
Angel of Eternity

Elijah Lighton awakens in the supernatural world before he comes to realize that his life so far was just a vacation from who he truly is. After an encounter with an Angel Elijah discovers about this other life he has been living without even knowing it and while he comes to terms with who he is he must also fulfill his responsibility.

Starbrand29 · ファンタジー
3 Chs


As they entered the throne room all the chatter died down, there were a few elders within the throne hall but at the center of the table was the head of the Lighton family himself Julian Lighton, Daniel and his family bowed reverently as they said, "family head" and Julian simply smiled and laughed saying,

"Brother this isn't a formal gathering, younhavent been summoned by the family so there is no need to be all formal," as he said that he left the table and came towards Daniel, he wrapped his brother in a hug as he said, "it's good to see you come home," after that he turned to the family and he said, "how's my sister in law and my dear nephew and niece, come join us for evening tea."

He said as the family aides. Brought more tables to the table to accommodate the four of them, after he had taken his seat once more the four of them also took their seats on the table, "it's so rare that you come home brother even though I gave you an open invitation to come by as often as you possible could." Said Julian,

"I'm the chief warrior of the family brother, my family is the head of the warriors so there is no reason I would be ignoring my duties, family rules cannot be bent for a few and you expect the rest to follow them. I maybe the second most powerful nephilim in the Lighton family but that doesn't mean rules do not apply to me." Replied Daniel which recieved approval from all the elders on the table.

"Okay, enough of that I know your schedule is a busy one young brother so you must have come here for a reason, tell me what can the family do for you." At that point all the elders paid attention, that was the might of Daniel Lighton. Although he wasnt the family head, when he spoke people listened. If he ventured into the family on his own without an invitation that would only mean his reason for coming isn't a simple one.

"Eight years ago the Archangel Gabriel descended on Lighton estate and instructed me to seek out and adopt a young boy by the name of Elijah living in an orphanage." Started Daniel, "we didn't know why this child was special but it prompted the descent of an Archangel so he was found and adopted into the family granting him the lighton name and heritage." He said,

"We remember brother, if I'm not mistaken he made eighteen years old close to two months ago but the elders council held off his awakening ceremony as the family investigations branch attempted to find out more about him. We gave reason that after he is awakened into the lighton name there would be no taking it back so we sought to know all we could about him before then.

The family Investigations department aren't done with their search brother so we cannot perform his awakening ceremony if that is what had brought you here, we all agreed to hold off and I remember you were one of the hands that voted for this decision during fhr council meeting two months ago." Said Julian,

"I know brother, I remember the choice we made and I'm not here to undo that decision," said Daniel, "I'm here to report to the elders council that Elijah Lighton has awaken his nephilim powers on his own without family assistance, he is a true nephilim now."

"What!" Responded all the elders at the same time, "that's not possible" added Julian but in that very instant Daniel said, "I recieved this footage from the guardian spirit of the city before we flew to this location," he said as his eyes turned white with light and light was projected on the table.

The projection was Eli running away from the people tailing him into an alley where he fell into an ambush they had set up for him, the people tailing him suddenly transformed into half human half monstrous beings prompting one of the elders to say "Cambions, how dare those infernal beings attack a lighton" no one objected to his rage for even if Eli wasn't related to them by blood he still carried the name.

Any offense against him was an offence against the lighton family, the monsters surrounded Eli and just when they were about to attack Eli, a streak of light descended from the sky and landed on him, it happened so fast that it was possible the monsters didn't see it.

However nephilim were sensitive to light so they noticed it, after it landed on him Eli seemed to start glowing, his body was giving off low level energy wavesinthe form of concentric silver ripples of light, sudenely when the monsters attacked he exploded in a triple ripple of silver light and two silver white wings emerged on his back, the right wing defended him against the first monster attack and the rest were driven off by the ripples of silver white light.

The monsters seemed shocked and looked around in search of something before Daniel and his family arrived and surrounded the alley, the monsters grew more angry releasing demonis energy to counter the celestial radiance of the nephilim, suddenly thr lightons descended and thr monsters turned into animal form meaning they had assumed their true forms.

