
A New Beginning: Chapter 13.

Seated upon a really comfortable sofa, surrounded by art and opulent wealth. Despite all that, my gaze is transfixed upon the goat-headed demon seated across from me. The situation is surreal since every fibre of my unfamiliar being is telling me to kill this guy. Yet I can't help but ignore the impulse, because. I like the guy, for a demon, he is the politest fellow I have met so far. Minus blondie and his crew, but they were human for the most part.

But this is a bona fide demon, straight from hell, no wait the abyss. Yeah, we got to talking a bit, a little small talk. He claims to hail from the abyss, some sort of hellish dimension. The natives of this world apparently call it the demon world. He had only arrived here a few months ago and set himself up in this town.

I gave him some bullshit story about being some rogue angel. Busted out of heaven to do my own thing. He seemed to like that since I just represented myself as a free agent. Now such pleasantries aside, it was just us two, seating across from each other. Both sipping on some truly exquisite wine. "You joined the adventurers guild as a copper plate?" He queried, already knowing the answer, yet holding the concept in disbelief.

I, on the other hand, flashed the plate and nodded in the affirmative. He shook his head, stifling a laugh at the absurdity of the situation. "An angel as an adventurer what will this material plane show me next." He muttered to himself, snickering in a manner that suggested mockery.

I let go of the rising annoyance quickly. I mean he had a point and getting mad with a demon seems unwise. "Well now about this job?" I chimed in before the topic shifted to far-of-field.

He composed himself very quickly. Once a chuckling teenager and now a dapper gentleman. "Ah yes, the job, forgive me it is a lot to process. I am now employing an angel, what will mother say." Retaining his dignified air he flutters his hands, before gulping noticeably at the mention of his mother. I decided to ignore that little quip and the growing interest in the demon. I had other more commercial priorities.

He coughed softly before continuing. "I had planned to employ some dull-witted copper plate to do some scouting. But considering the situation I shall grace you, no pun intended, with more details." He explained in a sort of haughty tone. "I have been made aware of a certain power struggle between two different cults in this area." Snapping his finger, he pulls a map out of thin air. Normally I would have been amazed, but I am an angel so yeah.

Placing the parchment on the small table, he gestures to me to observe. The map seems to be a hand-drawn local one. Depicting a mountain range to the east, some forests to the south, a city north and the settlement smack damn in the middle. His hand gestures over the southern forest, hovering over a marked location. "Here is the last known location of the cult." Pointing to the literal x marks the spot. "I wish for you to go there and monitor their movements, take note of any visitors." Lifting his gaze he watches me carefully, expecting a reply.

I continue to inspect the map, noticing a familiarity. Hoping the demon can't read minds, I ponder internally. "That location looks pretty close to where I met the cow dudes." I thought, examining my memories for any connection. Thinking back to the grimoire I resolved to read over the thing when I have time.

Nodding a few times, I decide on my next action. "Seems simple enough and the pay?" I segued to more financial considerations.

He smiled in that devilish smirk of his that made me think I was being conned. "Of course, if you want, I can cover your guild fee and pay a little extra." Offering another incentive, he withdrew a gold coin. "A token to our future, once you complete your work, it is yours." He dangles the large sum in front of me. I don't know if that is a lot, but damn it's gold so it must be worth it.

I offered my hand to shake, he reciprocated and the deal was struck. We had a few more pleasantries before I found myself outside. Map in hand I prepared for the journey. Visiting the inn, I learned my room would remain mine for the next few days. The trip would take less than a day, so I told the nice lady I would be back tomorrow.

She was kind enough to offer me some road provisions. Bread and hard biscuits were much appreciated. With my supplies ready I made my way south. Coincidentally I found myself moving through the slum area where the demon made his dwelling. There was a passage leading towards the southern forest. Moving through the filth-ridden streets, I felt strangely exposed. I knew I was an angel and possessed some decent magic. Still the shadows moving between houses irked me.

I picked up my pace, turning down a side street. Not really paying attention I slammed right into something. The object or person that practically bounced off me slowly rose to his feet. Initially confused I assessed the man and indeed he looked awfully familiar. The white priestly robes, the pointed ears and that face I had seen staring at me.

