
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

28: Changes

"Sire." A female voice came from behind a dark wooden door, her voice sounded very serene like she was calmly waiting for a response, but if you looked at her you would notice how tense she was.

"Come in." A male voice echoed from the room, the woman opened the door and went forward, bowing her head and taking a sheet of paper out and giving the man sitting on the table. The man took the sheet of paper and started to read it, minutes later he started to chuckle, this man was Azes Flamel. What he was reading now was the result of his years of work! For years Azes would slowly influence the Wizarding and Muggle government, manipulating the world. Then a year ago he broke the state of secrecy, making the world know about magic. At first, society did what society does best: Judge. They started to judge the wizards and witches, but when the truth told about how they were destroying the planet, the consequence of their acts, and why the magic community went to hide, society shut up for some time.

Azel controlled the muggle government, creating laws that made illegal hunt wizards and witches, he also had it illegal to hunt muggles. Next, he started to kill some dark wizards and hypnotize important figures across the world, changing some events. There was no Wizarding World War or Second World War, he also started to slowly force society to accept magic. How? He created chaos and wizards would save many lives, making kids see wizards and witches as good people or superheroes. Azes also hypnotized some wizards and made them sign a contract, then he taught them his [Hypnotic Eyes] magic and they went hypnotizing muggles that were radically demanding the death of witches and wizards, they also would completely kill groups that hunted wizards and witches. For years, this dispute got heated, but then yesterday it simply got below zero because of Azes efforts.

The world now knew that magic existed, but they didn't know the location of the magic schools. They know they exist, but they don't know the location and they can't enter, just like Area 51 but without the location knowing part. Why everything suddenly got below zero? Because Azes made all the wizarding and muggle be linker by a magical contract that they would accept each other and stop being pussies about it. How? Representatives of a region can sign a contract for the whole region and it will apply to the whole region. If the president of the United States of America sign a magic contract saying that all those who live on his states are slaves, then everyone will be bound by the magic contract of slavery. But why no one abused this to control the whole world before Azes? Because Azes created this method.

So magically everyone stopped hating each other, their free will was removed from them and they simply forgot about the hate or fear they felt from each other. Azes did this because he didn't want a war to break out, of wizards against muggles so he got people representing the magic community and the muggle community sign a contract to stop the hate and fear, and it worked! How this contract worked was very simple: Those who had any negative feelings or negative thoughts about muggles/magic-folk would get their mentality altered by magic. Those who didn't have any negative thoughts or feeling about muggles/magic-folk would have their memories altered to make them believe that everyone didn't hate or fear each other. It took Azes years to create the contract and more years to have enough magic energy to change the world, he basically connected his magic contract with the magic energy in the air.

So the magic contract would work as long as magic exists. Azes could now finally rest a little. Azes was now on his manor in Paris, France. He had a small blue hummingbird on his shoulder, that hummingbird is a Will-O'-Wisp also mostly known as Brazilian Phoenix, this small blue hummingbird has the ability to create blue flames when flapping its wings. They went almost instinct but Azes got a couple on Azirius and they started reproducing and the species was saved, Azes patted the cute hummingbird as he thought if his decision was the correct one... He sighed. Since when he was so manipulative? The day he died by a Killing Curse while rescuing Marius' family was the day he changed. It was the day he started to think about protecting the world by manipulating it. He became a Dumbledore, but on a higher scale!

Talking about Dumbledore, he became Headmaster of Hogwarts, because of the Azes butterfly effect, he wasn't so famous but he still was famous around Britain. He suffered for some months after Grindelwald's death, but he moved on and got another lover. Azes went to their marriage as the priest. Oh, Azes legalized same-sex marriage because why not? Azes also changes some things such as the illegal system of magic beasts imprisonment. He took the Dementors from Azkaban, and even though Azes loves a lot of creatures, for some reason he hates Dementors. Like not a normally dislike, but like pure hate! Like they killed his whole family. So Azes created a small that would purify and destroy Dementors, he went on hunting Dementors and completely eradicated them from existence.

Azes didn't forget about the Death Hallows and the Founders Treasures, he already got the Slytherin Locket and Hufflepuff Cup, he discovered their effect and copied them. Slytherin Locket was basically the key to Salazar's laboratory down on the chamber of secrets, the person needed the ability to speak with snakes and the locket to open the laboratory so Azes went there, took the Basilisk, took all the books from Salazar's laboratory and left the locket on Hogwarts. Hufflepuff Cup's magic effect is an interesting thing, it can produce any potion if the ingredients are put inside the cup, it can increase its size like Azes' top hat to increase its surface area, and it also boosts the effect of potions by 2. Azes learned the enchantments and charms on these items and improved them, making it better than before and enchanting his own items. The cup was returned to the Hufflepuff family.

Now the Death Hallows... The Resurrection Stone, the Invisibility Cloak, and the Death Wand.

Azes could go invisible at will, Azes doesn't use wands, and the Resurrection stone is something he doesn't like. Why? The same reason he doesn't like the Dementors. It feels... Unnatural for him. So what he did to them? He gave it to Newt. Newt already got the Death Wand after defeating Grindelwald, so after receiving the other items he became the "Master of Death."