


MrE · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 8: A New Friend

Lumin had been running for hours now, his heart pounding with fear as he tried to evade the alien soldiers. He had never felt so alone in his life, and he desperately wished he could find someone to help him.

As he stumbled through the dark, deserted streets, he heard a sound that made him freeze in his tracks. It was the sound of someone crying, and it was coming from a nearby alley.

Lumin hesitated for a moment, his fear warring with his desire to help. He knew he should be careful, but he couldn't ignore the sound of someone in distress. He approached the alley slowly, ready to turn and run if he needed to.

As he peered into the darkness, he saw a figure huddled against the wall, sobbing uncontrollably. It was a young girl, no older than he was, and she looked up at him with tear-streaked cheeks and a desperate expression.

"Please help me," she whispered, her voice barely audible over her sobs. "They're after me, I don't know what to do."

Lumin felt a surge of compassion for the girl, and he knew he had to help her. He approached her cautiously, his hand reaching out to offer comfort.

"It's okay," he said softly. "I won't hurt you. I'm here to help."

The girl looked up at him with a mixture of fear and hope in her eyes, and she took his hand gratefully. Lumin helped her to her feet and led her out of the alley, his heart pounding with fear and excitement.

As they made their way through the dark, deserted streets, Lumin and the girl talked. She told him her name was Rachel, and she had been on the run from the aliens for months. Like Lumin, she had powers that set her apart from others, and the aliens saw her as a threat.

Lumin listened to Rachel's story with growing empathy, and he felt a bond forming between them. They were both young, scared, and alone, but they had each other now.

As they walked, Lumin felt a glimmer of hope that he might not be alone after all. Maybe there were others like him, people with powers who were fighting back against the aliens. And maybe, with Rachel by his side, he could make a difference.

Lumin had never felt so scared in his life. The aliens and their human collaborators were hunting him, and he was on the run, constantly looking over his shoulder and hiding in the shadows. He was desperately searching for anyone who could help him, anyone who could tell him what was happening and why the aliens wanted him dead.

One day, he stumbled upon a small group of people who were hiding in an abandoned building. They were huddled together, speaking in hushed tones, and they all had a look of fear in their eyes. Lumin approached them cautiously, not knowing what to expect.

"Who are you?" one of the men asked, his voice low and menacing.

"I'm Lumin," he replied. "I have light powers, like you."

The men looked at each other in surprise, then one of them stepped forward. "I'm Jack," he said. "I lead the resistance against the aliens and their human collaborators."

Lumin's heart raced with excitement. He had finally found people who could help him, who understood what he was going through. "Can you help me?" he asked. "The aliens are after me, and I don't know what to do."

Jack nodded. "Of course, we can help you," he said. "But first, you need to understand what's happening. The aliens have been ruling over humanity for years, enslaving us and controlling every aspect of our lives. They see you as a threat to their rule, and that's why they're after you."

Lumin listened intently as Jack explained the situation, and he realized that he had a much larger role to play in this conflict than he had ever imagined. He was not just a boy with powers, but a symbol of hope for the oppressed masses, a symbol of the human spirit's fight against adversity.

"You're the reason we fight," Jack said. "You're the reason we keep going, even when it seems like all hope is lost. You're the future of humanity, Lumin, and we're honored to fight alongside you."

Lumin felt a sense of pride and purpose swelling within him. He had never felt so important, so needed. He knew that he had found his true calling, and he was ready to fight for the resistance and for humanity's freedom.