


MrE · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Encounter

Lumin had been on the run for days, and the fear of being caught was starting to take its toll. He had never been so scared in his life, and the burden of his powers was starting to weigh heavily on him.

As he was walking through the city, trying to stay hidden and avoid detection, he suddenly heard a loud noise coming from an alleyway. Curiosity getting the better of him, Lumin cautiously approached the source of the commotion.

As he peered around the corner, he saw a group of people, dressed in strange black uniforms, surrounding a young girl. The girl was clearly in distress, and the men were closing in on her.

Lumin's heart raced as he realized that the girl was in grave danger. Despite the risk, he knew that he had to act. He stepped out of the shadows and approached the group, his heart pounding in his chest.

"What do you want from her?" he demanded, trying to sound braver than he felt.

The men turned to face him, and Lumin could see the surprise in their eyes. For a moment, nobody spoke, and then one of the men stepped forward.

"Who are you?" he growled, his hand hovering over a weapon at his side.

Lumin took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I'm here to help her," he said, pointing to the girl.

The man sneered at him. "You think you can stop us?" he laughed, drawing his weapon.

Lumin's fear quickly turned to anger. He felt a surge of power welling up inside of him, and he realized that he couldn't just stand by and watch the girl be taken.

With a roar, he unleashed his powers, sending a blast of light towards the group of men. They stumbled backwards, momentarily stunned by the sudden attack, and the girl took the opportunity to escape.

As she ran past him, Lumin could see gratitude in her eyes, and he felt a sense of pride that he had been able to help someone in need. But the moment was short-lived, as the men recovered and started to fire back at him.

Lumin ducked and dodged, using his powers to defend himself, but he was quickly overpowered. He felt a sharp pain in his side as one of the men's weapons hit its mark, and he stumbled to the ground.

As he lay there, his vision blurring, he heard footsteps approaching, and he knew that his time was up. But even as he braced himself for the end, he felt a surge of defiance rising within him. He wasn't going to give up without a fight.

Lumin awoke to the sound of birds chirping, a stark contrast to the chaos of the night before. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to process what had just happened. He had discovered that he had powers and that the aliens were after him. He had fled the city with the help of a stranger and was now in a small village in the countryside.

Lumin looked around and saw that he was in a small, tidy room with a single window. The stranger was sitting in a chair nearby, looking at him intently.

"Good morning," the stranger said. "How are you feeling?"

"Confused," Lumin replied. "What happened last night? Where am I?"

"You're in a safe place," the stranger said. "My name is Marcus, and I'm a member of the resistance. We help people like you escape from the aliens."

"The aliens?" Lumin repeated, still trying to make sense of everything.

"Yes," Marcus said. "They've taken over the world, enslaving humanity and controlling every aspect of our lives. But there are still some of us who resist, and we're building a movement to fight back."

Lumin looked down at his hands, which were still glowing with a soft, white light. He remembered how he had used his powers to defend himself against the aliens and their human collaborators, and how he had felt a surge of power and confidence.

"I have powers," Lumin said. "Like the aliens."

"Yes," Marcus said. "You're a rare and valuable asset to the resistance. Your powers give us hope, and a fighting chance against the aliens."

Lumin took a deep breath, trying to process everything. He had always felt like he was different, but he had never imagined that he had powers, or that he was part of some larger struggle.

"What do I do now?" Lumin asked.

"You stay here and rest," Marcus said. "We'll help you learn to control your powers, and we'll start to plan our next move. But for now, you need to get your strength back."

Lumin nodded, feeling a sense of relief and safety for the first time in what felt like forever. He was surrounded by people who understood what he was going through, and who were willing to help him. He lay back down on the bed and closed his eyes, feeling a sense of peace washing over him. He was ready to start this new life, and to fight for his freedom and the freedom of all humanity.