
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Chapter 8 Agreement with Dr. Mobius

Rozen and the others finally arrived at their destination, quickly entering the tallest building in Tokyo.

Inside, they saw many busy people and androids, but Rozen noticed only a handful people there wore the Blue Clan's uniform, and most were regular police officers or android.

"Where are they? I'm sure their clan members are much more than this," Rozen murmured while walking.

"Perhaps they're on important missions right now, Tendou-san?" Sota said. Rozen thought that was likely true. 

"Hopefully we can find the Blue King, or it'll be very bad news for us," Rozen said. Though Altair wouldn't outright kill him and his group, Rozen still didn't feel very safe without any safety guarantee for his life.

If only I had superpowers in my life simulation, I wouldn't be as scared in this situation! 

Rozen was frustrated, superpower and supernatural abilities would at least make him feel a bit safer.

Approaching the reception desk, Rozen saw the receptionist busy talking and reporting to other officers. 

"Excuse me?"

"One moment please," the receptionist gestured to wait and continued her call.

"They seem very busy. Is this normal or only now?" Selesia asked curiously.

"I think it's unusual. The police station wouldn't be this busy unless there was a special event. But besides the Shibuya attack and the gate, there's nothing major right? Of course, our situation with Altair and fictional characters appearing is also special, but it's not critical enough to make them this busy," Rozen explained. This also made him wonder what was happening behind the scenes.

Wait! If Tomie exists here, the Blue King is likely investigating or eliminating other Junji Ito monsters. Let me see if that's true.

As Rozen was about to ask Alpha to investigate, the receptionist finished and stopped what he wanted to do "So, what can I help you sir?"

"Well, we came here to meet the Blue King" 

"Blue King...Ah! Did you mean Reisi Munakata-sama?" Rozen nodded in response.

"I'm afraid Reisi Munakata-sama is not in his office, he is very busy right now and won't return for some time"

"What?! Why?"

"There have been many homicides and anomalies lately. We've received reports of monsters massacring around Tokyo." Rozen was stunned, it seemed his earlier assumption was right that many Junji Ito monsters were appearing in this world.

"Tendou-san..." This made Sota look at Rozen anxiously.

Rozen sighed, then shook his head and smiled at him "Don't worry, I'll figure something out if we really can't do anything."

"Yes, Sota-kun! Don't worry about it, with me and Rozen here, we're going to do something about it with Altair. And don't forget there's also Meteora, she'll become our ally soon, so our situation isn't hopeless!" Selesia said optimistically, reassuring Sota. 

Still, Rozen persisted in asking the Blue Clan for help. "But, is there any important member here? My matter is very urgent so I need to report it!"

The receptionist hesitated but Rozen showed his appointment with the Blue King and she assisted him.

"Thank you!" Rozen bid farewell as their group followed her instructions, taking the elevator as the location was on another floor.

"Tendou-san, how did you get an appointment with someone so important?" Sota asked doubtfully.

Rozen smiled, "Because I hacked it! I knew they wouldn't help without an appointment, so earlier I hacked the Tokyo police server to create one." Sota's eyes widened, he didn't expect Rozen to be a professional hacker.

"Amazing! I never expected you to be so talented at a young age," Sota said.

"Is that so amazing?" Selesia, unfamiliar with hacking, asked uncertainly. Sota explained it to her and she understood Rozen's extraordinary ability. 


Exiting the elevator, they found this floor much quieter than the bustling ground floor. The lack of people made the floor somewhat eerie.

"Are we on the right floor? Why is it so quiet?" Sota asked nervously, glancing around.

"I'm sure the receptionist didn't lie. Plus I showed proof of the appointment," Rozen dismissed Sota's worries and headed toward the instructed location.

"We're here," Upon seeing the room labeled 'Laboratory', Rozen wondered why the receptionist sent them there but entered regardless to investigate.

"Excuse me"

Various unpleasant odors mingled with the smell of medicinal substances filled the air, causing Rozen's group to wrinkle their noses and quickly pinch them in response to the strong and unsettling scents.

Finally, Rozen saw a familiar yet unfamiliar curvy, scantily clad blonde woman with her hair in a ponytail - Seri Awashima, the Blue King's female lieutenant he had met before. 

Another figure in the room was a female scientist with long, curly green hair, her physique just as striking as Seri's. The beautiful scientist was deeply engrossed in conducting an experiment on the body of a fantastical creature, her focus, and seriousness evident in her meticulous work.