I knew the man, it was Roberto. "By all the gaming gods." I muttered blasphemously. Luckily the holy man hadn't noticed the quip. Instead, he stared up at me with that annoying expression of his. Before I can even speak, he dropped to his knees. The whole nine yards, both legs with his head to the dirt. "Your holiness, the messenger of the gods, please forgive me." He barely caught his breath, his terror made damn sure his words were muddled.

I was struck dumb; I didn't move even an inch. What was I supposed to do exactly? Some half-elf priest was cowering before me, convinced I was some divine messenger. I mean how do you even respond to that? I wonder how Jesus did it, well that's a poor example he had angels give him the four-one-one. I am an angel and as far as he was concerned, I spoke for the gods.

Collecting myself I decided to do the polite thing. "Please there is no need for the full-on kneeling." My attempt was alas pointless, he did not rise.

Still knelt he spoke softly. "Please oh holy vassal of light, allow this humble one to lower himself in contrition. I have shirked my holy duties for far too long, I had lost faith I admit it so." He pleaded rather pitifully, making the situation even more awkward. I felt like I was the preacher listening to him rattle off his sins one by one. I jerked off, I coveted thy neighbour's wife and so on. Unfortunately, I had not the benefit of a screen between us.

I had enough and so I hoisted the man to his feet. He got flustered, trying to lower his gaze in shame. Instead, I grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up. Facing the devout fellow, I spoke. "Calm down and speak plainly." I tried to converse calmly but grovelling people irritate me. I have no desire to be worshipped. I mean the expectations and responsibilities alone would drive me nuts.

He managed to barely reclaim his wits. "I have come to confess my sins, oh most holy one." He explained, shivering like a leaf. Not really wanting to chime in, I simply bid him to continue. "I have shirked my duties to the faith, I have laid with many women of the night and turned my mind towards greed. Please oh messenger of the light, forgive my transgressions." He tried to bow again, but I didn't let him.

Instead of an immediate answer to his confession, I thought a little. The suspense nearly broke the poor fool. Externally I let no emotion show while I seethed inside. "How in all the gods real and fake, was I going to get out of this?" I pondered this question for a moment. Questioning the recesses of my mind. No easy answer came to me and so I winged it. Coming out of my internal thought process, I spoke out loud. "Those don't sound that bad, but you are forgiven." I said, deciding to give the poor man an out.

My words brighten his world, his eyes light up and like a broken record he kneels. The constant abasement of my glory was getting old. I gestured him to rise and so he did again. "Are those all your sins... My child?" I asked, just trying to keep the conversation going. Awkward silences had always been my weakness. Especially silences perpetrated by kneeling priests who revere me as divine.

He thought for a second, likely collating all his wrongdoing for another bout of confession. "I have taken a life." He said with shame, the regret over his actions was plain on his face.

I recognised that expression, it was guilt pure and simple. Feeling a slight pity for the man I spoke again. "I see, do you regret the taking of a life?" I asked, already expecting the answer. He nodded, his shoulders trembling. I believe he expected me to smite him there and then. Instead, I chose to query him further. "Was this life taken in defence of yourself or another?" I questioned, trying to lead him away from the doom and gloom. He nodded again, his face lifting slightly. In response I smiled brightly, putting him at ease.

He is a good man at least as far as I could see. He willingly confessed what he saw as crimes, to a literal angel. He expressed regret over his actions and committed no sin in my opinion. "I forgive you, but in order to be free of your burden. You must forgive yourself; absolution can only be found within." Spewing some philosophical nonsense, I hoped would make me sound all holy. Luckily it worked and the metaphorical cloud hanging over him parted for the sun.

The priest smiled, his eyes alight in what could be seen as relief and reverence. "Thank you, holy one." Expressing his gratitude, he bowed again. He would have gone the whole nine yards, but I stopped him.

Given my timetable, I instructed him to accompany me on my journey to the gate. He was all too eager to follow me. Along the way, I decided to query him on everything I could think of. "Roberto, you know that my descent upon the mortal realm must be kept secret?" I said, trying to convince him to keep my presence on the down low.

He hesitated for a moment, processing my words. "But your holiness, you are a messenger of the gods, we must inform the high priests." He pleaded like some sacred mission was being hindered. I did not like this direction and could see only the trouble ahead.

