
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

31: Pain

Azes touched the hurt Pidgey, calming and pink energy emanated from his hand and covered the whole body of the Pidgey, in seconds she was healed. With a small smile, Azes let the Pidgey lie beside him and sleep. Jumping from his pocket, a small pink floating cat, and an onion fairy, Mew and Celebi woke up and started to play with Azes. They were practically babies... Azes would control some psychic energy and try to teach them some moves like [Psycho Cut] and [Pshyshock] to at least make these little guys protect themselves. Celebi can travel through time while Mew can become any Pokemon, learning any move, so Azes started to teach them some moves like [Ember], [Bubble], [Leech Seed], [Mud Slap], and other basic moves of different types so they can be introduced to other types of energies earlier.

After some hours, Bulbasaur finally learned [Energy Sphere], he looked excited at Azes who praised him with a smile and grass energy. Azes successfully taught his Pokemons how to feel and control some energies, it was dark so they decided to go to sleep. With a yawn, Mew and Celebi entered Azes' pockets again while Bulbasaur and the new member of the team, Pidgey, lied on top of Azes' stomach! Azes didn't sleep that night because some nocturnal Pokemons would annoy him with some noise and screech. Azes just ignored because he wanted to lie and look at the stars that night, it's not a problem if he doesn't for a night or for 10 nights. The very next day Azes got up as soon as the sun rose, Azes left his camping place with a wave of goodbye to the Pokemons that there lived, Azes captured some of them and sent to Azirius... Such as Weedles, Caterpies, Beedrils, Butterfrees, Kakunas, and Metapods too!

After thinking for a moment, Azes was sure. He was in Kanto, the first region. Azes seemed to be in a forest named Viridian forest, he was way too deep into the forest where the strong Pokemons live... He saw a swarm of Beedrils that just said hi to him and left, a big Venosaur with a giant flower on it's back taking care of small Ivysaurs and Bulbasaurs, he also saw a group of Pidgeotto and a Pidgeot flying around and landing in a big tree where Pidgeys were, baby Pidgeys! They were super cute... *cough* Anyway, Azes is now on the road to Viridian City, where Giovanni is the leader of the Gym and he will dominate that organization with the palm of his hand and firm will. Azes would Hypnotise them if necessary too, he wanted to have the Equip Rocket so he can begin the creation of an organization that trains Pokemons, why steal Pokemons when you can train them! Azes sincerely never understood why the heck would someone want to steal a Pokemon, the Pokemon would never listen to you for f*ck sake!

So he decided to turn this organization around, make all the members capture and train their own Pokemon with techniques he will give them, make them create a bond with their Pokemons and then he will begin, he will open a business of Pokefood and Pokeballs, he will enchant the Pokeballs with runes so it has a higher chance to capture the Pokemon! But he can't let the Team Rocket be still team Rocket, so he will change the name to Flamel Training Corporation, or FTC where only members of the FTC can train with a professional in Pokemon training and have the best Pokefood for every Pokemon! Azes smiled as he walked forward in the Viridian Forest, stopping to train his Pokemons and play with them, make experiments with Pokefood to discover the best recipe for every Pokemon... He could have bought it from the system, but Azes wanted to do it without the system's help, he wanted to have a recipe he could use made by him himself!

He used different berries and fruits, also meat from animals that live in Azirius, he finally created the perfect recipe for Bulbasaurs, Mews, Pidgeys, Celebis, Weedles, Kakunas, Beedrils, Caterpies, Metapods, and Butterfrees! Azes smiled as he watched his Pokemon eat with delight the delicious food he made by himself it was a week now since Azes and his family separated. Azes finally arrived at Viridian City and went directly towards the Gym and Hypnotised the guards at the entrance, it was then that an explosion happened and from the ground a huge amount of Psychic energy exploded, destroying the ground. Azes watched as Mew left his pocket, floating towards the hole from where a Pokemon floated too... Azes recognized this Pokemon, it was Mewtwo! Azes immediately felt pain, pain, and pain from all over his body, Azes knew he was sensible to the feelings of animals and other creatures because he can feel what they feel if they are happy he will feel their happiness, if they are sad he will feel their sadness and if they are in pain... He will feel their pain.

Azes immediately teleported towards the Pokemon and hugged it, using magic to heal its body, stop the pain, and mentally give confront to the poor Pokemon. It was scared, it was sad, and it was angry at everything and everyone... Mewtwo didn't know what was happening but it feels safe and happy near Azes, he doesn't feel pain anymore near Azes, and he can now feel other emotions than rage, sadness, and madness, it can feel happiness! It was so different from the other feelings it felt before... Azes found that Meetwo's genes were destroying itself and reconstructing itself, trying to reject and at the same time protect its body, causing it to destroy itself and regenerate at molecular levels faster than lightning. Azes at first wanted to defeat Giovanni, but now he wanted to punish him. Destroy all his hopes and dreams and make him pay for scarring this poor creature! Azes used his [Time Manipulation] ability to stop Mewtwo's destroying and regenerating process, making it stop feeling pain.

He could feel the confusion and curiosity, like a child, Mewtwo looked at Azes who said: "Come, I will help you with your revenge." Mewtwo liked this human... He was warm and gentle, different from others who hurt Mewtwo, who made it feel pain! Azes smiled, it was starting now, the take Team Rocket operation!