For some reason, upon seeing the scientist, Rozen experienced a sense of déjà vu and familiarity. He then remembered that she was Dr. Mobius, the mad scientist 'waifu' character from the game Honkai 3.

It made sense why the scientist was so exuberant and displayed a crazed smile, even though it was evident from her panda-like eyes that she was suffering from a lack of sleep.

Rozen was taken aback to see Dr. Mobius there. He had assumed that only characters from the present era of Honkai 3 existed in this world. The presence of a character from a previous era, like Mobius, was completely unexpected for him.

This surprise also brought a wave of concern. If someone like Mobius, from the present era existed, Rozen feared this world might face challenges similar to those experienced by previous eras in the game's lore.

The existence of Mobius here could imply deeper implications. To confirm his suspicions and understand the extent of the situation, Rozen decides that finding Elysia, another character from the same era as Mobius, would be crucial in this world.


"It's me, Awashima-san, we meet again," Rozen smiled awkwardly at Seri. Unfortunately, Seri didn't seem to recognize his current self.

"Cough, I'm Rozen Tendou. We met after the Blue King entered the lieutenant's camp during the Shibuya attack," Rozen explained. Hearing that, Seri recalled meeting him but was shocked seeing Rozen now. 

Previously, Rozen was a man of average build, standing at 170cm with above-average features. Now, he has transformed into a figure resembling a supermodel, towering at 187cm with a chiseled six-pack and a strikingly handsome face, rivaling that of top Korean idols in allure and charisma.

"Is that really you? I barely recognized you with your new appearance. Did something happen recently?" 

"A lot has happened, causing me to change like this," Seri replied, raising an eyebrow. She speculated that Rozen might have acquired a supernatural power responsible for his transformation.

She doubted technology was the cause, as no such advanced technology existed in their world yet.

"I see. So what brings you here to see me? You didn't come to meet Dr. Mobius, did you? I'm sure that matter is highly secretive and not public knowledge," Seri inquired.

"I'm here to inform the Blue King about a special occurrence that has happened to us. It could have fatal consequences for Japan and even the world if left unaddressed," Rozen spoke with urgency, drawing a serious look from Seri. He wasted no time in explaining further.

"See, you might not recognize the woman beside me, but believe it or not, she's a fictional character named Selesia Upitiria from the anime 'Elemental Symphony of Vogelchevalier.'" Selesia smiled awkwardly and waved her hand at Seri.

Rozen detailed everything about Altair's existence, her objectives, and the impact she could have on their world. Seri, initially skeptical, believed him after witnessing Selesia's powers.

He also mentioned his encounter with Tomie earlier, then Seri's expression turned gravely serious upon hearing it.

"I've heard about the recent surge in terrifying monsters, but I never imagined it would be this severe. Plus, with fictional characters appearing in the real world, I'm overwhelmed by how chaotic things have become lately," Seri said, holding her head in pain.

"But don't worry, I'll report this to the captain, and you all can stay in this building while the issue is being resolved."

Rozen and the others felt relieved to hear this, although Rozen remained anxious. He knew about Altair's power and how difficult it would be to resolve the situation. This was evident from the anime, where the protagonist and his group had to resort to emotional tactics to finally subdue her.

"I think I just overheard something Interesting~," Mobius chimed in, drawing everyone's attention.

"Mobius? What are you doing here?" Seri asked, eyeing Mobius scrutinizingly. Mobius responded with an alluring smile.

"Come on, Seri-chan~ we've grown quite close over the past seven days, don't be so formal with me. I'm simply intrigued by what this young man here mentioned~"

Despite Seri's frown, she stayed silent, letting Mobius in on the situation.

"So~ Handsome guy, could you explain more about what you mentioned earlier?" Mobius wrapped an arm around Rozen's neck, licking her lips seductively. Her predatory gaze made Rozen visibly uncomfortable.

As expected, Mobius was a true femme fatale character from Honkai, much like Rita.

Rozen thought so, swallowing nervously. Indeed, Mobius was a temptress, seductive and manipulating, trying to charm her target. Luckily, Rozen, seasoned by several lifetimes, could resist her charm.

"I will tell you, but there's a condition. How about that? Are you still interested?" Rozen smiled, taking Mobius by surprise. She squinted her eyes and asked, "What's the condition? Or are you after my body?" she smirked.

Though slightly tempted, Rozen maintained his composure and replied, "Simple. You owe me a favor, anything within your moral boundaries. How does that sound? Do we have a deal?"