With ideas of stamping down a potential religious reformation. "My message is not for the likes of them. You will keep thy secret and remain silent to my comings and goings." I spoke with an imperious tone of voice. Rising ramrod straight as to glare down at him like a domineering god. He didn't really squeak but damn did he remind me of a frightened squirrel.

He bowed low, turning his gaze to the ground. "Yes, your holiness, I shall do your will." He remained there for a time before I got the hint. I gestured for him to rise and to be at ease. He didn't but he rose so that's a plus.

Contemplating my next words, I tried to come up with a way out of this. Before a plan could take shape, a thought occurred. "Are there any others aware of my presence?" I asked, recalling that one priestess I saw in passing.

He didn't even take the time to think. "Lady Galinda has seen your visage; she came to me and so confirmed your holiness had descended." In reply to my question, he confirmed my fears. Another denizen of this settlement was aware of me.

I quickly eliminated the rising fear, only just barely. "I see, well ensure she keeps this to herself. I may have need of both of you." I closed a potential leak and gave them a little encouragement. I believe I would make a decent angel.

His smile was wide and joyful, it was if I had just won the lottery. I suppose from a religious point of view he did. Too bad I am likely not even part of his religion... or was I. Shelving these big-time thoughts I shifted to the task at hand. "Well, I am off to do angel stuff. So, you do what you normally do ok." I said, giving him a ham-fisted little out for myself. He acknowledged it with the grace and poise of a zealot.

The dude creeped me out so I bid him farewell and left. Making my way towards the gate, I left the settlement without incident. Yes, the gate had only one guard and the was sleeping on the job. I woke him up and he just gestured for me to leave before returning to slumber. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, I left.

Once I was a good deal far enough, I unfurled my wings and took flight. There were several rests in between. But finally, did I arrive at my destination? I got lost a few times but that is neither here nor there. Based on the map I was given; I was just north of this cult's last location. Moving through the brush I peeked out into a clearing. Lo, and behold I found a cave's entrance.

In front of the cave were two menacing cow people, I mean minotaurs. Two lit torches stood on either side of the entrance and the minotaurs stood guard, all decked out in weaponry. "This looks promising." I muttered softly, before going into full PI mode, absent a camera and some cheating husband. Thinking on what is the best vantage point to spy, I looked around to only see bad options. Most of the surroundings were foliage and skinny trees. My current location was not bad, but if I moved, I would make too much sound.

Thinking about the problem, an idea came to me while looking up at the tall trees. Moving further away, I again unfurled my wings and took flight. Soaring above, I landed and perched myself atop a tree like a bird. It took a few tries to land correctly but eventually, I got it. Seated on a wide branch I cast my gaze downwards. I was pretty high up but had perfect vision.

Concentrating I noticed my vision shifted, zooming in on my targets. "Woah telescopic vision." I muttered, marvelling at the sight. I could see the two guards so clearly as if they were right in front of me. I settled in for the long haul, spying on the cavern.

Time passed, almost three hours and my boredom started to eat away at me. "I am getting paid for this." I said on repeat like a mantra. Still despite that, it was unbearably dull. Just like me, the guards seemed to have succumbed.

Using my enhanced hearing, another angelic boon, I listened in on their conversation. "I am bored!" The larger one on the left bellowed.

His companion sighed with a wisp of air from his nostrils. "You can take it up with the boss." The smaller one replied.

The larger guard tensed, before relaxing. "Fine but what are they doing in there?" He asked, shifting his gaze to the darkened entrance.

"The same old, spells and rituals. Summoning demons I think." He explained before spitting on the ground. The cowman was rather uncouth, I suspected he was just a mercenary.

I had thoughts to just snipe them, but of course, I was on a clandestine spy mission. I can't just keep killing the cow people. Cow lives matter too and I probably won't get paid. Woah some angel I am, considering murder, working for a demon and have become super racist to cow people. In my defence, they did threaten to kill and eat me. They also work for demon worshippers and I am working for an actual demon. Damn, morality is getting really murky as of late.

While my little existential crisis is going on. I noticed some other dudes approaching the cave. A bunch of wannabe edgy demonists from the looks of it. They are all covered in black robes, grouped together like some cult. They are surrounded by what looks to be human mercenaries. I see a few animal people mixed in, but most seem human. I wonder what these pricks want, I hope they aren't coming for an orgy.