
First kiss

<p>"whats uuuuuup Kenyaaaa." The dude with an eye patch and pink fancy hair shows up on stage for the first time after waiting for hours listening to local musicians. I honestly think they are better at promoting the walker brand than this kid.<br/>"I am sooo buzzed!!" Rye screams beside me.<br/>"Oh yea? You haven't started dancing." I comment and smile at her mood.<br/>"You haven't asked me to." She bites her lower lip and smiles. Damn, how is she this needy right now.<br/>"Mi lady, may have this dance?" She doesn't respond, just steps away and starts jumping.<br/>"That is definitely not what I had in mind but okay." I doubt she even heard me but, I'll take it. I watch her go from the calm innocent girl staring at my eyes to this wild girl that doesn't have a care in the world.<br/>"you haven't drunk." She talks over the loud screams.<br/>"I am a light weight remember? Where is your boyfriend?" I shout back.<br/>"Whaat?" she asks and laughs. "I thought you'd have already figured it out by now. We met in a similar situation. Didn't think you were that thick." What is that supposed to mean? Met in a similar situation? I won't think about it too much. I should probably take just a few shots.<br/>"where are you going?" she screams. "Please don't leave" she pouts and stumbles on my chest then looks into my eyes, her drunk hooded eyes, how she looks up at me, how she chews on her lower lip, I can't take it I want her. All the same, she is drunk and probably can't tell apart her feelings in her drunken state.<br/>"why.." I want to ask her why she makes me feel this way, why I am this obsessed with her, why she puts me through all this need, why I cannot look at another girl the way I do her but, I don't think anything I say will make sense to her right now.<br/>"why… what?" she says.<br/>Fuuuck!! What she does to me, even when she is drunk….. daaamn.<br/>"Why do you act like it's just me that likes you? I know you wanna kiss me just as bad as I do." I lick my lips, thinking of hers on mine drives me crazy and I am soo close by now I brush on hers. I can feel her tremble beneath my arms. I can feel her lips move, wanting to be closer and parting so that I can have access, begging me to take her. I can't let her kiss me just yet. I want to punish her. For being with another man, for making me want her. I want her to feel the frustration I have had to go through for so long. She has different plans all the same. She raises her body higher and her lips press on mine. Holding the back of my neck and I lose all the self control I had. I no longer care who she is seeing or she loves. Right now, she is mine. The demon in my closet has been let out to play. She managed to lock the angel away. I equal her energy, my tongue goes on to claim hers, her tiny face fitting perfectly in my arms, capping it with one and sliding the other down to hold her waist rough I want to mark her skin. She will remember me when she wakes up. She'll think of me not that crappy brother who would rather go anywhere but where his girl is.<br/>"mmmmh.." she moans when my fingers squeeze her waist and she drops hers to my chest. I can feel my pants so tight from the bulge on them. I stop her as she pants hard and her head falls back. She is a goddess in this state. I want to kiss every inch of her body.<br/>"stop." She whispers in my ear. "Stop I'm, gonna…." She does not finish her words. I'm confused how that is possible when I didn't even touch her. Until she gags and now I get what she means. I hold her braids back and help her get her head close to the ground before she spills it to our colleagues who are already complaining and booing at us as she spills her guts. I carry her in the middle and open my car to help her in. when she is seated; I open a bottle of water that lay on the driver's cabin.<br/>"Have this." She grabs the bottle and chugs it. "daamn, slowly baby," she smiles and tones it down alittle.<br/>"Sorry, I mixed a lot." She lets out a lazy smile. "I'm good, let's go back."<br/>"No. it's alright, I don't like his pink hair anyway." I assure her. "come." I carry some throw blankets and drop a ladder on the side of my porche. I stretch my hand towards her requesting her to take it, which she does.<br/>"The breeze here is awesome."<br/>''I thought you would like it.'' I look her way, her eyes are closed and she is smiling. She looks so beautiful. What is wrong with me? I just kissed her! All that matters is she kissed me back, no actually she kissed me first.<br/>I don't want to think about it too much, its alright if we just have a quiet time and just feel the breeze.<br/>"how come you don't drink?" she questions her eyes still closed.<br/>"I do." I answer plainly.<br/>"no you don't, you throw up after a tot of a 35% liquor!" she laughs at the idea and I smile.<br/>"I think I just wanted my dad to take me seriously so much that I forgot I was a teenager. I forgot how it feels to rebel. Yet again, he is never home and I have to take care of mom most of the times. She would be devastated if I showed up drunk. Also, I do other things." I shrug and she scoots closer. I hold her head to my chest and she raises her body a bit to support her weight.<br/>"Things like what?" she is facing me her eyes wide open.<br/>"Kissing my brothers girlfriend in a concert?"<br/>"So you finally call him brother?"<br/>"Yea, for lack of a better word?"</p>