
Military Training?

following behind the soldier was absolutely nerve wracking. We had no idea what was gonna happen to us, or what our new future will hold walking through a myriad of diffrent scanners and safety checks. We finally reached a passable dinner hall, we were all instructed to sit down anywhere we could see and await for further instructions.

Turning to the guy next to me i introduced myself "hi im john this is insane right?" looking at the guy waiting a few nerve wracking minutes he finally said "fuck off loser."

What a rude basterd, looking around i see someone trying to deactive the forcefield, using the power supply box next to it. Just as the window started to flicker, i saw the soldier re-enter the room whilst casually aiming his plasma rifle at the guys head. With a huge buzzing sound, his head was vaporized instantly leaving a smell of cooked meat in the air. "what did i just say, none of you will leave here are allowed to leave via unauthorised means, if you procceed to continue rebellin more lifed will be lost, follow given orders! Do you think this is a game your all here for your training." he said all this with a smile on his face. this is clearly not just a training facility there must be something more to this and i will find out.