
Anime: Sex Stories

A compellation of sex stories set in Different anime stories that i don't want to do a whole series for.(All Characters are 18+) first 5 chapters mass released, after that 2 chapters a week Please vote with Powerstones or leave a review. let me know if there are any specific smut stories you might want in the review.

Mad_Overlord · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

A Rewarding Experience: Chapter 2 - Ainz/Shalltear (Overlord)

"So, as you can see… Lord Momonga has decided to grace me with a child. After many, many enthusiastic couplings to ensure insemination, I am now pregnant!"


As Albedo shows off her burgeoning baby bump, still small but nevertheless growing, to the rest of the Tomb's Floor Guardians, there are immediate reactions from each and every one of them, save one. For most, this is a cause of celebration, and each male Floor Guardian, as well as Aura speaks up in their own way, expressing their happiness and just how glad they are that there will be an heir for the Tomb.


Not that any of them think Lord Ainz will be leaving then anytime soon, but it still feels good to have an heir, it feels good to know that their home will not be stagnant forever. Soon, it will be filled with the laughter of a child, soon it will be filled with the pitter-patter of curious feet. To say that the majority of the Tomb's Floor Guardians cannot wait for Albedo to give birth would be an understatement.


But there is one that does not react, one that stays perfectly still in silent in the face of this news. Shalltear Bloodfallen sits where she was sat at the beginning of this meeting, the aristocratic vampire not moving a single muscle as she stares at Albedo's belly bump, and more importantly Lord Momonga himself. For this meeting, Lord Momonga has taken on a human form, to show just how he went about inseminating the Succubus beside him.


It… it wasn't fair. For as long as Shalltear could remember, she had loved Lord Momonga with all her heart. Now, that wasn't that long of a period of time… after all, before coming here, Shalltear had been just as much of an NPC as the rest of the Tomb's inhabitants, and thus hadn't had any true concept of love. But coming to this world had awakened all of them, had made them all… real in a way they weren't before.


For Shalltear, her love was as vast as an ocean, and had existed as long as she could possibly remember, her desire to be by Lord Momonga's side, to be HIS, sliding its way into her memories and making her feel like she'd ALWAYS longed for him, ALWAYS craved him. So of course, it was easy to fight with Albedo over him. After all, Albedo was… she was nothing! Shalltear had had every intention of seducing Lord Momonga before her.


And yet, here they were, the results of Shalltear's failure staring her right in the face. It almost made her want to scream. Not that she held any ill-will towards the child that even now was growing in Albedo's womb. No, it was still Lord Momonga's child, and Shalltear knew she would love it as much as the other Floor Guardians would, she knew that she would love it as much as she loved Lord Momonga. It was just… why hadn't he come to her?


She knew she'd made mistakes. She'd allowed herself to be controlled, taken over by those… those cretins. Lord Momonga had been forced to fight her, to bring her down and break the control over her. He'd been forced to do a lot to win that fight, to bring her back to him. Shalltear had felt nothing but a great shame over her failures, but she'd also been a little pleased at just how hard Lord Momonga had fought on her behalf. He could have destroyed her entirely… instead, he'd saved her.


Surely that was enough to signify his love for her? And yet, now she was staring proof of the exact opposite, right in the face. Was… was her Master angry with her? Had he shunned her, and she hadn't even noticed? Trembling with emotions, Shalltear stays where she is and waits. Eventually, all of the congratulations and impromptu celebrations have run their course. Eventually, the other Floor Guardians all depart, leaving just Lord Momonga and Albedo standing there before her as Shalltear remains seated.


Staring at them as they turn their gazes towards her, Lord Momonga's human expression turning curious while Albedo's face becomes the picture of smug triumph, Shalltear has to hold back the tears as her lower lip wobbles, a lump catching in her throat keeping her from speaking, at first.


"Yes, Shalltear? What is it?"


Lord Momonga has asked her a question though, and so the vampire forces herself to answer, rising from her seat and bowing low before her Master.


"M-Master… I was wondering… if you were upset with me. A-Are you still displeased about me being so shamefully controlled?"


Lord Momonga furrows his brow at that, opening his mouth to respond, but before he can, Albedo leans forward, voice sickeningly sweet.


"Don't be ridiculous, Shalltear. It could have happened to any of us, and Lord Momonga would have fought to return us to our leal service under him in a heartbeat. This has nothing to do with that. This is simply Lord Momonga deciding just who should be the mother of his heir. Between the two of us, really, who did you think he would pick, hm?"


