

'Holy ****'

Shiro was now back into his 10 year old body like nothing had happened at all. Shiro knew he had just finished the simulation but he thought that he would get a sudden influx of pain, or something similar, but no... He remembered everything that happened.

Fighting bigfoot... Fighting in tournaments... Fighting Pickle... Fighting his father... And the final battle of food. In conclusion a whole lot of fighting...

A tear dropped from Shiro's eye before he wiped it off. Shiro still had feelings... The world of Baki had truly taught him many things. And with them, many good and bad memories were made.

[Beep! Beep! Beep!]

A notification came from his system...

[Simulation Completed]

[Calculating Points...]

[Points Earned: 152]

Shiro looked at the amount and saw how little it was... But before he could complain another interface popped up.

[Redeemable Rewards:]

[Shiro Hanma's Bloodline - 25]

[Shiro Hanma's Attributes - 15]

[Martial Arts And Experience Of Shiro Hanma - 10]

Seeing this menu Shiro first immediately used his points to buy the martial arts and experience. Although he remembered using the techniques, if he executed them now he may not be able to replicate them as well as he should.

As he bought it, his muscles in his body twitched and Shiro went unconscious for a split second before regaining conscious on his knees.

As he raised he gripped his fist and...


A lightning quick punch flashed forwards into a wall on the street. A small shockwave followed and propelled itself forwards leaving a small mark on the wall.


"Hey kid. You shouldn't use your quirk in public." A random passer-by noticed what the child was doing and reprimanded him. Children should learn these things early after all.

Shiro ignored the person and moved to a more secluded area. He was now in a small alleyway but wasn't hidden much as the sun lighted up most of it.

[Redeemable Rewards:]

[Shiro Hanma's Bloodline - 25]

[Shiro Hanma's Attributes - 15]

As a result of his previous attack Shiro noticed that his strength lowered a lot... He decided that his next purchase would be his previous bodies attributes.

As he bought it, his muscles and bones started making odd noises. He felt large amounts of pain, but at this point pain wasn't a problem...

After a few minutes of odd noises, they suddenly stopped. Deciding to test his own strength again Shiro raised his fist.



Although Shiro had punched the air, the wall in front cracked and a large hole was shot, piercing and annihilating the insides.

'I should probably get away from this area...'

Shiro decided it would be best to move to another, rather secluded location before continuing.

As he found another similar alleyway he moved onto the final reward that he could redeem.

[Redeemable Rewards:]

[Shiro Hanma's Bloodline - 25]

Deciding to immediately buy it, he blanked out instantly.


Shiro's eyes slowly opened.

"Sir, he's awake." A blurry figure moved out of the room and left one person standing with Shiro.

As Shiro became more awake, he looked at his surroundings. A classic hospital room and a small bed, that he was currently laying on.

"Easy kid. You were found in an alleyway and brought in by a hero, that happened to see you."

Shiro sat up in his seat as he realised what had happened.

'It's back...' Shiro bore a faint smile as he remembered his final moments in the Baki world. As he was thinking the voice of the doctor brought him out of his thoughts.

"Kid. Where are your parents?" The doctor asked.

Shiro knew of the answer. And the thought of his parents made him bored. He never really hated them, because he held no attachment in the first place. He was just disappointed in them.

"I'm an orphan." After saying this Shiro abruptly stood up and rushed to the front of the door.

"Wait!" The doctor rushed towards the kid wanting to find out more, but just as he was about to reach him, the kid disappeared.

The doctor opened the door thinking the kid had somehow rushed out but was met by his assistant.

"The child just left! Have you seen him exit?" the doctor asked, and in response the assistant shook his head and glanced down both ways of the corridor.

"What a shame... That kid had some really weird but interesting quirk." The assistant looked in confusion. He had not noticed any strange things about the kid.

Seeing this the doctor brought up a photo. The photo was of a brain scan...

"W-what is that?" The other doctor was in surprise. What kind of a quirk made your brain look like a... Demon?


Shiro was now leisurely walking around. He decided that he wouldn't plan anything for the moment and just go with the flow.

'The martial arts in this world shouldn't be that developed right?'

As Shiro walked a new prompt popped up.

[Simulation System]

[Name: Shiro Yatogami]

[Simulations Avaliable: Baki]

[Simulation Shop]

Seeing the shop Shiro decided to select it. He hadn't unlocked any new worlds, maybe he had to buy them?

[Simulation Shop]

[One Piece - 10]

[Hunter x Hunter - 10]

[Jujutsu Kaisen - 10]

The current list only had three worlds to select, and while Shiro would definitely enter one. The time was not now.

Shiro dismissed the interface and continued on his way.

His first priority would be money. And what better way to earn money than to rob a bank? This may not be the smartest thing to do, but this can allow him to integrate with the current hero's and...

'I can have a good fight, while examining the quirks.'

A grin flashed onto Shiro's face as he elusively made his way to the closest bank.

