
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 9: Life Simulation in Naruto 1/?

"Mobius, I'm done. You can check it if needed. Now it's already midnight, and I need to rest."

"Wait! Just help me finish this data research, I'm almost done." Originally, Rozen wanted to ignore her, but seeing Mobius acting cutely while begging, he couldn't resist and decided to help her.

Why did Rozen end up in this situation? After finishing a discussion about recent events and with nothing else to do besides playing on his phone, he decided to watch Mobius conduct her research and experiments, driven by curiosity.

In all his lives on simulation, Rozen wasn't particularly good about biology. Eventually, he grew curious about Mobius, one of the most brilliant biologist scientists in the anime world.

With his own brilliant talent, Rozen quickly grasped and understood Mobius's work using his memorized biology knowledge.

This led him to discuss biology and her research with Mobius. Eventually, impressed by his genius, she persuaded him to assist her.

That's why he spent the day helping Mobius with her research, separated from Sota and Selesia who grew bored of watching.

After a few moments, despite Mobius's reluctance for him to leave, Rozen finally finished. Her previous strategy to make him stay longer hadn't worked since he was eager to embark on another life simulation.

I hope this next simulation places me in a world with supernatural powers or superpowers 

Rozen thought as he hurried to his designated room. Fortunately, Seri had kindly provided rooms for him and the others while they were sheltering there.

Lying in bed, he swiftly opened the life simulation and allocated his free status points.

[Intelligence = 24 -> 29]

[Talent = 22 -> 27]

Without overthinking, Rozen clicked 'YES' to start his life simulation. His consciousness then faded before awakening in a different scenario.

[You were born into an ordinary family named Rozen, matching your real name. You don't see your father, only your mother and a midwife after being born into this world.]

"I guess I'm an orphan now? It's my first time, but whatever," Rozen muttered, seemingly indifferent. Despite it being his first time as an orphan from birth, he had experienced much sadness and misfortune in previous simulations.

"But it's strange that I have no last name. Are last names reserved for nobles and clans in this world?" Curious, he still decided to continue the simulation.

[You grow up as a normal child, while being very cautious in your new world.]

He had to be cautious, as he nearly ended up labeled as a demon child or possessed due to his genius and intelligence in a previous simulation. In ancient times, any abnormality was often associated with religion.

[Even so, you become known as the strongest boy in your neighborhood, becoming the boss of all the little kids there.]

Seeing the group of kids surrounding him with admiring faces, Rozen's lips twitched. It felt very childish for someone who was actually an adult.

Also, it's worth mentioning that Rozen is still 5 years old. But due to his superhuman physique, he has grown rapidly, making his body equivalent to that of a 10-year-old.

[Though speechless about it, you accept the title and lead all the kids as your subordinates.]

[You think they are suitable to become your subordinates in the future, deciding to teach them all your fighting skills.]

"I hope they don't betray me in the future. Maybe I should cultivate their loyalty from now to prevent that?" Rozen pondered, then tried this strategy, helping and assisting them all to increase their loyalty and goodwill towards him.

[Your strategy is successful. Soon, all the kids there look loyal and respectful towards you, an omnipotent leader in their eyes.]

Seeing this on the panel, Rozen smiles contentedly. "That's good, but maybe I need to make them more loyal, even a bit fanatic?" As he ponders, suddenly a kid approaches Rozen with a troubled expression.

"Boss! Boss! It's not good! Our people are being bullied by other neighborhoods while we were playing outside the village." Hearing this, Rozen immediately rushes to the scene and finds all his gang's kids fallen and injured.

[Enraged, you immediately take action against all the enemy members, watched worriedly by your subordinates. With grandmaster skills and your superhuman physique, you quickly overpower all the enemies.]

[While your subordinates celebrate your victory, you ignore the celebration and focus on the startling event that just happened.]

"What was that earlier? Why could that kid release fire from his mouth? And if I'm not mistaken, he also moved his hands into several symbols. Could it be..." Suspicious, Rozen interrogates the kid.

"I see. So basically, I'm in the Naruto universe," Rozen murmurs, feeling a mix of happiness that his wish came true and confusion, as he never heard of Ninjas or Shinobi mentioned in his village.

[Feeling very doubtful and curious, you return home and ask your mother about the existence of ninjas. Her reaction becomes sad upon hearing it. She explains that your father, whom she loved, died as a Ninja, leaving her and you alone. That's why she's sad and hopes you don't follow his path.]

"I understand, Mom. But I will still become a ninja because I just realized how fragile ordinary people are to Ninjas who could kill us with their Jutsu," Rozen explains, seeing the worried look in his mother's eyes.