Shalltear's lips curl into a sneer for a moment before the expression fades away. On the one hand, Albedo's words are actually slightly comforting. The beautiful porcelain vampire can see the truth in the first half of what the succubus had said. It could have happened to any of them, and Albedo was right, Lord Momonga likely would have fought just as hard for any of the other Floor Guardians as he did Shalltear.


Of course, this was also discouraging, because it meant she had been foolish to believe his saving her had meant anything beyond the fact that he was her Master and she was his Servant. The aristocratic vampire hadn't wanted to believe that Lord Momonga didn't have any other feelings for her… but if the rest of what Albedo had said was to be believed, then the succubus was right. Lord Momonga had indeed made his choice.


Spine incredibly rigid, hands bunched in the folds of her dress, Shalltear's lips thin out into the thinnest line imaginable. Her voice is shaky as she speaks.


"I-I see. I… I apologize for w-wasting your time, Master."


She doesn't directly respond to Albedo, something that gives even the succubus pause, her smugness dissipating for a moment. However, even as Shalltear turns and prepares to leave, Lord Momonga's voice rings out across the room.


"Hold, Shalltear."


Shalltear holds. How can she do anything less than obey her Master unquestioningly, after betraying him so? Turning back around, it's to find that Lord Momonga has stepped forward, placing a hand on Albedo's arm as he looks at Shalltear, his currently human face seeming more expressive than his normal visage ever was. As such, she could see the determination and resolve in her Master's eyes, even as he regards her with compassion and kindness.


"Shalltear… I did not want to hurt you, but I see now that I have anyways. It was never my intention to choose. I simply didn't think you would… well, I was wrong."


"W-What? Lord Momonga, you are-!"


"A Supreme Being? Even a Supreme Being can be wrong, Albedo. And I realize now that I have been unfair to Shalltear. Tell me, my lovely succubus, now mother of my child… has Shalltear not served faithfully?"


Albedo's eyes flicker over to Shalltear, but in the end she ducks her head, answering truthfully.


"S-She has…"


"Indeed. Aside from circumstances outside of her control, circumstances you yourself admitted could have befallen any one of you Floor Guardians, has Shalltear not always been loyal?"


"… She has."


Shalltear stands rigid, blood red eyes wide as she watches this exchange, her heart shivering with hope that she felt no right to.


"Albedo… I rewarded you for your service to me with lovemaking that resulted in the child that now grows in your belly. Tell me, if Shalltear wants the same… does she deserve any less?"


The aristocratic vampire watches her rival in love shudder, Albedo's hands clenching into fists and then opening again, over and over. In the end though, they both know the response their Master is looking for. They both know what Lord Momonga expects to hear.


"… She does not."


Lord Momonga smiles and nods at Albedo's response, and then turns to Shalltear.


"If it is your wish that I give you what I gave to Albedo… then I will grant your request and give you your justly earned reward."


Shalltear can hardly believe her ears. Albedo stands there, frozen but with her head bowed in acceptance. All this time, all of their rivalry in love for their Master… and he just chose… both of them? A startled bit of laughter erupts from Shalltear's throat.


"A-Ah… I… we should have known a Supreme Being would not be satisfied with just one wife, eh Albedo?"


Lord Momonga blinks and blushes in surprise at this, something that he can only do because of his currently human form. Albedo, meanwhile, startles at Shalltear's words, golden eyes wide as they dart up to meet the aristocratic vampire's face. It's probably the first non-confrontational, un-aggressive thing that Shalltear has said to Albedo since they arrived in this new world. It's an olive branch of sorts, she supposes. Obviously, Lord Momonga doesn't want them fighting over him… not when they could be joined together in taking care of him instead.


Seeing this, recognizing what Shalltear has recognized, a small smile appears on Albedo's face and she gives her fellow female Floor Guardian a nod of respect.


"It would certainly seem so. Very well then, I shall give you both the same courtesy Lord Momonga and I received our first time… privacy. Do have fun, Shalltear~"


Now the vampire is blushing just as much as Lord Momonga, even as Albedo makes her way from the chamber, leaving the two of them behind. It was one thing to be a flirtatious creature, it was one thing to make the moves on Lord Momonga, to show her Master that she was interested… but somehow, now that she's hear, the pale porcelain vampire finds herself at a loss for how to begin.


