
Angel: The Enslaved Alpha

Angel was an alpha wolf of the wulfblood clan, captured and enslaved by Antonio Rufus, a mafia boss for more than a decade. He grew up learning to blend in, obey, and act broken while devising a means to escape. The only ally he had in the household was Antonio Rufus' niece, Nadia, but she was not always good. When Xavier and Cole Miller came to break him and others out of his bondage, he took Nadia with him with the aim to reverse their role. But his passion for her was like wildfire. Coming to terms with the new world, he discovered freedom was not entirely what he had imagined. And having Nadia with him was a comforting habit he was not ready to admit to. But then when an all-out war with a group of humans who hated his kind looms, he tried to make Nadia leave, making her believe her sins were not something he could forgive. Would she fall for his trick? Or would she discover there was something else at play and stay to fight alongside him as his Luna?

DaoistDINFde · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Chapter Two

Nadia winced when the door was pulled open and Daniel walked in. The sight of her cousin should have brought her comfort but it didn't – it never did. And it was even worse now because she had betrayed her family. And now everyone is getting killed. And with the look on Daniel's face, it was evident he knew what she had done.

"Dan!" she exclaimed as he rushed for her, landing a hard slap across her face. She saw stars and cried out in pain. He held her by the neck and slammed her against the side wall, knocking the breath out of her. He was a brawny brute, six feet tall, and she was a mere five feet six inches, weighing 60kg – a great disadvantage. He lifted her from the floor making her legs dangle. His face was red with rage and his blue eyes were burning with murder.

"You cunt! You slept with Angel! You let that animal touch you!" he raged. "You actually let that animal put his cock inside you!"

"Whuu..." Nadia managed to croak. He was attacking her for sleeping with Angel?! How did he find out about that?!

"You gave your body to that animal!" he continued to rage as he reached for the front of her dress and ripped it apart. The fabric tore into her skin. She gagged. She couldn't breathe and her lungs burned from lack of air. Her eyes water.

Dan threw her to the bed, giving her a moment to drag in air. Nadia went into a coughing fit. Reaching up to touch her bruised neck. Dan grabbed her ankles, and pulled her down as he tore her panties off of her, he then straddled her.

"I'm going to show you just how we treat those savage animals and their lovers around here!" he rasped as he slapped her again, causing her to cry out, then grabbed her by the hair forcing her knees apart.

"Please, stop!" she croaked.

"Shut up! You whore!" he raged, shouting close to her face, and getting his saliva all over her. He held her by the throat, causing her to tilt her bed back as he choked her.

Nadia shook hard on the bed hating her weakness in the face of his brute force. Then she realized her hands were free. She reared up and clawed at his face, succeeding in jabbing his left eye with her thumb.

Dan let out a pain-filled grunt, letting her go for about a second and then he punched her hard by the side of the face. She fell back on the bed dazed.

Fighting to stay conscious, she could feel his cock about to penetrate her now. Her body shook with pain, humiliation and powerlessness. She took a deep breath bracing herself for the defilement that was about to happen then Dan's weight was no longer pressing her down to the mattress.

She heard a loud growl and a threatening snarl, and then Dan croaked, "You animal! You bastard! You fucked my cousin!"

Nadia swallowed slowly, and blinked, fighting to see, then she saw a broad, muscular back. 'Angel—' his name echoed in her head and she shook with tears and managed to drag herself to a corner of the bed with her arms wrapped around her naked chest. Her shoulders shook as she sobbed. 'He has saved her. Angel had saved her—' she cried silently.

Taking a deep breath, she forced her now swollen lids open and saw Angel holding Dan up by the throat with just one hand.

"Don't kill him! They will kill you, Angel, run!" Nadia whispered. Scared for Angel even in her state. She just wanted him gone and far away from where they could hunt him again. If he kills Dan, they will never stop hunting for him.

"Go Angel, run!" she whispered trying to rise from the bed but she felt light-headed and she could barely see. Her throat hurt and her head was pounding as if it was about to explode.

A minute before when Angel perceived Daniel's scent mixing with Nadia's, and the tinge of the violent lust that often radiated from the bastard, he had imagined the worst. He had thought Dan was raping another human captive he had missed and Nadia was there with him. But then, right after he smelled her fear, her piercing scream resounded through the hallways. He had broken into a run then, ramming against the door of her bedroom and completely pulling it out of its hinges.

Then he saw Nadia with torn clothes, bruised, and naked on the bed and Dan was right on top of her with his hands wrapped around her neck, raging on about Nadia letting him fuck her.

Rage so profound tore through Angel. He'd grabbed the man by the shoulder and jerked him off of her. Nadia, even though terribly hurt, had quickly scrambled to a corner crying quietly.

Angel held the young man by the mouth to keep him from making a noise and watched as his eyes widened as it dawned on him who had barged in. He blanched and Angel smiled - a cold deadly one. He started to wiggle but it was no use. Angel was stronger and taller. Using one hand to cover Dan's mouth, and the other to grip his neck, he let him dangle like a rag doll.

