
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · アニメ·コミックス
71 Chs

First simulation.

Izanagi didn't need to shout for Hayasaka to appear. In his room, a microphone is connected to Hayasaka's earpiece. 

Soon the door was knocked from outside. 

"Come in." After hearing Izanagi's voice, a blond haired lady entered the room.

Wearing an elegant maid dress, a lady in her thirties came inside the room. 

"You called for me? Izanagi-sama?" She bowed and asked.

"Hmm... report to me about Kaguya." Izanagi said without even looking at her.

"Miss Kaguya? She was going to start high school from tomorrow." She was stunned hearing Kaguya's name from Izanagi, but fulfilled her duty as a proper maid. 

The reason why she was stunned was because these shinomiya siblings have never cared about each other at all. They live their lives like the other person doesn't even exist at all. That's why, hearing Kaguya's name from Izanagi was such a shock for her.

"Oh? Which high school?" Izanagi asked while falling on the bed on his back.

"It's the same high school as yours." She replied.

"I see... you can go now." Izanagi said while taking off his shirt.

"Yes, Izanagi-sama." She bowed and left the room.


(Izanagi POV)

While I was talking to her, I experimented with the system a bit.

Hmm... so she can't see the system.

[Name - Nao Hayasaka

Talent - A+

Title - Maid of Xicas Shinomiya

Status - Registered.]

I didn't get much information from system, but I got to know how to use registration system.

Now onto simulation system.

"System, start a simulation in my original world."

[Simulation starting...]

[Five talents have loaded. Choose three of them.]

[Playboy (white), buisness prodigy (purple), loser (white), cursed weakness (blue), longevity (blue).]

[Playboy (white) - You can easily persuade many girls to sleep with you easily. You will be treated as a scum by many men and you don't love any women you sleep with.]

[Buisness prodigy (purple) - You are the highest level of talent in buisness that world has ever seen or will ever see.]

[Loser (white) - You are a loser.]

[Cursed weakness (blue) - You are born weak and always will stay weak.]

[Longevity (blue) - You will live atleast 150 years. Even getting shot or stabbed will not kill you since you are destined to live for a long time.]

Hmm... the darker colour talents have, stronger they will be. I guess the choice is obvious right now.

"System, choose playboy (white), buisness prodigy (purple), and longevity (blue)."

[Talents successfully chosen. Starting simulation...]


[You woke up as Izanagi Shinomiya.]

[In first glance, you already understood that another yourself is using you in a simulation.]

[You still have memories about simulation system, so you decided not to destroy the simulation and kill your other self. You decided to play along with the simulation.]

[You quickly adjusted to the world and let your talents assimilate into you. As a buisness prodigy, you thought that continuing your school was a waste of time for you.]

[You went to your father and asked him to let you start taking part in business. He hesitatingly decided to give you a few main companies under shinomiya group. He was hesitant at first, but your persuasion skills as a business prodigy was too great for him to resist.]

[3 months - You have successfully taken many major people of shinomiya group under youself.]

[5 months - You decided to visit your father today. After your meeting with him, you successfully poisoned him to death. As the rightful owner of shinomiya group, all the shares owned by him were transferred to you. And those who could take part in his inheritance, you already had "taken care" of them.]

[With 72% of shares of shinomiya group under you, you became the largest shareholder and owner of shinomiya group.]

[1 year - You continued building up your business. You successfully took 100% of shinomiya group under you. You also slept with thousands of women this year. Some of them were your business partner's wives and girlfriends and many were your rival business's wives. You also used these women to bring down your business rivals and take control of your business partners.]

[You also regularly slept with Nao Hayasaka and her daughter Ai hayasaka.]

[5 years - Under you, the shinomiya group has doubled it's net worth. You are the richest person in the world and the only trillionaire on earth.]

[10 years - You successfully became the only real quadrillionaire in whole earth's history.]

[This year, you also persuaded your own sister to sleep with you. Since you both never treated each other as siblings, it wasn't that difficult. Kaguya was impregnated with your child and the only rightful heir of direct Shinomiya lineage.]

[20 years - You used your money to start many illegal researches. Many human experiments were conducted under your order and caused death of millions of people.]

[50 years - After many years, you successfully became a real quintillionaire.]

[Your illegal researches also showed result and you finally created a real superhuman.]

[After killing off the test subjects, you became the only superhuman in the world.]

[After more breakthroughs in the researches, you were able to acquire some superpower by DNA merging. You had gained poison immunity and poison fangs like snake, strength of an ant respective to the size of body, and echolocation of a bat.]

[Unfortunately you weren't able to find any real supernatural power in this world.]

[This year, Nao Hayasaka and Ai Hayasaka died in a car accident.]

[100 years - You started finding life boring. You easily became a decillionaire. Your researches also researched zombie virus, rejuvenation, teleportation, and time travel.]

[You completely captured the timeline under your control. You created a dystopia.]

[You also rejuvenated youself back to 25 years old but you knew that it was not immortality. You were still aging on the inside as usual.]

[After completely conquering the timeline, your interest went over to other timelines and universes.]

[You made researchers from all over the time work for you and search for ways to travel out of the world.]