Slowly, Lord Momonga in all his currently living glory, walks over to her. He places his hands on her shoulders and gives her a comforting smile.


"Shalltear… we won't do anything that you don't want to do, alright? So… how do you want to begin?"


He was giving her complete control? Of course, he was. Lord Momonga was just that kind of person, wasn't he? Her Master… in that moment, Shalltear knows what she wants. She knows how she wants to begin. Beckoning Lord Momonga down, she waits until he leans forward and then whispers into his ear. When her Master pulls back again, he looks surprised, his human face giving him such a range of expressions. But the surprise smooths out quickly enough, to be replaced by that same resolve from before that had her heart yearning for him.


"Very well then…"






As the barbed tips of the cat o' nine tails come down on Shalltear's exposed back, they actually dig quite deep, lacerating her flesh and cutting her up. Of course, the moment that the barbs are dragged free, Shalltear's vampiric body repairs itself, her porcelain skin coming back together instantaneously and leaving behind no sign of the torture that had been going on for a good thirty minutes now.


Raising the cat o' nine tails for another pass, Ainz reflects on the three words that Shalltear had whispered to him when he'd asked what she wanted from him.


Punish me, Master.


In the privacy of his own mind, Ainz could confess that he'd fantasized about it. Shalltear being controlled by their enemies had given him no small headache. Taking her back, making her his again… it had taken no small amount of power. Obviously, he knew that this wasn't really Shalltear's fault. In fact, he blamed himself more than anything for sending her out so carelessly, without thinking about what unknown abilities the denizens of this world they found themselves in might have.


He'd almost lost her because he had been over-confident, because he'd been cocky. He wouldn't make that same mistake again. Still, there was no denying that Ainz had thought about what it would be like to punish Shalltear for her… failures. He would never have engaged in such actions under normal circumstances though. Truth be told, he hadn't even realized that Shalltear wanted him just as badly as Albedo did.


Bringing the cat o' nine tails down again on the bared back of his vampiric Servant, Ainz reflects that he'd actually missed a lot that he shouldn't have. He would need to be more observant going forward. He would need to take into account the feelings of those that served under him, especially now that they were all sentient beings with their own thoughts and emotions.


Shalltear cries out again at the impact, though once more the cry is almost entirely muffled by the ball gag lodged in her mouth, her vampiric fangs sunk deep into the ball itself and locking it in all the tighter. If she tried to expel it from her mouth forcefully at this point, she might very well break her own fangs off. Only Ainz could safely remove it now… which he imagined was exactly why she'd done it, to put herself further under his control, further at his mercy.


Completely stripped of her usual attire, Shalltear was… small. Not girlish, in his opinion, because Peroroncino had still made her with the body of a woman. But it was the body of a dainty woman nonetheless, a fragile and spoiled noblewoman who hadn't had to work a day in her life… turned into a vampire who lived in excess and played around with mortal lives. A representation based on a few female characters from the H-games played by her creator. That was Shalltear in a nutshell… or it had been, anyways.


These days, she was her own person, her own being. Shalltear Bloodfallen… she was more than just an H-game character. That didn't stop her from being gorgeous though. That didn't stop her from being absolutely worthy of his affections. Ainz finds himself licking his lips as he regards Shalltear from behind, still slicing into her back with the cat o' nine tails. The aristocratic vampire is a porcelain beauty, with skin as pale as death itself, and as smooth as silk besides. Her body is perfectly proportioned in every way.


Sure, she's small, her body type distinctly classified as petite, but she's not without curves. There's just… not all there like with Albedo. Albedo is an hourglass, a voluptuous curvaceous beauty of a succubus, with a bombshell figure to die for. Shalltear isn't… but that doesn't make her any less worthy of his desire.


Truth be told, Ainz is glad that Shalltear and Albedo seem to be getting along a bit better now. Walking Albedo through why exactly Shalltear deserved the same privilege as she did had actually worked better than Ainz could have hoped for. The pregnant succubus had truly been magnanimous in accepting the fact that Ainz was going to give Shalltear the same reward he gave her. But he would expect nothing less from Albedo. She might not always act it, but she had a good soul, deep down inside.


Regardless, he was growing tired of hurting Shalltear. His next lashing with the cat o' nine tails is the last one as he sets the barbed toy aside, Shalltear's body having repaired itself to full by the time he looks up again. He doesn't think he could have tortured her even this long if not for her regenerative capabilities. If he'd had to look at a bloody mess of his own creation, he likely thinks he would have lost his lunch with his currently human stomach doing summersaults at the thought.


