission include rescuing and finding pets or babysitting official's children. During this past month, although training was slow, Arata kept up with his training.

Arata: " Status"

Name: Arata Senju

Bloodline: Senju and Uzumaki

Age: 11

Strength: 25>28

Agility: 20>25

Vitality: 40

Wisdom: 30

Skills: Kunai skills lvl 11, Taijustu lvl 9, Fuinjustsu lvl 5, Flying Thunder God Technique lvl 2

Handing in their mission of finding and bringing back an old lady's cat, Naruto asked, " Hey old man, what kind else have you got for us. Are there better missions for us."

Third hokage thought: " naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat and wants a mission."

Third Hokage: " hahaha, well I do have a c rank mission that just came in."

Naruto: " yay, what kind of mission is it."

Third Hokage: " An escort mission"

Naruto: " Who are we escorting? A Counselor? A princess?"

Third Hokage: " Well don't be impatient. Bring him in."

When they looked, they saw an old man carrying a bottle of liquor,

Tazuna: " I am Tazuna, a master bridge builder, I must return to my country immediately, the bridge that I am building will change my country. I expect to be escorted safely."

Naruto: " Yosh, leave it to us. hahaha."

Tazuna: "..."


At the village entrance.

Naruto: " Yaayy, let's get this journey going."

Sakura: " Why are you so excited Naruto."

Naruto: " It's going to be my first time leaving the village, can't wait to see how the outside world."

Tazuna looked at Naruto's excitement, " Will I really be alright?"

Naruto: " Don't understimate me old man. I am going to be the greatest hokage someday, just wait and see."

Tazuna: " Hokage's are both strong and wise... so far I don't see any of that in you."

Naruto: " What did you say?"

Arata: " Quiet down Naruto, is that your catch phrase or something? Be serious, we don't know what we are going to face at the moment."

Naruto: " 'tch' if anyone dares to come, then I will deal with them quickly."

The squad then continued walking towards their destination, Land of Waves.

Sakura: " ehh, Tazuna-san, are there no ninjas located in your country?"

Tazuna: " No."

Kakashi: " No, not in the Land of Waves. But in other countries, there are hidden villages with their own individual ninjas and cultures. At the center of those hidden villages, there have their own perspective leader like the hokage, which leads thousands of ninjas and protect their own territories."

Sakura: " Ehh, so that means Third Hokage is really important."

Kakashi: " Well... it's just a C-rank mission so it should be pretty relaxed.

When Naruto heard this, he was also surprised because he once got him with his sexy transformation jutsu.

The squad and Tazuna continued their journey for quite some time. They crossed a bridge and a few puddles of water. Suddenly, the puddles that they passed transformed into two people with a cloth over their mouth and weird clothing. They had chains as their weapons. They immediately wrapped their chains around Kakashi and pulled, killing him immediately.

Sakura: " Sensei!!"

Assassin 1: " You're next."

The two assassins immediately appeared behind Naruto and sent their chains towards him. However, Naruto was frozen in fear and couldn't move. Suddenly, Sasuke jumped up and sent multiple shurikens that blocked and stuck the chains into a tree.

Assassin 1 and 2: " Can't move them."

Sasuke appeared above the two and landed on their arms and kicked them in their face sending them flying. The two immediately let go of their chains and rushed towards Tazuna. Before the two could get close, Sakura rushed in front of Tazuna with her kunai knife in front of her.

Sakura: " I... I have to stop them."

Before the two could get even closer, Arata appeared before Sakura and used his lightning jutsu and killed one right away. Before he could get to the other one, Kakashi immediately appeared and captured the other one.

Sakura: " Sensei?!"

Kakashi: " Yo. Sasuke, Sakura, and Arata good job on keeping the client safe. Sorry Naruto, I wasn't able to save you, but I didn't expect you to freeze up like that. I wanted to see who they were targeting first."

Sasuke: " Yo, naruto, are you hurt, scary cat."

Naruto: " SASUKE!!!"

Arata: " NARUTO, why didn't you move. Kakashi already told us that every mission could cost us our lives."

Kakashi: " Naruto, don't move so much, their weapons were poisoned. The more you move, the faster the poison would spread in your body if you don't open your wound and get the blood out."

Naruto thought to himself, " WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY was I so useless. Sasuke and the other's were so natural in their movements. Are they not scared?"

As Naruto was thinking about how hard he worked, he stabbed his wound with his kunai knife.

Arata sighed as he saw this.

Kakashi: " Naruto... if you don't bandage that up soon, then you may bleed out and die."

