
Anime King

Our MC is reincarnated in a random anime world but with some benefits. To see which please read... ..... .....

anonymous_life60 · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 3


Before Franco could deliberate what happened, he was greeted to the site of a system like screen. The screen was asking his character design. Franco went into thinking of cool characters. Soon he reached a decision. He made his character exactly like Kazuma Yagami from Kaze no Stigma.

His appearance could be described as handsome and attractive young man. He is tall (around 5'10) with windswept dark brown hair, pale skin, and amber eyes. His usual attire consists of a buttoned-up collared black shirt, a navy blue Contractor jacket, and dark grey pants.

Franco was satisfied with the character design and submitted it. Soon after submitting Franco is taken by surprise as he feels a suction force. When Franco sees from where the suction force is coming, he is instantly closes his eyes due very bright light which he saw. The light was so bright that Franco had to cover his eyes with his hands.

After some time, he opened his eyes and saw that he was in a huge bedroom. He was confused. Soon, he got a terrible headache. Franco clutched his head with both hands.

Franco: Ahhh!! What is this pain?

The door of the bedroom was opened and two people entered the room in a panic.

[A/N: I will be calling Franco as Kazuma now]

Unknown Man: What happened Kazuma? Why are you screaming?

Unknown Woman: What happened, son?

Soon, Franco stopped screaming and fainted.


After Franco woke up, he was bewildered as to what happened while still clutching his throbbing head. Franco looked around and saw that he was on his bed.

Soon, Franco realised that the pain in his head was because of overloading of memories.

His name in this life was Kazuma Yagami like the character he had designed. He had two parents and his family was rich. He was the sole son of his parents. He did not have any brother or sister. When he was about to faint, he saw two people entering his room. They were his parents. His father's name was Kusuke Yagami and mother's name was Chiyo Yagami. His father was a big businessman and mother was running multiple hotels across the whole Japan.

After sorting through his memories, he wondered how much time has it been since he fainted. From the memories, he got to know he was soon going to start his school in Kuoh Academy.

He had to move quickly, he knew that there were many dangers in this world. He needed a good ability which could save him from this and keep on getting powerful. He did not wanted to join any of the factions. He wanted to create his own.

After thinking, he made a plan. He decided to collect his first power. It was only his guess but if he could get that thing and understand it, he would be close to building his faction. The reason he did not ask God for good abilities was because he could guess that God had already given him many powerful abilities. They had restrictions but they were too powerful.

He decided to go down stairs first and meet his new parents. In his past life, he was an orphan but this time he had parents. From the memories, he could tell that his parents loved him.

He opened his door and went down stairs. He saw that his parents were discussing something with the doctor.

Mom: When will he wake up, doc?

Doctor: He is absolutely fine, Mrs. Yagami. He will be waking up soon.

Dad: Then, why did he scream and fainted, doc?

Doctor: I don't know, maybe…..

Doctor was interrupted. Kazuma was already standing behind them. He spoke

Kazuma: I am fine, dad. I just felt a terrible headache.

Dad: Oh!! Kazuma, you woke up. Thank God.

Mom: Kazuma, come here. Let me see you. You aren't hurt,right?

Kazuma: I am fine, mom. I just had a terrible headache, that's all.

After some persuasion, he was able to convince his parents that he was alright. Doctor after examining Kazuma went away. He also reached told his parents that he was completely fine.

After this troublesome situation got over, Kazuma went to his room to get a good rest. His parents also went to do their work. His parents were very busy.