Angel hadn't believed it when Kurt had warned him he might get Nadia in trouble. He must confess, he had been more focused on how he could use her to get the hell out of this hell hole, and little of the possibility of her getting hurt by her own family.

He recalled how Daniel had ogled her chest a few weeks before and had hoped then that the bastard was just being the pervert he was. He never actually imagined he would want to fuck his own cousin. But then this was Daniel Antonio Rufus.

With all the women he had raped to death in this shithole – human women, children, she-wolves, and even young male pups, he should have known he would resort to this. He doubted the fucker even had a soul. Nadia was his blood he supposed that didn't worth shit!

He bet the bastard had thought to use the chaos as an excuse to commit this detestable act.

"Nadia—" Angel called in a deep harsh tone.

"Don't hurt him. It will only make them come after you, please—" Nadia pleaded.

"Did he rape you?" Angel asked. His voice was icy cold.

"He was going to—" she sobbed. "You stopped him—"

"Bring out your phone I need you to video this," Angel said and Nadia crawled to her bedside table taking her phone with shaky hands.

"Ready?" Angel asked.

"Yes … " Nadia whispered.

"Don't you dare look away," Angel said and that was the only warning she got before Angel rushed to the sidewall and pressed Dan against it. Using the hand he used to hold his neck to cover his mouth, he released his neck then and slammed him hard against the wall, holding him only by the face. Nadia gasped.

"Angel! Please! They will kill you!" Nadia cried.

Angel ignored her and kept hitting the young man's head against the wall until there was an imprint of blood splattered on the wall. Then he half shifted and said, "That was for touching Nadia—and this is for Blaze and every other innocent you raped and killed—" he said, sounding different because of his bared teeth. He stabbed his claws into Dan's stomach, bringing out his gut. The younger man let out a quiet gasp and twitched violently. Angel watched until his face went frozen in death with eyes widened in a blank stare. Nadia vomited hard on the foot of the bed.

Angel let Dan's body slip to the floor and he stood there for about a minute, watching his blood soaking the area rug before he stepped back and turned to Nadia, her face was swollen and blood was streaming down the side of her temple. His heart constricted. His fist tightened, and he shut his eyes briefly to suppress a violent surge of anger in him.

Regardless of all the shit that was happening, she was his mate. But that didn't mean she wouldn't taste his retribution. 'Are you certain that is the only reason for this plan?' a treacherous voice resounded in his head. He shook it off, walked to the bathroom to get a towel and came back to use it to clean the blood on her face and temple. His jaw stayed clenched.

"Go, Angel. You can still get away. They must not find you here, please," she muttered. He ignored her and left to go into the walk-in closet to pick out a cotton dress with a woolen hood jacket for her. He came back, trying hard to ignore her beautiful naked body, he wore the dress for her. And lifted her off of the bed.

"Angel, what are you doing? Where are you taking me?"

"You think that I was going to let you go free with just a pat on the wrist? You thought by showing simple human decency that I would spare you?"

"Angel—" she whispered and her chest quivered. Raising a shaky hand to cup the side of his strong jaw, her eyes darted in their sockets as fresh tears streamed down her face. Her bruises stung with contact with the salty tears. "Angel, what are you saying?"

"You are never to say my name ever again. I'm your master from here on, and you will do well to remember it," Angel said, looking straight into her eyes. His voice was low and harsh, and his eyes were cold slits.

"What?" Nadia whispered, giving him hurried, keen scrutiny. "You tricked me? You deceived me," she said as if she had just gotten a sudden discernment, sounding pained.

"Maybe I did," Angel said.

"I don't believe you---" she replied in barely a whisper.

"You will … soon enough, Nadie," Angel mocked, calling her by the name he used for her whenever they were intimate. Her heart tightened with pain. She had trusted him, and believed he had forgiven her!

"Let go of me!" she called out barely audibly, whimpering as she began to struggle, albeit weakly, trying to wiggle out of his steely hold, but it was no use. She felt like a fish caught in the net and flipping uselessly. He was strong — too strong for her.

Angel tried to hold her still without using too much force, seeing she was hurt already. But she continued to struggle, rubbing her full, luscious breast against his chest, making him remember what she looked like naked, and atop him with her breathtaking beauty on display. His cock stirred. He cursed.

"Cut it out, Nadie! Or I will fuck you right here and then knock you out!" Angel snarled close to her face. Nadia's heart shook and constricted. The cold way he said that to her felt exactly like when Dan was trying to take her by force.

"Damn you!" she said between sobs.

"Yes, Nadie, I am truly damned and you would know about that, wouldn't you? That's the only warning you will be getting out of me," he said in that low husky tone of his.

It dawned on her that he might actually mean it; he might actually mean her harm. She let out an ear-piercing scream. Angel placed a large hand over her mouth, covering her nose as well, he blocked her air supply, watching her struggle with a hurt-filled gaze until her eyes rolled back in their sockets, and she fainted, slumping against his chest. He then threw her over his shoulder and left the room.