
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 6

The next day,

Kazuma woke up and decided to research Dresden slate. After getting the Dresden Slate, Kazuma came to an important question- How will he use the power of Dresden Slate if the slate will be present in his independent world? He

He needed to find the solution to this problem. He couldn't keep Dresden Slate in the High School DxD world. The Dresden slate needed to be with him so that he could use its powers.

He went to the room where the Dresden Slates were. He opened the door and went near Dresden Slate. He started to inspect it. He used his comprehension ability to understand the Dresden Slate. Using his ability, he understood everything about Dresden Slate.

He took a full day to understand how to use the slate. He stood above the slate and because he understood everything about slate, he was immediately able to use all the abilities of the slate. He was able to use the abilities of all the Kings. He also got to know that he could use all the abilities at the same time also make other Kings.

After understanding and trying the powers of 7 Kings, he was also able to understand that if a King killed other King, the power in the Dresden Slate becomes unstable and to stabilize itself, it needed some time. King could only kill other King, this was the law of the Dresden Slate. But he knew that this was possible on in Project K anime where the King represented the strongest person but when compared to the Supernatural beings in High School Dxd, it could at most compare to High Devil but compared to their leaders, it was far from it. This was only for those who became kings. He understood everything about Dresden slate, so he could unlock its full potential which was equal to the leaders of other factions. He could also stabilize the Dresden slate, if needed be.

He could also select the Kings if he liked and could also strip the King from its powers, if needed. He was the ultimate authority on using Dresden Slate now. He stood in the center of the Dresden Slate and touched it and the slate glowed and various light emerged from the slate. The light were of various colours and they kept on switching places.

The place where the Dresden Slate was placed now was empty. Kazuma stood in the same spot. Kazuma closed his eyes and felt the power pulsating through his whole body. He had merged with the slate. He didn't need to worry about Dresden slate getting stolen. He opened his eyes and soon unleashed his new found power.

In the sky above the palace, 7 swords appeared just like in the anime but all swords of Damocles were present now. The appearance of swords were extraordinary.

The sword of the First King or the Silver King was mainly silver white in colour. The sword had a long blade and its grip has a curving, long segment that curves from the left side to just a bit farther than the middle of the blade on the right side. The sword had orbs representing the seven Kingly colours. The Silver orb is in the centre of the cross guard, and the Gold orb settles in the middle of the blade directly below the Silver orb. On the curved sides of the cross guard are the Red (right side) and Blue (left side) orbs. On the right, above the red orb, is the Colourless orb set on a tiny curve. The top of the handle contains the Green orb, and near the tip of the sword is the orb of the Grey King.

The sword of the Second King or the Gold King was mainly gold in colour with a purple orb decorating the hilt. The sword had a large blade with intricate patterns decorating it and a thin grip. The sword was also decorated with a cross guard which protecting the side of the grip.

The sword of the Third King or the Red King was an irregular blade which bend near the tip of the blade and porous near the hilt. The cross guard has a red orb in the middle with the guard protruding to the side. It also had a swirl like shape as a grip.

The sword of the Fourth King or the Blue King was having an appearance reminiscent to a rapier and it's mainly blue in colour. The blade had an intricate design with a blue orb decorating the hilt and the sword guard protruding in the "V" shape. It has a thin sword grip with a protector circling around it.

The sword of the Fifth King or the Green King was having circular cross guard with a green orb in the centre, with a rather geometric guard expanding from a barred, diamond-shaped structure that slims down towards the end. A pendulum also swings from a pivot within the cross guard. Its blade was very irregular, with its first half protruding more out of the right side and the bottom half alternating to the left side.

The sword of the Sixth King or the Grey King was a slim blade with the handle curving downwards, and appears to a very misty in its properties. Much of its handle features elaborate curvature, and the centre's orb glows bright white. Befitting of its King, the sword strongly resembles a cross. It forms out of the Grey King's mist, and in natural lighting, the mist appears in red, orange, yellow green, blue, and violet.

The sword of the Seventh King or the Colourless King was having a claw-like structure, having a dark stone in its centre, and which is mainly black in colour.

All 7 swords were hanging in the sky representing Kazuma as the inheritor of all the powers of all the Kings. Kazuma was excited and wanted to see the astonished faces of other factions.

Kazuma controlled his excitement and decided to test his powers. Whenever he used the power of a particular king, he would be covered in aura of different colours. Soon, he understood that the auras colour represented the power of different king. They were namely:

Members of the Silver Clan possess the silver coloured Aura. This Aura has the ability of manipulating gravity, while immortality is granted solely to the Silver King. The Silver King is able to levitate himself and other people he synced his Aura with by turning them into his clansmen. The immortality could only be given to the Silver King, but Kazuma could give that power to anyone after understanding all the abilities of Dresden Slate.

Members of the Gold Clan possess the golden coloured Aura. The Gold King is able to manifest this Aura in the form of astronomical objects and use them to attack targets. In Clansmen, the ability enhances individuals' talents to their full potential.

Members of the Red Clan possess the red /pink coloured Aura. This Aura has fire-based characteristics with a very destructive force to it, and can incinerate almost any and everything in its path.

Members of the Blue Clan possess the blue coloured Aura. This Aura has the ability to strike opponents in quick succession and can attack multiple areas at once, they are also able to draw their Aura into their swords for combat. The Aura is primarily for defensive uses. The Blue King is able to "repair" physical objects.

Members of the Green Clan possess the green coloured Aura. This Aura has the ability to induce electricity and shoot the targets. They also have the ability of a sort of manipulation of physics which allows them to phase through objects and also walk horizontally on vertical surfaces. This ability is only granted to esteemed members.

The King of the Grey Clan possesses the grey-coloured Aura. This Aura has the ability to create fog and mist. This aura is as if having the characteristic of "absolute defence".

The King of the Colourless Clan possesses this clear-black translucent coloured Aura. The power of Colourless Clan includes clairvoyance, possess and affect other people. Kazuma also got to know the hidden ability of reading minds.

After finding all this, Kazuma rested and decided to plan how to take the people he selected into his faction tomorrow.