But it was what Shalltear had wanted. Even now, as he approaches her from behind, Ainz can see just how wet the vampire is. Hanging in the center of the room, Shalltear's limbs are spread eagle, her wrists and ankles held fast by chains that disappear into the shadows as they pull her body taut. Her mouth is, as mentioned previously, gagged with a large round ball-gag, a red that matches her blood-red eyes.


Other than that, she is completely naked, her petite porcelain form fully exposed to him. As such, Ainz can see the dripping secretions coming from her sopping wet pussy. She is fully aroused at the moment, utterly horny beyond belief. Part of that is because he's promised to impregnate her, he's sure. But there's no denying the altogether pleasured note of her screams as he'd tortured her.


Shalltear was this kind of woman, and honestly, Ainz couldn't bring himself to be surprised. A sadistic vampire who liked to play with her food one moment… and a masochistic pain slut who delighted in being tortured by her Master, by her 'better' the next. She was a switch, but a switch who embodied the extremes of both sides of the equation, rather than sitting in the middle as a moderate like most switches tended to do.


… He couldn't expect anything less from a being who had ultimately been based on H-games, really. Even if Shalltear was her own woman now, there was no denying Peroroncino's influences on her. Which was the only reason Ainz was sure this would work, truth be told. Shalltear wasn't like most vampires, she wasn't like the majority of vampires that Ainz had grown up with in media back in his world.


Sliding his distinctly human hands around the hanging vampire's sides, Ainz brings them up to her flat chest, pressing his palms into her hardened nipples. He feels it then… the heart beating within her chest. Shalltear was technically undead… but whatever Peroroncino had done, whatever Ainz's friend had used in the creation of his greatest creation, he'd made Shalltear at least this much of a living creature. So that she could have some warmth to her… so that she could feel touch and enjoy it as much as any other woman.




Shalltear moans through the ball gag as Ainz touches her in all the right places. She wiggles in her bonds, not really moving much, but trying all the same to push her body parts into his questing hands before he inevitably moves onto another part of her. She rubs against him like a particularly affectionate cat, and then she actively humps his hand when he cups her sopping wet mound and grinds the heel of his palm into her needy pussy lips.


"Do you think you've learned your lesson, Shalltear? Or will you betray me again?"


Shalltear goes stiff at the words, and then shakes her head back and forth at his last question. Ainz doesn't really mean it, but he's kind of roleplaying a bit now, getting into character, being the Master that Shalltear wanted… punishing her, in the end.


"Are you sure about that, my pet?"




"I'm not so confident. We'll have to give you a reason to remain loyal, won't we?"


Shalltear's confusion is palpable, right up until he replaces his hand with his cock, pressing into her folds from behind. The position she's currently hanging in places her small, petite form right at the proper level for him to fuck her. That's no coincidence of course, no… it's completely by design.


"I'm going to breed you now, Shalltear Bloodfallen. I'm going to knock you up with my child and give you a reason to remain loyal forevermore. That's what I'm going to do. Any objections?"


Shalltear hurriedly shakes her head back and forth to signal that she has no objections, while at the same time grinding her hips back into his cock, doing her level best to get him further inside of her. Of course, in her current position, she can't actually rock back her hips enough to do more than gyrate across the head of his member, leaving her whining pitifully through the ball gag as she begs him for more.


Chuckling slightly, Ainz slides his hands to Shalltear's hips, grabbing onto his vampire tightly… and then thrusts into her from behind, filling her up in one smooth stroke.




Shalltear is extremely tight as he penetrates her, but also extremely wet, leaving Ainz to slide right in and fill her from the get-go. It takes him a second to realize, as he holds himself there for a beat, that Shalltear is cumming on the spot, the aristocratic vampire climaxing HARD around his cock as Ainz grunts in slight surprise. Chuckling again, he rubs soothing circles into Shalltear's porcelain flesh with his thumbs, even as he leans in close and nips at one of her ears.


"Such a horny, needy little slut, aren't you?"




