
Angels Requiem

After the tragic death of her mother and disappearance of her father Salaeli must embrace new life with the emperial family. Although royal life is more than she bargained it would be. with no friends and only foes she has to figure out the secrets behind her birth while maintaining her image as a newly appointed princess.

ApobangpoOT7 · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Rules and Regulations

His majesty King Hugo Aldric Vandeleur, standing five feet in front of me. His presence was very prominent and wealthy. Everything about this man screamed nobility and power. His ice cold glare ran chills up and down my spine. We stood there in silence for a good ten minutes, the tension was suffocating so much so I could feel myself choke up a few times like I needed to gasp for air. He just stared at me, analyzing me. It was as if he was waiting for me to make a first move, so I did.

"You Majesty, I thank you for gracing me with your presence. However, may I ask the reason for this encounter?" I bowed trying to show the utmost respect in hopes that he wouldn't behead me.

"You are exactly like that woman." He said.

I was confused, what woman could he be referring to?

"You may leave, I will call for you again later." He shooed me away and began meticulously working on the documents. There wasn't anything more I could do or say, so I left without as much as a sigh.

I didn't want to be holed up in that luxurious room so I roamed around the garden instead. They never told me I had to stay inside.

Compared to that of my home village the air in the capital was significantly cleaner. It felt amazing to breathe in fresh air, it calmed me down a lot.

The garden was filled with tons of flowers that I had never seen before. They were beautiful and full of life. I learned that day that I love flowers. My mother also loved flowers, she always looked so happy when father brought some home for her.

"Who gave you permission to be here?" A stern feminine voice asked.

"Um, sorry. Nobody told me I couldn't be here." I said back to her.

In front of me stood a beautiful woman with long unnaturally pink curly hair that looked as soft as cotton candy. She had sharp emerald eyes similar to my own.

"This place is reserved for members of the royal family only." She said.

"I see, so you must be a member of the royal family then?" I asked.

"Of course I am," she rolled her eyes. "Because you are uneducated I'll have to teach you. I am the third princess, Soraya Rae Vandeleur. Princess, meaning my father is the king." She stated.

"I am aware of what a princess is your highness. Although I am not a noble I am not an idiot. The princes and princesses of the royal family rarely make public appearances so forgive me for not recognizing you." I retorted.

She seemed embarrassed by my response because she blushed and her demeanor quickly changed. I assume that nobody has ever talked back to her before.

"Well why are you still standing here then? Be on your way." She said turning away. Returning to wherever it is she came from.

"My lady there you are." Rose called out, running towards me.

"Come now, we must get you ready for the royal family meeting." She said.

"It's a family meeting? Then why am I going?" I asked following behind her.

"The king requests that you are in attendance. I assume that the meeting has to do with you and the reason you are here." She says.

"So I'll finally get some answers." I said to myself.