After promptly speeding around, trying to find a bank, Shiro eventually came face to face with one. It didn't take long to find one as Shiro's current speed is nothing to scoff at.

"Excuse me old man." Shiro walked up to an old man, that was working in the bank.

"Where is the place the bank keeps all their money?" Deciding to use his authority as a 10 year old child, Shiro asked kindly.

"Hey! I'm not old. I'm still young and in my 40's." Shiro grew increasingly bored as this old man opened his mouth.

Deciding to be the 'kind' 10 year old he is, Shiro asked the same question nicely changing the way he addressed him, "Young man, do you know where the bank keeps all their money?"

Hearing this the old man decided to answer. It was clear that he had a lower amount of brain cells as he told this information willingly. Even though it's a 10 year old, this person should be more responsible... Right?

"It's underground kid! And any evil villain that tries to take the money, will be apprehended by the greatest hero of all time! All Might!" The man talked fast, as he showed his superior fanboy status...

'Oh, he actually told me?' Shiro grinned once again as he looked at the ground underneath him.

"Hey ki-"


A large amount of debris and smoke filled the bank, and people started panicking.

"Kid! There is a villain! Quick RUN!" The man hurriedly whiffed the smoke out of his face and ran a random direction. Soon after he ran, alarms sounded signalling the attack from the 'villain'.

Shiro jumped through the hole he made in the ground and landed in a small corridor. As he looked forwards he noticed the stupidity of the bank...

'Wait... If the vault is right below, then can't villains just directly go inside if they just destroyed the ground?'

Shiro quickly ignored this thought and continued forwards. Many reinforced doors were blocking the vault, and Shiro moved past them by... Walking through them...

He didn't bother to punch... And instead walked through them... They gripped around his body stretching until they snapped, and fell to the ground, leaving the mould of a 10 year old boy.

It seemed that all Hanma's were indeed... Unique...

Shiro soon made it to the vault without any problem and as he walked through the large, strong looking vault, he reached the money.

He then took of his shirt, showing his muscles that should absolutely not be present on the body of a 10 year old, and created a makeshift bag. He took as much money as he could and placed it inside.


"I am here!" A loud voice that sounded reminiscent of a large yellow haired figure boomed into the surroundings.

Shiro, slinging his 'backpack' around his shoulder looked at the figure.

"All Might?"

'That old man really wasn't lying huh?'

"Yes! Now where is the vill-" As All Might finally started observing the only individual in the vault, he noticed many odd things...

"Young man you... Your the one robbing the bank!?" All Might was perplexed. A small child, was robbing the bank. Where was the security?

"Hey, All Mighty Man do you mind? I'm trying to secure some quick money." Shiro knew the strength of All Might and he knew he could definitely escape, but defeating him would be another story.

'Well, I should at least warm my bones."


Shiro's figure disappeared, and instantly reappeared in the air behind All Might's head.


All Might's wide figure flashed into the wall. After he impacted, he removed himself from the wall uninjured.

"What an amazing quirk you must have young man! However I must stop your path of villainy before it's too late."

Deciding that knocking out this young child first and asking questions later was the best choice, All Might proceeded to blitz towards Shiro and lightly knock him out.


A punch flew at Shiro's figure, but as it reached near the target it missed. Shiro had dodged the punch and taking advantage of the moment Shiro's eyes flashed silver.

'Void Barrage'

A multitude of punches slammed into All Might's body and Shiro landed swiftly behind him.

"You should get that injury checked All Mighty Man." A cheeky grin flashed Shiro's face and as All Might finally registered what had happened...


He was immediately blown into the wall, leaving the shape of his body carved into it and a deep hole inside.

'Is... This world too easy?'

Shiro had just blitzed the strongest hero. Although he didn't do enough damage to really injure All Might, he had still just blitzed the strongest hero. He wasn't even going full power...

Maybe it was the skill difference? Although All Might had learned martial arts, they were nowhere near as developed as the Baki world. This was probably the reason for the easy confrontation.

'Time to relax...' Shiro checked to see if his 'backpack' was still there, and went outside.

"STOP RIGHT THERE VILLAIN!" A large assortment of police cars and officers were outside the bank.

"HOLD FIRE!" A man that looked like the chief officer raised his hand and shouted. "It's just a kid. He was probably brought out by Sir All Might."

Although this kid had lean muscles and a ripped body, he summed it up to the kid's quirk.

"Take the kid to the ward, and help him find his parents." The officers dropped their weapons and proceeded with the order.

Shiro obviously wasn't going to let this happen... He had a backpack full of cash, and going with these men would mean that he would lose it.

Shiro's eyes shined a bright silver, and small shockwave filled the air.

'Void State'

The officers were immediately put on guard, but before they could do anything the kid vanished.

"H-he's gone..." As the officer's were pondering, All Might's figure came out of the bank.

"Quick! Find that kid before it's too late." After saying this, he sprung off the ground, jumping over a few buildings. As he landed on a roof of one, a trickle of blood found it's way to his cheeks.

'I need to find a new successor...'