[After explaining the earlier incident, your mother sighs wearily, appearing aged from the ordeal.]

[She then told you to wait and leaves to fetch something. When she returns, she hands you a sizable bag. Inside, you find lots of money, clothes, a map, and lastly, a unique old kunai.]

[Realizing your mother supports your choice, despite her sadness, you feel grateful and happy to have mother like her.]

"But Mom, what's this old kunai? Why did you give me this rusty thing?" Rozen asks, seeing his mother's sad face turn into a nostalgic smile.

"It's your father's kunai. Show it to the Konoha ninja named Kouta when you get there and say you're Hayate's son," she smiles, stroking Rozen's hand holding the kunai.

"I see. So Hayate is my father's name," Rozen mutters while staring seriously at the old kunai.

[The next day, you part sadly with your mother and subordinates. But you quickly cheer up, knowing it's not goodbye forever.]

[On your journey to Konoha, you encounter many bandits and robbers. Fortunately, not all are shinobi, and you handle them with your superhuman physique.]

"Spare me! Please spare me... I don't want to die. I do this to feed my wife and children," the robber begs, trembling, wounded, and choked by Rozen.

Perhaps if it were the naive Rozen of the past, he would have let the robber go. But not anymore, due to lessons learned from a previous experience where freeing a robber led to more murders.

With ruthless eyes, Rozen ignores the pleading as he tightens his choke, snapping the robber's neck. The sound of breaking bones signals the robber's lifeless fall.

"This is why I dislike the medieval era," Rozen sighs, looking at the corpses of thieves and bandits around him. He burns them before continuing on his journey.

[You move past the experience, continuing your journey while practicing martial arts against robbers and bandits, and helping innocent people they harassed.]

[It's been a month, but you haven't yet reached Konoha. Almost all the money from your mother was barely enough for two months of food.]

[Realizing a leisurely pace is unwise with the remaining money for living in Konoha, you decide to run the whole way. With your superhuman physique, you run nonstop for 23 hours, and only stopping to sleep for an hour each day.]

[Thanks to your efforts, you arrive at Konoha in just two days.]

"Finally, I've arrived!" Rozen stops running and stares at Konoha's familiar green gate with the hiragana letters 'A' and 'N' on both sides.

"Let's go inside then," he says, approaching the gate where several Konoha shinobi await.

[You meet the gatekeeper, introduce yourself and your purpose honestly, then request him to find your father's friend.]

[Luckily, the kind gatekeeper agrees to help, influenced by your cute and handsome appearance due to your high Charm status.]

[Soon, you meet your father's friend, Kouta. He's a stern-faced, serious adult with black hair but not an Uchiha. Before you, however, he becomes a kindly uncle as if you're his own cousin.]

[He decides to adopt you and takes you to his home, where his wife and child warmly welcome you, despite your discomfort.]

"Well, this is my new home then? Though it's uncomfortable, I can't do much about it," Rozen sighs while lying in bed in his new room.

"Mother... I wonder how she is now," Rozen muses before falling asleep.

[You sleep and wake up the next day, feeling the unusual atmosphere of many people eating together in the morning. You let it go and start to enjoy it.]

[Later, you tell Kouta about your desire to become a ninja and join the academy. To avoid inconveniencing him, you mention the money your mother gave you.]

"Rozen-kun, that money isn't enough to enter the ninja academy," Kouta informs you. Rozen freezes, having hoped the academy fees would be low.

"But don't worry! As my best friend's son, I'll pay for your school expenses until graduation. But remember, you must still pass an entrance exam," Kouta says sternly. Rozen nods happily, surprised by his earlier statement.

As suspected, Kouta owes a debt to my father in this simulation. No one would adopt their friend's child without reason.

With that in mind, Rozen accompanies Kouta to the academy to register.

[After registration, your entrance exam on physical strength and chakra is in two weeks.]

[During that time, Kouta helps you train your physique and chakra.]

"Are you ready, Rozen-kun?" Rozen nods and immediately feels a foreign energy coursing through him.

The energy feels balanced, invigorating, and restorative, with Kouta's distinct aura.

It's Chakra, the Naruto world's unique supernatural energy, originating from the God Tree planted by the Otsutsuki and consumed by Kaguya, birthing Hagoromo and Homura who spread it to all humans.

[With your genius talent, you quickly grasp and master controlling your own chakra.]

[This greatly shocks Kouta at your genius. He never expected his bestfriend's son to be so gifted.]

[But what Kouta doesn't know is the other extraordinary aspect you're hiding. Your superhuman physique and genius mind result in an incredibly vast chakra, rivaling major clans like Uchiha and Uzumaki.]