Naruto: " Whaatt, I can't die this early, I'm too young."

When the others saw his reactions, they laughed at him. When Kakashi looked at Naruto's wound, he saw that it was already healing and wondered if it was the result of the nine-tails fox in sealed in him.

Kakashi: " Well, before we go, would you mind telling us what we are dealing with?"

Tazuna: "... the bridge that I am building is in the territory, of Gato."

Kakashi: " Gato the business man? He's pretty big."

Tazuna: " Yes, however, what most people didn't know is that he is also a gangster and does not want the bridge built."

Kakashi: " Hmm what to do, the things that we face are around a B-rank mission... I'm sure you have your reasons, but lets escort you first."

Kakashi was still a little confident in completing this mission because of Arata. Arata's techniques and skill is at the level where he had to get serious without using his sharingan. Even now, during the previous clash, he had already managed to eliminate one of the assassins before he could make a move.

The group then continued moving forwards at a steady pace and didn't encounter any other assassins. They soon reached the Land of Wave a few days later. The group was on a small boat going across the river. They reached land. While walking,

Naruto suddenly threw a kunai knife at a tree, "there?" Naruto ran to check what the area and saw that it was only a white rabbit.

Sakura: " What the heck Naruto, suddenly doing that and scaring us."

Naruto: " Eh? hahaha, thought that it was another assassin."

However, when Kakashi saw the color of the rabbit, he was confused. The color of the rabbit should only be during the winter. It is mid-summer so how can this type of rabbit appear here, unless... replacement jutsu.

Kakashi: " Everyone get ready, protect Tazuna."

Everyone immediately got close to Tazuna and surrounded him, guarding him from all sides. Just as this happened, a large sword appeared from the trees and came flying at them. Kakashi and the group dodged and the sword landed on a tree. In the next instant, a man appeared before them. He was standing on the handle of the large sword with a white mask that covered his mouth. He wore no shirt and had a sleeve on both arms with a light cloth pants.

Zabuza: " Sharingan Kakashi. So now it makes sense with the assassin brothers failed in their mission."

Kakashi: " It seems like, I will need to get serious in this battle."

Kakashi pulled up his headband and revealed his left eye that was bright red. With the pupil in the middle, there were three dew drop like pattern that circled around his eye connected by a ring.

Naruto: " Sharingan? What is that."

Sasuke: "Impossible, how can you have that, the sharingan is a dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members. It allows the user to read ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu."

Arata looked at Kakashi's eyes with curiosity. Although his parents had taught him a lot about some of their clan's past and their enemies, he had never seen one before. Even the Sasuke doesn't have one yet.

Zabuza: " Seems like you have some knowledge boy. But that is not all there is. The sharingan also allows the user to copy ninjutsu's. Copy Ninja Kakashi, I have you in my bingo book."

Kakashi: " Zabuza ex-assassin of the seven swordsman of the mist, demon of the mist."

Zabuza: " Ho, so you have me on your bingo book too."

Zabuza then used some hand signs and the area started getting foggy.

Kakashi: " Be careful, this is his technique."

The mist slowly became more and more dense. Their surroundings were quiet as tension and killing intent continued to rise. Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura began to shake as they became more nervous as their opponent before them was out of their league. He was around Kakashi's level where they couldn't even land a solid blow against. They gripped their kunai knifes harder.

Kakashi: "Watch out!!"

Kakashi quickly turned around as he sensed Zabuza. Zabuza had appeared in the middle of the group without them knowing.

Arata had raised his senses and awareness to the max. When he heard Kakashi call out, he looked behind him and saw Zabuza there with his sword. Just as he was about to strike, Arata already moved and blocked Zabuza's strike.

Zabuza: " Ho, looks like you are quite skilled boy."

This block only lasted for a short moment as he was sent flying. However, the blow was a bit weakened and by the time the full swing came through, Kakashi appeared and pushed everyone out of the way and blocked Zabuza's swing.

Arata quickly recovered from the blow and came towards Tazuna's side, shielding in case Zabuza threw off Kakashi and come kill Tazuna. He looked around and saw that Sasuke had also recovered but was still shaking from fear. Sakura was on her knees as she thought that if not for Arata and and Kakashi, they would've been killed for sure. Naruto laid on his stomach in an awkward position with his feet up.

Arata: " Oi Uchiha, get it together, if you keep shaking like that then you'll die. Naruto, Sakura get your ass up or else you will die before you know it."

Hearing his voice, they were all surprised at Arata's calmness and quick thinking. They all got up and stood with him guarding Tazuna and watching the fight between Kakashi and Zabuza.