
Chapter Seventeen: Spite (Leon)

There is hatred in his heart?

Leon awakes to the frantic movement and muttering of Felix. He forces himself to sit up and ask what could be troubling the young general.

"Felix? What's the matter?"

The boy can see the young man's shadow kneeling by his bed, stuffing supplies into a small backpack that he decided to buy at a store in Berlin after he talked with General Everich and was given free range of Berlin until he decided to retire to his room near Everich's office.

Leon didn't want to sleep alone, so he asked Felix if it was alright for him to rest in the general's room. Leon was surprised and grateful to hear his reply of acceptance but remembered that Felix promised to protect him as long as the two were together. Those thoughts settled his initial surprise.

"Stay here. I'm going to Fribourg."

"Huh? Really?" Leon knows he may not be making much sense to Felix, but he did just wake up, so the knight expects his words and sentences to be somewhat incoherent.