That however didn't deter the lightons from massacring the monster hordes in a matter of seconds, the elders seemed pleased by the actions they were seeing. The honor of the Lighton family had been defended and the lightons didn't even use their strongest abilities to deal with these cambion.

However as pleasing as that felt, one thing still had them wondering, they all knew what that ray of light that descended on Eli was, they had all recieved that ray of light, that ray of light was representative of the Angel's blessing. However the Angel's blessing doesn't just descend to the mortal realm as easily as one would expect.

Normally for the blessing of the Angel to descend it needs to be summoned a d summoning an Angel took atleast five to ten powerful nephilim all working together to harmonize their voices to the Angel's of heaven, at that time the Angel responsible for the awakening candidate would sent a sliver of his power to descend onto the candidate effectively turning them into a nephilim.

The process wouldn't just work kn anyone though as the candidate needed to have angelic blood flowing through their veins first, there were two ways to make that happen, one was the candidate needed to be born of nephilim parents so they naturally inherited the blood of Angel's from their parents, the second option was that one needed to be chosen by the angel at birth so the angel gifts then a drop of its blood.

That single drop of Angel blood would saturate into the child's body as the child grew effectively replacing the child's human blood with Angelic blood, there was no other way to turn someone into a nephilim, previously inorder to grow the numbers of nephilim, some nephilim families had attempted to give blood transfusions to humans hoping to introduce angelic blood into their bodies.

However while Nephilim blood can heal a mortal of all their ailments that was all it did, the Nephilim blood would wash out of their system in a matter of days, three at the most and for one to undergo the awakening process they needed to be in their best condition, by the time the mortals returned to their best condition the nephilim blood was long gone from their system.

They even tried introducing Angelic blood into other supernaturals but the end result was that the person given the transfusion always died, the reason was that other supernaturals had supernatural blood flowing through their veins so introducing Angel blood incited a conflict between the two supernatural powers and the result was the death of the host.

This action was deemed so vile that the Nephilim family that performed this action was punished by the Angel's, their punishment was that they were stripped of all their power and turned into mortals, they would never be supernatural ever again. After that happened the nephilim stopped looking for ways to increase their numbers, that one proved that the Angels were always watching them.

Yet in all of their history no one has ever awakened on their own without an awakening ceremony, Eli wasn't the first person to invite the descent of an Angel, that happened many times, although it wasn't common, it was still known. At most the person selected would become a powerful nephilim however they could never inherit family leadership because they lacked the blood relation.

In most cases these geniuses went forth to create their own nephilim families but still it was known to happen but no one had ever even heard of someone awakening on their own. This was strange, Julian and the elders then followed Daniel and his family to the resting room of Elijah Lighton.

As a lighton he had a room with his name on it within the Lighton estate, his room was ofcourse within Daniel's quarters since he came form Daniel's family, each family leader bad a quarters to themselves and if Ethan were to get married he too would get a wing assigned to him and his family.

Within Daniel's quarters the entourage entered Eli's room and found him resting onop of his bed where the family aids had placed him, everyone realized that Eli had started glowing silver once again, it wasn't unusual for nephilim to glow but this proved without any reasonable doubt that he was a nephilim now.

He should be going through his inheritance process at the moment but still it was close to impossible for them to believe. Not only had he awakened on his own but he remained conscious even after awakening for an extended period of time, normally after awakening a nephilim instantly enters the inheritance process so they remain unconscious of at least one or two days.

However as they watched Eli simply opened his eyes as he regained consciousness, it was just a few hours and he wa already done with his inheritance, this was either too good or there was something wrong with his inheritance. As for Eli afterhepasse out he reappeared somewhere, it was a hospital ward and from the appearance of it a maternity ward.

There were several women that had just give birth in the ward and he was moving through them, none of them seemed to notice him though. As he entered thrfolowng ward he noticed something strange, this ward was filled with women that had complications during their labour as most of them were on Oxygen tanks and drips,