<p>Trying to study Rye is proving impossible. She is this maze that I cannot seem to figure out. It is wrong in every way to seek consolation in your brothers girl. Even more messed up to not want to care about it. I cannot get myself to stop seeing her. Her peaceful face always brings me peace. She is not a spoilt brat as some of them in here and she cares. Apart from having an awesome heart, she also parties when she gets a chance. She is a whole package in one. How can one not like a girl like that.<br/>"Don't you do any of this stuff?" I watch her as she screams into the virtual reality brille.<br/>"Maybe I'm just having a good time. Have you thought of that? Get them off me! I'm gonna fall!!"<br/>"No you are not. Relaaax."<br/>"Get them the f** off me Logan! Get them off me!!!!!" she starts to cry.<br/>"shhhhh.. it's okay. It's okay, you are okay now." I whisper to her after helping her out of them, trying to calm her down. Her breathing calms down after a while and she storms out of the studio.<br/>"I'm sorry! I didn't know you have never done this." I say going after her.<br/>"what is wrong with you! You cannot even figure out that Mason and I are just the same. We are poor kids living with rich people, only that thank heavens mine is not a family of self - proclaimed, rich sodomisers!! We have to pay a price to fit into your world? We met with me trying to run from people like you, I don't even know how we got here."<br/>"Hey, hey, slow down Rye. I don't understand. You are saying too much at the same time." I heard too much I don't even know what to take in at the moment.<br/>"maybe you'd want to ask my brother, you know the one you hate so much for telling the school that your father owns it as if it is such a bad thing." She says sarcastically. "Ask what your precious role model did to him." She begins to walk away.<br/>"Stop running Ryela! Make me understand!"<br/>"I can't. You are bad for me." She is screaming back.<br/>"You think I don't know that?" I match her voice and realize I was screaming so I stop and cap her face. "I cannot seem to get anything straight when you are around me. Ryela I'm going crazy here. I am trying. I am trying to be friends with you because that is the right thing to do. I shouldn't crave you, think about you all the time, want you this bad." I breathe close to her ear lobe and I can feel her quiver. 'I know you feel it too." I move back to look at her eyes which burn with desire. My lips curl to a smile.<br/>"We..." she was out of breath and she clears her throat. "We can't…" I stop for a while.<br/>"Let me take you on a real date Ryela." I cannot believe myself right now. A real date?<br/>"I can't… We are different Logan." She says still defeated.<br/>"Different is good, just one date, and if you are not convinced, I will not ask anymore. I promise." I peer into her eyes just to ensure that she sees the sincerity in mine.<br/>"You are not listening Logan!" she lets herself rid of my touch and curls away from me. But I am. I have been listening to all what she had been telling me from the beginning. I listened when she forced me to learn her name. I listened when she said she…. Is poor like Mason? And that we are sodomisers? Her brother? Brian, the musician? No. he didn't tell the school anything. Mason? Wait, wait, pull up head. What? I stare her direction in confusion. Then it hits me.<br/>"Mason?"<br/>"Your dad hurt him Logan. He…" she doesn't need to complete that sentence for me to figure out what she had been saying all this time. The part where Mason is actually her brother and that bastard James harassed him sexually. Back to the part where Mason is her brother.<br/>"why… Have you not told me until now. Why did you lie about dating." My voice is low, hurt.<br/>"We didn't lie, you called me his girlfriend and I just played along with it." She says, her voice almost apologetic. I remember when she said we met in a similar situation. She treated me like fucking neat boy in the streets?<br/>"I have been falling apart…" I cannot believe her right now. "I have been fucking falling apart and feeling like shit for loving you." I pause and think of what I have said but at this moment, I don't think I care. "and you have been lying to me. Why?" I sit on a bench that lie recklessly and hold my face between my hands. She sits next to me and I feel weak to my knees. "You destroyed me Ryela."<br/>"I'm scared of anything that is male and not my brother. Especially if they are my brother's step family. I wasn't planning on falling for a boy in a rich family and have to deal with all those problems girls have to…" I almost laugh at her statement.<br/>"What problems Ryela? What fucking problems? You ever feel good when people judge your character because they think you are some type of way? That's what you are doing, you haven't even taken any time to really know me and I desperately wanted that, was even hoping I could know you as friends." I get up to leave and she holds my hand but I jerk it off and when I get to the escalator and remember I brought her here, I move back to find her standing at the same spot I left her.<br/>"Let's go home." She simply stares and starts walking on the opposite direction. "Not now Ryela. I need to get home and I don't have time for this."<br/>"I don't remember stopping you." Shes getting on the last of my nerves and I don't say anything but pick her up over my shoulder. She is tiny, not really a weight I struggle to carry.<br/>"What!" she starts to protest but I ignore her and keep walking as some clients stand to take pictures and some just laugh but I don't really care. I wasn't leaving her here. Not with these all boys who do not have a fucked up family that screws her brother, literary. "Let me down!"<br/>"Maybe if you stopped kicking, we would get to the car quicker and you won't have to deal with this much longer."<br/>She punches my back severally; soft blows that make me smirk. As if those were supposed to hurt me.<br/>"You are safe now. I promise your brother will be too." I say when we get to her gate. She was a bad idea anyway. I should rather focus on getting to college. I kiss her forehead and get back into my car, revving the engine..<br/>"Jaaaaames!"</p>