Her agreement through the ball gag only makes Ainz's cock throb more insistently. Growling lustfully, the Master of Nazarick begins to thrust, fucking the Floor Guardian bound and gagged before him as hard and as fast as he can, right from the get-go. Shalltear responds with moans and squeals and cries of ecstasy, all muffled by the ball gag of course. Her back arches and her body trembles and shivers, her hips doing their best to push back into his thrusts, and her pert little behind getting rammed with each stroke, her ass cheeks clapping with the force that he's fucking her with.


Ainz doesn't let up for a moment, pounding into Shalltear almost violently… but then to be fair, he already knows that Shalltear likes it violent. So, is it any wonder that his brutality is met with more orgasms? Is it any wonder that his savage treatment of the aristocratic vampire is met with squeals of joy and arousal, only partially silenced by her gag?


As he fucks her, Ainz slides his hands back to her nipples, pinching and pulling them, elongating them from her body, pulling her barely-existent tits outwards for a second, making them look like more than the mosquito bites they are for just a second. While in her clothing, Shalltear gives off the appearance of a buxom young noblewoman… but take it all away, and it turns out her chest is a complete lie, a fabrication.


Instead, she's nothing but a petite vampire, to be used and abused by her Master to his heart's content. Ainz can't get enough of it. Albedo was fun, in her own way… and so, he's now discovering, is Shalltear. The two are fairly dissimilar from each other as it turns out, aside for their shared love of him. They both bring different things to the table, and honestly, Ainz is glad to have both of them.


He's all too happy to pump a nice, thick load of cum into Shalltear's womb, after a good long while of fucking her. He fills her with his seed, letting it cover her insides in white. Leaning forward, he brushes her hair out of the way so he can whisper a promise into Shalltear's ear.


"The first of many, my dear pet. I assure you of that."


Shalltear stiffens and then climaxes explosively at his promise, her red eyes rolling back in her head as she spasms and seizes up in her bondage. Ainz holds her steady, even as she slumps in the chains that are holding her aloft from the ground, barely conscious still. Chuckling lightly, the Master of Nazarick slowly begins to unclasp said chains from her wrists and ankles, pulling them away, pulling her free of them.


He holds her in a bridal carry and reaches around the back of her head, unclasping the ball gag. Then, careful of her fangs, he extracts the ball from her jaw, letting Shalltear close her mouth once more. The barely conscious vampire curls into his chest most happily as he carries her away from what can only be generously called a torture chamber.




"Y-You don't… you don't have to do this, Master…"


It's funny how she's more embarrassed by this than anything else her Master had done to her. Sitting in the middle of the normal sized bathtub between Lord Momonga's legs, Shalltear can only hunch in on herself as he continues to slowly, gently wash her, his hands moving over her body not sensually, but tenderly.


Her Master is engaging in a bit of aftercare, obviously. As a sometimes domme in her own rights, Shalltear is very familiar with the concept. She even engages in it sometimes when she plays with her own servants who she intends to keep around, rather than temporary toys to be disposed of once she's done with them.


But to have Lord Momonga see her like this, treat her like this… Shalltear would almost have preferred he left her strung up in the dungeon until one of her servants could get her down. She didn't like showing him this weakness…


"It's alright, Shalltear. I was pretty rough on you, you know? Even if you do have regeneration… I can't just leave you to recover on your own. You're mine, after all."


Shalltear leans back into his touch a bit more at that as he continues to wash her back almost casually. At the moment, she looks less like the aristocratic vampire she is, and more like a half-drowned girl being taken care of by her father. But Lord Momonga is distinctly NOT her father…


"Yes… Lord Momonga…"


For the first time since the bath started, his touch becomes a fair bit more sensual as he runs one hand down her front, to her abdomen, right above her womb.


"And soon, you'll be the mother of my child, just like Albedo is. So… allow me to care for you, alright?"


"… Very well, Lord Momonga."


"That's a good girl."


Shalltear shivers in blissful delight at hearing those words from her Master. She lets her eyes drift shut as he continues to take care of her, as he washes her and then pulls her out of the tub, as he dries her and then carries her to a bed where he cuddles her close. He HAD been rough with her, and even if it'd long since healed, her back still stung with the delicious pain that he'd inflicted on her using the barbed cat o' nine tails she'd picked out before being strung up and gagged.


It had felt so good, being punished, being abused, being used like… like the failure she was. But this? Laying here in Lord Momonga's arms, being cared for by her Master… it felt good too, if Shalltear was being honest. It felt really good.


"Lord Momonga…"


"Yes, Shalltear?"


"… Thank you."


A chuckle, and then a response.


"Any time."