
Animal Lover Across the Multiverse

Mc is an animal lover. Mc dies saving a puppy from Truck-kun. Mc gets wishes from Truck-kun. Mc reincarnates and goes around the multiverse collecting and befriending numerous magic and mythical beasts. Simple, right? [If you wish to recommend worlds, please do so. Thank you.]

York_Armring · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

03: Nicolas Flamel

[Nicolas Flamel PoV]

Nicolas Flamel was experimenting once again with alchemy. He was trying to create something new with random thoughts... Until he tried to mix a bunch of poisons and refine it to create a cure to all poisons, magical and non-magical poison, he failed and released a poisonous mist in his basement that was enchanted to clean it, but this poisonous mist needed more time to clean up.

He then decided to walk around the streets, he tiredly walked as he thought about a million possible combinations of numerous ingredients of different origins. Suddenly he felt a surge of magical energy, this magical energy was strong enough to catch his attention, he was born 600 years ago so obviously, his sense for magic is stronger than others! He walked toward the source of this magic disarray, but he soon found out that he wasn't the only one going towards the origin of this magic surge... A Phoenix was flying towards the magic too, it must have felt the pureness behind this magical energy and decided to investigate or it was a call from its owner, who knows?

The Phoenix disappeared in a burst of flames and Nicolas decided to speed up a little bit. When be arrived at the local where the magic surge surged, he saw a hospital. A muggle hospital... With a curious expression, Nicolas decided to apparate to the room where the magical source was. He saw a boy, seemingly 11 years old, grey-ish hair and blue eyes that slowly changed color from blue to purple, from purple to black, from black to white, and then green, red, yellow, pink, and more. The boy was looking at the Phoenix that was on the window, he extended his arm towards the Phoenix and tried to pet it. Nicolas observed as the Phoenix let the bog touch it, and seemed to be enjoying it too.

"It's impressive," Nicolas said while looking at this scene, the boy suddenly looked back at him, it took him some seconds until he realized that Nicolas was there. Nicolas was going to explain to the boy who he was and what the bird was to try and get a certain amount of knowledge about the boy, maybe he is from a muggle family? or maybe from a magic family? half-blood? But before he could say something, everything on the room suddenly started to float as the body looked at him, the magic energy coming from the boy was strong enough to levitate everything on the room for three whole seconds before he fainted.

"That was unexpected," said Nicolas to himself, the Phoenix seemed to panic while looking at the boy and screeching, the Phoenix even cried trying to heal the boy, but he continued to be unconscious. "Don't worry, he is just tired." Nicolas tried to explain to the bird that was agitated, the bird screeched at him, looked at him for some time, and then calmed down. The Phoenix flapped its wings and glided at the window, sitting there and waiting for the boy to wake up, its red feathers danced with the wind as it blew past the window into the room, blowing some papers and other things. Nicolas observed the boy sleeping, it was kinda creepy but he was curious about one thing... The surrounding magic energy started to be attracted by this boy, the boy's body started to absorb the magic energy faster than any wizard he ever saw. Nicolas smiled and said: "Finally found a successor good enough."

Nicolas Flamel married Perenelle, she received the surname Flamel and both of them loved each other very much. Nicolas at that time had already created the Sorcerer's Stone using it to prolong his life, it however had a side effect, infertility. Nicolas and Perenelle never had a child because of infertility. Both Nicolas and Perenelle became infertile after using the Elixir of Life for the first time. They still tried day and night to have a child, but it didn't work, so after years trying they gave up, Nicolas at first tried to create a liquid solution that would give them their fertility back, but after years and years trying he also gave up and decided to search for a successor.

He passed years and years searching and he was thinking of giving up, but today he finally found it. This kid had a rare gift, he could use more magic than most adults ever could, and he could do it wandlessly! Well, there were some errors, like he used too much energy in one go and how he fainted after using it all, but it could be corrected with some training. Not only that, but he also caught the attention of a Phoenix! These prideful birds are hard to see and harder to catch the attention of one. There still are some Phoenixes in the wild, but they are rare, just like some Thunderbirds, Hoo-Hoo's, and some Will-O-Wisps. Nicolas was really excited to finally have a successor that would learn from him, he doesn't care if the wants it or not, wait, no, he will make the boy want to learn from him.

He will show what he can do and then he will try to get the boy's attention and then offer the position of apprentice under his wings. That is it. With a smile, Nicolas sat down and waited until the boy woke up. After waiting for two hours, the boy finally woke up.


Phoenix: XXXX Class Magic Beast, only powerful wizards can catch its attention or even form a familiar pact with it. It is immortal, its tears can heal anything, its song can touch the soul, it also has incredible strength.

It is native of China, Egypt, and India.