After a moment's contemplation, Mobius nodded, seeing the condition as reasonable.

"But first we need to talk in a private" Mobius then pulled Rozen into her private room, under the watchful eyes of everyone present. 

Rozen then went into detail about Tomie, from her appearances to her death and her terrifying immortality.

"Hahaha!!! Magnificent! I never imagined such a creature existed! Hahaha!!! I can't wait to dissect her and unravel the mysteries of her lifeform!" Mobius exclaimed, her face flushed with excitement, her breath heavy.

Seeing Mobius's reaction, Rozen couldn't help but twitch his mouth. Only a scientist like Mobius would be exhilarated by the discovery of something new and shocking.

Grabbing Rozen's collar urgently, Mobius demanded, "Tell me! Where is she now?! Where did you find her?! Can you describe her appearance?"

"Alright, but please calm down first, Doctor," Rozen said, gently removing Mobius's hand from his collar. "Don't worry, I can track and monitor that monster anytime, anywhere."

"Good! Good! Then show me that monster right now!" Rozen then showcased his hacking abilities to her.

"Hoh? I didn't expect you to be such a skilled hacker at a young age," she remarked.

"Thank you for the compliment," Rozen replied, smiling, and hacked into the camera at the location where he had last encountered Tomie.

"This?" Mobius looked at Rozen doubtfully. Rozen was equally taken aback by what the camera revealed - a scene of utter destruction, as if a supernatural battle had occurred.

Curiously, he asked Alpha to rewind the CCTV footage, and they eventually witnessed Gojo's battle with Tomie.

Rozen was shocked to see Gojo appearance there, while Mobius seemed annoyed by his presence.

"Tsk! That damn fake Kakashi, he always managing to irk me," Rozen looked at Mobius in surprise, not expecting her to know Gojo.

"Do you know him, Doctor?"

"Yes, that damn fake Kakashi or Gojo Satoru. I've known him for a long time since I came to Japan to research Cursed energy," she explained.

"His annoying personality always infuriates me. He consistently interferes with my research, ruining my experiments. That's why I can't stand him!" Mobius said, gritting her teeth and clenching her fist, her disdain evident.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, accompanied by a playful male voice, "It's cruel~ Mobius-chan, I'm saddened to be such a nuisance in your mind," Gojo said, feigning tears.

Mobius turned and glared angrily at him, "Shut up! And get out of here! I don't want to see your annoying face in my laboratory!"

"Woo~ Seri-chan! Look, Mobius really hates me. She even feels murderous towards me now~" Seri twitched her lips at Gojo's childish antics.

"Seri! Why is this guy here?!"

Seri sighed wearily and replied, "We're collaborating with the Jujutsu faction to address the recent surge in monster incidents. Gojo Satoru was sent as the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer."

"I know he's the strongest, but why him? Couldn't it be someone else? I'm so fed up with him!" Mobius glared angrily at Gojo, her glare so intense it could have killed if looks could kill.

"Calm down, Mobius. This is crucial, and Gojo-san also has something important to report to me," Seri said, soothing her.

Finally, Mobius sighed in resignation and calmed down. "Alright, I'm calm now. So, what is his finding that he wants to report?"

"Ah! It is abou—" Before Gojo could finish, Mobius interrupted him sharply, "Shut up! I want her to explain it to me, not you!"

Gojo shrugged and stepped back, while Seri, shaking her head, proceeded to fill Mobius in on the details. Mobius's understanding nod puzzled Seri and Gojo, who wondered why she wasn't surprised.

Mobius then smirked and pointed at Rozen. "I just watched the fight on CCTV, thanks to Rozen, so I'm not surprised by this news."

Continuing, she said, "Also, what you didn't know is that the monster is still alive. She has a terrifying immortal ability, and it's very hard to completely eliminate her existence." This revelation made both Gojo and Seri curious about how Rozen came to know this information.

Though still harboring doubts, they refrained from pressing Rozen about his ability but inquired further about Tomie's abilities. They were both deeply shocked by the extent of Tomie's powers.

"It's unbelievable that such a creature exists in this world. Is it really possible to completely kill her, given her immortality?" Seri asked, her face etched with solemnity.

"Now I understand why something felt wrong. What I killed before was just one of her many clones, and there are still many of her out there alive," Gojo said, his usual playful tone replaced by seriousness.

"I just hope there won't be any more chaos after this," Seri said, holding her head, her face showing signs of sadness and exhaustion. The others around her shared in her empathy, feeling the gravity of the situation.

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