
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 8

Kazuma went to the time when the Colourless King was about to kill Tatara Totsuka. Kazuma was on the roof of the building and he saw the Colourless King take out gun and was about to shoot Tatara Totsuka. Kazuma unleashed his power and sent an electric wave towards the Colourless king. The Colourless king was startled due to appearance of unknown intruder. Tatara Totsuka also turned around and saw an electric wave coming towards the Colourless King. The electric wave hit him and the Colourless King screamed, he felt like getting burns all over his body and still not able to move due to getting paralysis. Kazuma took Tatara Totsuka and sent him to his independent world.

After sending Tatara Totsuka who was still shocked and couldn't figure out what happened was sent to the Fenix, Kazuma walked towards the Colourless King. He looked at him and killed him. While the Colourless king was still staring at Kazuma's hand passing through his lungs, he heard him speak.

Kazuma: You are dethroned from this moment on. I don't like Kings which are psychopath. Even if you try to run in your soul form, you will not be able to do so because I have taken back the power which didn't belong to you. I will not kill you the final blow that will be given by someone else. I would also tell you that you were just a puppet of the Fifth King who gave you the idea of calling yourself as the Colourless King. Don't worry, I have taken care of him, the Sixth King and finally you. I have dethroned three kings in a single day.

After taking care that the Colourless King is not killed, Kazuma returned to the time after he had negotiated with both the Third and Fourth King, he went to the meeting place and waited for some time. After some time, he saw the HOMRA or the red clansmen coming with Mikoto.

Mikoto: I hope you were not bullshitting. I have spoken with my clansmen and they are ready.

Kazuma nodded.

Kazuma: I have taken care of all problems. No need to worry. Let's just wait for Munakata to come.

Mikoto nodded and took his clansmen to side and started talking. Soon, Munakata also came with his clansmen. He stopped before Kazuma, looked into his eyes and started speaking.

Munakata: My clansmen are ready, if you carry your part of the deal.

Seeing Munakata and his clansmen with Kazuma, Mikoto and his clansmen as well came and looked at Kazuma. They were waiting for him to complete his part of the deal. Mikoto still had not believed Kazuma fully, which couldn't be hidden and same could be said about Munakata as well.

Kazuma nodded and opened the portal to his world and out came Tatara Totsuka. Totsuka looked around him and saw his clansmen. Mikoto and his clansmen with Munakata and his clansmen were stunned and then Mikoto walked towards Totsuka and checked if he was hurt anywhere or if there was any problem.

Totsuka: Huh…Mikoto can you let me go, I am freaking out.

Mikoto sighed and said: Totsuka, you still don't know anything, we will tell you everything later. Go and stand with other members.

Totsuka did as he was told. He was shocked but seeing the situation was serious, he didn't raise any questions. He went and stood with his fellow clansmen. Mikoto looked towards Kazuma with complex gaze.

Mikoto: You have completed your deal, but still we are missing the Colourless King. I want to kill him now.

Munakata jumped in.

Munakata: Mikoto, you haven't forgotten that the Colourless king will be in our custody.

Mikoto: I can't let him leave, Munakata.

Munakata and Mikoto both looked at Kazuma. Seeing this, Kazuma had a headache, he knew this situation will arise.

Kazuma: I don't know what to do. I have the Colourless King but whom to give him is…pain in the azz. I have taken back the power of King from him. You will have to decide between yourself, how to solve this conflict.

Mikoto: Give him to me, I will take care of him.

Munakata: No, the justice should be provided with thorough investigation.

Kazuma looked at Munakata.

Kazuma: What more evidence do you want? The video was enough evidence. I am with Mikoto on this once, but I will not make the decision. You both have to do it yourself.

Munakata: I would like to interrogate him first. If he is criminal, then be assured that I will handover him to Mikoto.

Kazuma looked at Mikoto as if asking if he is alright with it. Mikoto looked at Munakata and said in an irritated manner.

Mikoto: Fine, but I will be one to kill him.

Kazuma then took out the former Seventh King who was tied and gave him to Munakata.

Munakata and his clansmen took him. Mikoto also went to their base and explained everything to Totsuka. Kazuma went into his space and rested.