[You know exposing this would attract everyone's attention, including other villages. Yet, you don't want that despite being as strong as a superhuman now.]

"It's too early to reveal my true strength here. Maybe I should train to become stronger before exposing myself," Rozen decides, planning to use chakra levels high but appropriate for the public eye.

[Even after the exam, you remain renowned as a genius in Konoha, despite coming from an ordinary family.]

[Moreover, your physique and chakra amount surpass everyone, including members of famous clans.]

"I-I love you! Please date me, Rozen-kun!" A blushing, bowing girl stands before him, and Rozen sighs. He's already tired of love confessions from his female classmates.

Being very handsome and a genius, he has become an ideal lover in the eyes of those girls.

"Sorry, but I'm not looking to date right now. Plus, we're still young, so it's too early for dating," Rozen replies honestly. The girl falls silent for a moment.

"I see. Hahaha, it does seem too early for dating. It's okay, Rozen-kun. You needn't apologize," she awkwardly smiles before walking off, then suddenly dashes away at full speed.

With his sharp hearing, Rozen hears the girl sobbing. He can only sigh at this.

This is uncomfortable. I'll ignore love confessions from now on 

Rozen thinks inwardly before returning to class, where everyone stares at him. They ask about his response to the confession, but he ignores them all.

"So, how was it? Did you reject her too?" asks one guy, his seatmate and close friend.

"What if I did? You know I don't intend to fall in love and want to focus on studying. But Minato, with you asking repeatedly, don't tell me you'd say yes if you were in my shoes?" Rozen feigns shock, looking at the blonde beside him.

Indeed, his blonde friend Minato is none other than Minato Namikaze, Naruto Uzumaki's father.

But the current Minato is still Rozen's age, indicating he was born before the 2nd Shinobi World War. This revelation greatly surprises Rozen, who hadn't expected to be born before the main storyline.

With this era's more severe wars compared to the original storyline, he finds it disconcerting. But he can't choose when or where he's born in simulations.

However, this gives him a chance to prevent future disasters like the Uzumaki massacre, Rin's kidnapping and death, and Obito's descent into darkness.

With his current potential, Rozen is confident he can become the world's strongest and prevent all that.

"Of course not! I feel the same way," Minato replies, somewhat annoyed. But Rozen looks at him doubtfully.

We'll see after you meet Kushina! 

[Time flies. After 2 years of training, your chakra and physique can now compete with Elite Jonin.]

[You've mastered many Jutsus and secretly created more, thanks to your genius.]

[Your reputation continues to grow. You're now known as Konoha's "Little Genius" worldwide. Although you dislike the attention, you ignore it.]

[One day in class, news arrives of a new transfer student from the Uzumaki village joining. You realize it's Kushina's arrival in Konoha.]

Watching Minato stunned by Kushina, Rozen sneers. His suspicion about Minato falling for her was correct.

But he also feels conflicting emotions, perhaps because of his otaku self, who also adores and loves many waifu, including Kushina.

His rational side says to let history play out between Minato and Kushina. However, emotionally, he wants to claim Kushina for himself, despite the potential future consequences.

Gritting his teeth and pondering for a bit, he decides to "just go with the flow," knowing he might regret it later. But even if he claims Kushina, he knows he'll feel uncomfortable parting with his descendant when this simulation ends.

[A/N: Don't worry, guys. She will still end up with Rozen.]

[Kushina's arrival causes quite a stir in class due to her beauty, which is quickly overshadowed by her fiery temper.]

[From a distance, you observe Minato kindly calming her down, away from the others.]

[Assuming no further contact with Kushina, she surprisingly approaches you after school.]

"Are you Rozen? I've heard you're the strongest and most genius kid here! But it's surprising you're not from a famous clan!" Kushina appears before Rozen, eyeing him curiously.

"Yes, that's true. What did you want from me?"

Grinning smugly, she challenges him, "I want to challenge you! As a woman who aspires to become Hokage, it's my duty to be the strongest! The first step is becoming the strongest student here!"

"You sure about that?" Rozen questions her confidence.

"Absolutely! How about it? Do you dare? Or are you afraid of me, Kushina?" she grins cheekily.

Unperturbed, Rozen simply smiles back. "Sure, why not? But don't cry afterward."

Her cheeks flush at his handsome smile, but she quickly becomes irritated by his last comment. "You! Let's meet at the training grounds tomorrow!" Kushina yells before stomping off angrily.

Shaking his head at her childish behavior, Rozen smiles, recalling how cute Kushina looked just then.

(A/N: Creation is hard, so please consider support me by giving me your power stone and your review. Thank you!)